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Showing Collections: 181 - 200 of 266

Mary McDermott Shideler papers

Identifier: IWA0404

Theologian, writer and lecturer whose work encompassed religious theology, philosophy and psychology.

Dates: 1900-2000

Maude Esther White papers

Identifier: IWA0196

Founder of the Des Moines Tutoring Center, and Iowa's first Affirmative Action administrator from 1973 to 1978.

Dates: 1957-1996

McGill Family papers

Identifier: IWA0543

The collection consists mainly of correspondence and includes the papers of early twentieth century labor activist, IWW member, and Buffalo school teacher, Pearl McGill.

Dates: 1885-2005

Mildred "Micki" Zeller papers

Identifier: IWA0722

Costume designer and avid traveler whose papers include an extensive collection of slides, related travel diaries, and materials pertaining to the Iran Hostage Crisis.

Dates: 1946-2000

Millington F. Carpenter Papers

Identifier: RG99.0052

Professor of English at University High School, 1922-1950. Taught literature at University of Iowa, 1950-1964. Correspondence, course material, speeches.

Dates: 1903-1961

Milton Monroe Reigelman: Collection on The Midland

Identifier: MsC0329

Collector and scholar. Chiefly correspondence assembled in preparing his A Study of the Midland Magazine: 1915-1933 (1973) and The Midland: a Venture in Literary Regionalism (1975).

Dates: 1917-1973

Miriam Baker Nye papers

Identifier: IWA0311

Moville, Iowa, farm wife and columnist for the Sioux City Farm Journal Weekly.

Dates: 1938-1996

Modesta and Genaro Garnica papers

Identifier: IWA0885

Davenport family that emigrated from Mexico in the 1910s.

Dates: 1949-2004

Morrell Meat Packing Company Collection

Identifier: MsC0100

Business and personal correspondence, account books, statements, and other records, relating to the meat packing company particularly in Liverpool, England, and Ottumwa, Iowa; and papers, including some of Thomas Dove Foster.

Dates: 1850-1953; Majority of material found within 1850-1932

Myrtilla F. Levin papers

Identifier: IWA0032

Active in the Republican Party, mayor of Newton, Iowa, and executive director of Iowa Business Council.

Dates: 1971-2010

Naomi Novick papers

Identifier: IWA0667

Iowa City city councilor from 1990 to 1997. Chosen twice to serve as mayor.

Dates: 1922-2016

National Organization for Women, Des Moines Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0014

Feminist activist organization records.

Dates: 1971-1987

Nature Conservancy Iowa Chapter Records

Identifier: MsC0379
Scope and Contents

Records of the Iowa chapter of the Nature Conservancy.

Dates: 1953-1979; Majority of material found within 1960-1979

Newell Willard Bixby Papers

Identifier: MsC0253

Minister of the Free Will Baptist Church in Lodomillo Township, Clayton County , Iowa. Private journals and church records.

Dates: 1827-1894

Nicholas Meyer Papers

Identifier: MsC0425

Screenwriter and director. Typescripts, screenplays, correspondence, clippings, proofs, photographs, etc.

Dates: 1945-2015; Majority of material found within 1980-1999

Nile C. Kinnick Papers

Identifier: MsC0112

Student leader, scholar, and athlete from Iowa. Correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, speeches, photographs, articles, etc.

Dates: 1935-1991

Off and Holsteen Family papers

Identifier: IWA0306

Two generations of an eastern Iowa family, many generations of which attended the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1864-1970

Olabelle Reed papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0343

Teacher, community activist, and co-founder of Club Les Dames, an African American women's club in Waterloo.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1935-1997

Oneita Griggs Fisher papers

Identifier: IWA0855

Newspaper columnist and writer from Washington County, Iowa, who was interested in conservation and historic preservation.

Dates: 1932-1967

Otilia Gomez Savala papers

Identifier: IWA0827

Davenport woman raised in the Cook's Point neighborhood, whose parents emigrated from Mexico in the early twentieth century.

Dates: 1937-2014

Filtered By

  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Iowa Women's Archives 157
University of Iowa Special Collections 86
University of Iowa Archives 23
Correspondence 264
Archives (groupings) 234
Photographs 156
Personal papers 146
20th century 137
∨ more
Iowa 79
Diaries 63
2001-2010 61
Families 58
Iowa City (Iowa) 53
Scrapbooks 52
Clippings (information artifacts) 45
Speeches 43
Cultural artifacts 38
College students 37
Oral histories 37
Sound recordings 34
Rural women 32
English literature 31
Women in agriculture 31
American literature 30
Teachers 30
Writers Archive at Iowa 30
Memoirs 27
Autobiographies 23
Video recordings 22
Farm life 21
Women -- Political activity 21
Women lawyers 21
World War, 1939-1945 21
Authors 20
Women -- 19th century 20
1991-2000 19
1981-1990 17
Farmers 17
Homemakers 17
Teaching 17
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 17
Des Moines (Iowa) 16
Articles 15
Manuscripts (documents) 15
Photograph albums 15
Volunteers 15
Women and War 15
Yearbooks 15
Family papers 14
Rural families 14
1971-1980 13
Drawings (visual works) 13
Legislators 13
Slides (photographs) 13
Voyages and travels 13
Women in education 13
College teachers 12
Drafts (documents) 12
High school students 12
Soldiers 12
University of Iowa -- Administration 12
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 12
2011-2020 11
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 11
Marriage 11
Typescripts 11
Women -- Societies and clubs 11
Administrative records 10
Community activists 10
Journalists 10
Publishers and publishing 10
1941-1950 9
African American women 9
African American women -- Iowa 9
Autograph albums 9
Poets 9
Political campaigns 9
Political participation 9
Postcards 9
Ames (Iowa) 8
Biographies 8
Lawyers 8
Women 8
Women in higher education 8
Women in journalism 8
World War, 1914-1918 8
Authors, American 7
Business records 7
Businesswomen 7
Civil rights 7
Davenport (Iowa) 7
Editors 7
Fiction -- Authorship 7
Financial records 7
Galley proofs 7
Immigrant families 7
Novelists 7
Posters 7
Social participation 7
Women in church work 7
1901-1910 6
Business enterprises 6
City council members 6
+ ∧ less
Dutch; Flemish 1
State University of Iowa 25
University of Iowa 19
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 5
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 5
Republican Party (Iowa) 5
∨ more
White family 5
Democratic Party (Iowa) 4
University of Iowa. Department of History 4
American Association of University Women 3
Daughters of the American Revolution 3
Grinnell College 3
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 3
Iowa State College 3
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 3
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 3
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 3
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 3
University of Iowa. Department of English 3
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 3
American National Red Cross 2
Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962 2
Day, Cornelia, 1919-2004 2
Drake University 2
Ellsworth Community College (Iowa Falls, Iowa) 2
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 2
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 2
Kinnick, Nile C. (Nile Clarke), 1918-1943 2
Mason, Kären 2
Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays 2
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 2
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 2
Republican National Convention 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
Shambaugh, Benjamin Franklin, 1871-1940 2
Shrauger family 2
Shrauger, Harold, Sr. 2
United States. Department of Agriculture 2
United States. Navy 2
White, Stanley V., 1901- 2
Ackley, Charles Thomas 1
Albia Woman's Club (Albia, Iowa) 1
Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1
Amana Society 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Bar Association 1
American College Testing Program 1
American Mothers, Inc. 1
American Theological Society 1
Ames Middle School (Ames, Iowa) 1
Amtrak 1
Andersonville Prison 1
Antioch Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Army Specialized Training Program (U.S.) 1
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 1
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Company 1
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Atlantic Refining Company 1
Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967 1
Attlee, Felicity 1
Attlee, Martin 1
Attlee, Violet 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Bailey, Henry B. 1
Baker, Carl (poet) 1
Baldridge, Alfred E. 1
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Bartley, Joy Hedges 1
Beck, Jennie, 1903- 1
Beisswenger family 1
Beisswenger, Don 1
Beisswenger, Joyce, 1930-2002 1
Beisswenger, Judy 1
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.) 1
Bettendorf Public Library (Bettendorf, Iowa) 1
Biklen, Wayne 1
Biklen, Wayne M. 1
Birgen family 1
Birgen, Lorinda "Laura", 1898-1963 1
Birgen, Martina 1
Bissell, Bess G., 1908-1970 1
Bixby, Newell W. 1
Bixby, Newell Willard 1
Bixler, Genevieve Knight 1
Blackhawk Foundry and Machine Company 1
Blackhawk Foundry and Machine Company (Davenport, Iowa) 1
Blair, Amos S. 1
Blees, Robert 1
Bloomfield, Clarice 1
Bohnen, Salesian Father Laurent 1
Bollinger, James W. (James Wills), 1867-1951 1
Bonney, Josiah 1
Bonney, Josiah H., 1817-1887 1
Boone High School (Boone, Iowa) 1
Booth, T. E. 1
Booth, Thomas Eyre, 1842-1927 1
Bourret, Joan Liffring-Zug (1929-2022) 1
Bowen, Howard R. 1
+ ∧ less