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Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 52

Gretchen Anton Coy papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0234

Artist and teacher in Okoboji, Iowa, who participated in the Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical Program during World War II.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1943-1995

Harriet Adeline Stevens papers

Identifier: IWA0707

Teacher of nutrition education and dietetics; U. S. Army Second Lieutenant who served as a medical hospital dietician at Camp Gordon, Georgia during World War II.

Dates: 1928-1994

Helene Scriabine papers

Identifier: IWA0080

Author and Professor Emeritus of Russian at the University of Iowa, who emmigrated to the United States after surviving the siege of Leningrad in 1941.

Dates: 1940-1996

Iowa Nurses' Association records

Identifier: IWA0023

State branch of the national organization. The overall purpose of the association has been to promote and improve the professional skills and status of nurses.


Administrative Records, 1904-1989 (boxes 1-18) American Nurses Association, 1928-1989 (boxes 18-24) Committees, 1933-1989 (boxes24-34) Continuing Education, 1955-1989 (boxes 34-36) Conventions, 1904-1989 (boxes 37-44) Districts, 1920-1984 (boxes44-48) Economic Security,1946-1989(boxes 48-57) Iowa League for Nursing,1913-1980 (boxes 57-61 Iowa Organizations, 1926-1989 (boxes 61-68) Membership, 1904-1988 (boxes 68-70) Publications, 1917-1985 (box71) Sections, 1940-1984 (boxes 71-77) Student Nurses Association, 1949-1984 (boxes 77-78) Photographs, 1918-1987 (boxes 78-79) Artifacts, 1981-1988 (box 80) Audiotapes, 1974-1987 (box 81) Oversize, 1916-1987 (box 82 and container 83)

Dates: 1904-1989

Joiner Family papers

Identifier: IWA0815

Iowa family that corresponded during World War II.

Dates: 1941-1945

June Lundy Boyd papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0479

Memoir describes growing up and teaching in southwestern Iowa, Lundy's wartime wedding and subsequent life in Knoxville, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 2002

Laura F. Hutchison Davis papers

Identifier: IWA0075

Social worker in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, from the 1930s though the 1960s.

Dates: 1869-1993

Louane Newsome papers

Identifier: IWA0213

Armed Services librarian during World War II, and University of Iowa professor in the School of Library and Information Science.

Dates: 1938-2004

Louise Liers papers

Identifier: IWA0570

World War I Army nurse from Clayton, Iowa.

Dates: 1911-1983

Magdalena "Helen" Tylee papers

Identifier: IWA0471

A German war bride who came to Iowa in 1922. During World War II she ran the family farm while her husband was serving in the armed forces.

Dates: 1917-1988

Margaret Langland Johnson papers

Identifier: IWA0816

Nurse who served in the Army Nurse Corps during World War II.

Dates: 1925-1972

Marion Cox Lichty papers

Identifier: IWA0116

Waterloo, Iowa native who served in the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps during World War II and then in the United States Air Force Reserve.

Dates: 1942-1989

Marjorie Vandervelde papers

Identifier: IWA0375

Photojournalist and writer who lived with Cuna Indians on the San Blas Islands to learn their culture and traditions.

Dates: 1837-2008

Mary Frances Reger-Wilkinson papers

Identifier: IWA0501

Social worker who worked for the American National Red Cross during and after World War II.

Dates: 1942-2002

Mary Jane Parsons papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0517

Reflections on her pioneer life from Rochester, New York to Dakota City, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1935

Mary Sears McHenry papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0423

Diary and account book of the bride of a Civil War officer.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1865-1998

Myrtle Kitchell Aydelotte papers

Identifier: IWA0036

Professor of nursing,1957-1976, dean of the College of Nursing, 1949-1957, and director of nursing for the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics,1968-1976.


The 2004 accession is shelved in boxes 47-50.The total number of boxes in the collection is 52.

Dates: 1934-2001

Ortha P. Neff papers

Identifier: IWA0561

Red Cross staff member who was stationed in Okinawa and Hawaii during World War II.

Dates: 1944-2006

Pauline Lyon papers

Identifier: IWA0202

Waterloo, Iowa, native who served in WAVES during World War II and later worked for the American Red Cross.

Dates: 1884-1994

Peg Mullen papers

Identifier: IWA0082

Anti-Vietnam War activist whose son, Michael, was killed by 'friendly fire' in Vietnam in 1970.


Copies of the hardcover and paperback versions of "Friendly Fire" and a hardcover copy of "Unfriendly Fire: A Mother's Memoir" are shelved in the printed works collection.

Dates: 1966-2010

Filtered By

  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women and War X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Archives (groupings) 46
20th century 41
Personal papers 39
Photographs 34
World War, 1939-1945 32
∨ more
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 22
Memoirs 20
Oral histories 20
Correspondence 15
Diaries 14
2001-2010 13
Autobiographies 13
Iowa City (Iowa) 13
Scrapbooks 12
Families 10
Photograph albums 10
Rural women 10
Soldiers 10
World War, 1914-1918 10
Women in agriculture 9
Cultural artifacts 8
Iowa 8
Sound recordings 8
Women -- 19th century 7
World War, 1914-1918 -- Women 7
Authors 6
Des Moines (Iowa) 6
Nurses 6
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 6
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 6
Women -- Societies and clubs 6
1991-2000 5
Clubs 5
College students 5
Farm life 5
Teachers 5
Women in charitable work 5
Yearbooks 5
Administrative records 4
College teachers 4
Farmers 4
Journalists 4
Social participation 4
Social workers 4
Speeches 4
Teaching 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Women 4
Video recordings 4
Women in education 4
1931-1940 3
1941-1950 3
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 3
Chicago (Ill.) 3
Community activists 3
Depressions -- 1929 3
Homemakers 3
Military nursing 3
Nurse administrators 3
Nursing students 3
Rural families 3
Stock Market Crash, 1929 3
Twentieth century 3
Volunteer workers in social service 3
Waterloo (Iowa) 3
Women 3
Women in higher education 3
1861-1870 2
1911-1920 2
2011-2020 2
Artificial collections 2
Black Hawk County (Iowa) 2
California 2
Civic leaders 2
Community organization 2
Council Bluffs (Iowa) 2
Country life 2
Courtship 2
Drawings (visual works) 2
Editors 2
Europe 2
Frontier and pioneer life 2
Germany 2
Health education teachers 2
Home economics 2
Immigrants 2
Librarians 2
Marriage 2
Nineteenth century 2
Nursing 2
Posters 2
Russian American women 2
Vietnam 2
Vietnam War, 1961-1975 2
Volunteers 2
Voyages and travels 2
Women and literature 2
Women in journalism 2
Women in library science 2
+ ∧ less
American National Red Cross 4
State University of Iowa 4
United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve 4
United States. Navy 3
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 2
∨ more
United States. Army. Women's Army Corps 2
United States. Army Nurse Corps 2
University of Iowa 2
Allen, Benita, 1911-1983 1
American Academy of Neurology. Women's Auxiliary 1
American Nurses Association 1
Angrick, William 1
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Aydelotte, Myrtle Kitchell (1917-2010) 1
Bacon, Evelyn Crary, 1916-1997 1
Bartlett, Wes 1
Black Hills Playhouse (Theater group) 1
Blunt, Dorothy 1
Boller, Betty, 1924- 1
Boyd, June Lundy, 1922- 1
Boyum, Bernice Larson, 1922- 1
Braverman, Rosalie, 1910-2010 1
Burgess family 1
Burgess, Nellie 1
Burr Oak Farm Press 1
Camp Algona (Algona, Iowa) 1
Camp Fire Girls 1
Camp Shows, Inc. 1
Casteel, Rachel 1
Child, Charlotte Joiner 1
Coe College 1
Colorado. Department of Highways 1
Costantino, A. Mori, 1924 - 2020 1
Costantino, Anthony 1
Council of National Defense (Washington, D.C.). Woman's Committee 1
Cousin, Ruth Hager, 1895-1994 1
Coy, Gretchen Anton, 1923- 1
Crary, Julia 1
Curtiss-Wright Corporation 1
Dakota Dunes Country Club (Dakota Dunes, S.D.) 1
Danbom, Rowene, 1920- 1
Daughters of Mokanna 1
Davis, Laura Hutchison, 1916-1993 1
Davis, Lloyd L. 1
Denison, Ella Strong 1
Des Moines Garden Club 1
Des Moines Ladies Band 1
Des Moines Women's Club 1
Easton, Elsie 1
Eddy, Susan 1
Ehrhardt, Louis 1
England, Artis 1
Entre Nous (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Evans, Mary 1
Fairfield Junior High School (Fairfield, Iowa) 1
Fatherson, Editha Phillips 1
Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa 1
Fisher, Gladys 1
Fleming, Everett A. 1
Fleming, Minerva Etheline Ford 1
Fleming, Vesie 1
Gaines, Blanca Vasquez, 1918- 1
Girl Scouts of the United States of America 1
Grinnell College 1
Hageboeck, Eleanor Gildner, 1908- 1
Hager, Thora 1
Hamblin family 1
Hamblin, Dora Jane, 1920-1993 1
Horsley, Jess 1
Horsley, Maureen 1
Iglesias, Marvel 1
Illinois Training School for Nurses 1
Iowa Broadcasters Association 1
Iowa City Human Relations Commission (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Iowa Civil Liberties Union 1
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 1
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 1
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 1
Iowa League for Nursing 1
Iowa Lutheran Hospital (Des Moines, Iowa). School of Nursing 1
Iowa Medical Society. Woman's Auxiliary 1
Iowa Nurses' Association 1
Iowa State College 1
Irwin, Constance, 1913-1995 1
Jacobsma, Irma 1
Jamison, Esther, 1901-2001 1
Johnson, Margaret Langland, 1912-1972 1
Johnson, Ursula 1
Joiner Family 1
Joiner family 1
Joiner, Charles W. 1
Joiner, Melvin 1
Joiner, Otis W. 1
Jones, Joe Allen 1
Jones, Virginia Shrauger, 1921- 1
Junior League of Des Moines 1
Junior League of Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa 1
Kappa Delta Alumni Association (Iowa State College) 1
Lais, Leonore Evans 1
Larimer, Ann 1
+ ∧ less