Showing Collections: 181 - 200 of 1776
Buildings and Grounds Vertical Files
Burchard Family papers
The family lived in New York state until 1862 when they moved to Illinois before settling in Iowa in 1910. The diaries are from several generations.
Burlington Clubwomen's Time Capsule records
Time capsule documenting women's community involvement, as captured in 1896 and 1946.
Business and Industrial Placement Office Records
Byron Farwell Papers
Author and military historian. Primarily manuscripts including various drafts, galleys, and proofs for eleven of his books. Also contains draftof book reviews, short stories, and articles along with some subject files.
Byron McClain Letters
Letters to McClain's family in Wilton Junction, Iowa, telling of experiences in Tennessee with the 2nd Regiment of Iowa Cavalry.
C. Pauline Spencer papers
An outstanding athlete and the first woman to receive an athletic letter at the University of Iowa. She graduated in 1923.
Calendar Committees Records
California & Western Conference Cost & Statistical Study Collection
Calvin Kentfield Papers
Iowa writer. Manuscript for The Alchemist's Voyage and various clippings and tear sheets. Iowa Author Mss.
Campaign for Academic Freedom Records
The papers of the Campaign for Academic Freedom are comprised of news clippings, texts of speeches/rallies, petitions, correspondence, and an extensive array of documents relating to all aspects of the Board of Regents, University of Iowa governance, and the Sexually Explicit Materials Policy.The organization maintained records of almost every aspect of its work, including posters and logos disseminated throughout the campus. In addition to the printed documents, the collection contains a computer disk. For an additional note on that electronic record, please see the corresponding folder (Box 3).The documents attest to perhaps one of the most passionate debates to arise on the University of Iowa campus in the 1990s.
Campaign to Add Women to the Iowa Constitution records
Organization formed to work for passage of Iowa state ERA.
Campus Advisory Committee Records
Campus Planning Committee Records
Candace Packard Lambie papers
Officer in local and state chapters of the League of Women Voters and Daughters of the American Revolution.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Carl and Laura White papers
Letters to Iowa resident Laura Birgen from Carl White who served in the U.S. Army in France during and after World War I.
Carl Glick Papers
Story writer, playwright and film script writer, author of books for adults and children, Glick is best remembered for his books about the Chinese in America.
Carl Van Vechten Papers
23 photographs of Doris Julian, Stephen Van Ophuigsen, Coleman Dowell, Jose Quintero and others; 16 photograph postcards including Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas; 75 photographs of celebrities (lacking no. 18); several drafts and related correspondence for Gertrude Stein: An Epilogue.
Carol Gorman Papers
Author of books for young adults and teacher. Preliminary drafts of her writings.
Carol Hodne papers
Iowa farm activist who served as the first executive director of the North American Farm Alliance during the farm crisis of the 1980s.