Showing Collections: 101 - 120 of 139
Naomi Schedl papers
Artist and professor in the Department of Home Economics at the University of Iowa.
National League of American Pen Women, Iowa City Branch records
Local branch, formed in 1963, of group for women writers and artists.
National Secretaries Association Robert Lucus Chapter records
Local chapter of the professional organization focused on social, educational, and professional activities.
Norma Peg Burke papers
Norse Club records
Founded in Iowa City in 1937 to celebrate its members' Norwegian heritage.
Off and Holsteen Family papers
Two generations of an eastern Iowa family, many generations of which attended the University of Iowa.
Palmer/Calkins/Corbin Papers
Letters, diaries, genealogies, papers, and videocassette dealing with the Civil War, the Mormon move west, and World War II.
Patricia Geadelmann papers
Feminist and physical educator who was a strong proponent of the ERA and Title IX.
Paul Engle Papers
Poet (numerous books from Worn Earth, 1932), editor of the O. Henry Prize Stories, 1954-1959, director of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, 1941-1967, and co-founder and director of the International Writers' Program, 1967-1976 at the University of Iowa. Literary manuscripts, correspondence, subject files, and student works documenting his career as a writer and teacher.
Phyllis Harper-Bardach papers
Educator of hearing-impaired children and retired professor of Education at the University of Iowa.
Pi Lambda Theta, Theta Chapter records
Honorary society for women students in the field of education.
Pilot International Club of Iowa City records
Organization to promote improvement of conditions and treatment for brain-related disorders.
Prentiss Family papers
The family came to Iowa City in 1905 when Henry Prentiss established the Anatomy Department at the State University of Iowa.
Priscilla Ann Mabie Stewart papers
Art historian and Professor who settled in Florida where she organized and directed a wild bird hospital.
R. Keith Courtney Papers
Iowa City resident and artist. From the late 1970s to the late 1980s Courtney conducted a project titled Notes From All Over, which invited artists to send him found objects and printed matter. The collection consists of art works, correspondence, and related documentation dating from 1971-1995.
Rose Stoops papers
Teacher, farm woman and nurse who later participated in many community organizations in Grinnell, Iowa.
Rosemary Tharp papers
Cedar Falls native who served in the WAVES during World War II.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Ruth Pitkanen Johnson and Juliet Mattila Family papers
Mother and daughter who wrote creatively. Ruth Pitkanen Johnson was an art educator and Juliet Mattila was a professor and academic advisory administrator.
Ruth Salzmann Becker papers
Nurse and community activist in Iowa City who, as a young Jewish woman, fled Nazi Germany in 1939 and emigrated to the United States.
Ruth Schaefer papers
A Latin teacher who served as friend and mentor to Vietnamese refugees in the Iowa City community.