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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 91

Al M. Lee Papers

Identifier: MsC0851

Graduate of the Writers' Workshop, novelist and poet. This collection contains manuscripts, clippings, a photograph, and correspondence. Correspondents include Hubert Humphrey, Gene McCarthy, John F. Kennedy, Mark Strand, Cleanth Brooks, and Donald Justice among others.

Dates: 1957-1994

Alice French Papers

Identifier: MsC0605

One of the most successful women writers of the later 19th century, Octave Thanet's stories and novels celebrated the status quo; she lived much of her life in Davenport, Iowa. Our holdings consist of a holograph draft of her story, The Governor's Prerogative, photographs, photocopies of other stories, and a microfilm of Voice of Nature.

Dates: 1868-1962

Alice McMurry papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0646

Promise City, Iowa elementary school teacher and poet.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1993-2001

Amy Clampitt Papers

Identifier: MsC0582

Poet: Kingfisher (1983), Manhattan: An Elegy (UI Center for the Book, 1990), MacArthur Fellow, 1992, Collected Poems (1997). Correspondence and typescripts of some of her writings.

Dates: 1983-1993

Angus Wilson Papers

Identifier: MsC0199

Acclaimed British novelist and scholar. Research files, including administrative material, research materials, and corrected typescripts for her 1995 biography of novelist Sir Angus Wilson.

Dates: 1937-2011

Arthur Davison Ficke Papers

Identifier: MsC0603

Poet and writer born in Davenport, Iowa. Manuscripts include materials for a course in Arthurian legend given at the State University of Iowa 1906-1907, drafts of published poems and stories, and typescripts of unpublished stories and novels.

Dates: 1920-1949

Calvin Kentfield Papers

Identifier: MsC0639

Iowa writer. Manuscript for The Alchemist's Voyage and various clippings and tear sheets. Iowa Author Mss.

Carl Glick Papers

Identifier: MsC0611

Story writer, playwright and film script writer, author of books for adults and children, Glick is best remembered for his books about the Chinese in America.

Dates: 1915-1971

Charlton Laird Papers

Identifier: MsC0646

Author who wrote extensively on language. This collection contains the manuscript and correspondence for one of his novels. Iowa Author collection.

Dates: 1951

Christine Dutson papers

Identifier: IWA0249

Multi-volume memoir of a Mormon woman who was an educator, poet and advocate for the mentally ill.

Dates: 1954 - 2002

Curtis Harnack Papers

 Collection — Box: 19
Identifier: MsC0621

Assistant Editor (with Paul Engle) Prize Stories 1958-1959. Author of a memoir, We Have All Gone Away (1973), and other books. President of Yaddo, 1981-1987; 1992-1997 President of the School of American Ballet.

Dates: 1927 -; Majority of material found within 1960-1980

Dorothy Garlock Papers

Identifier: MsC0607

Romance novelist from Love and Cherish (1980), a career started to avoid the boredom of retirement.

Dates: 1980-1989

Dorothy M. Johnson Papers

Identifier: msC0632

Editor, novelist and professor of journalism at the University of Montana. Typescript drafts and related correspondence for several short stories and her novel, The Hanging Tree. Also some family correspondence and photographs. Johnson wrote Liberty Valence and A Man Called Horse, both, like The Hanging Tree, made into motion pictures.

Dates: 1896-1958

Edward Beatty Rowan Papers

Identifier: msc0412
Scope and Contents

There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.

Dates: -

Edward Gorman Papers

Identifier: MsC0613

Author of mysteries (the Tobin and Jack Dwyer series), westerns (as Leo Guild), and horror novels under several pseudonyms. Former advertising executive. Preliminary drafts of his writings.

Dates: 1990 -

Edwin Ford Piper Collection

Identifier: MsC0040

Piper's notes on Western ballads, with music for some; other folk materials including rhymes, riddles, games, folk sayings, quadrille calls, slang, superstitions, and folk remedies.

Dates: 1929-1941

Edwin L. Sabin Papers

Identifier: MsC0688

Novelist. Correspondence, scrapbooks, subject files, preliminary drafts of his writings.

Dates: 1870-1952

Ellis Parker Butler Papers

Identifier: MsC0575

Author and businessman from Iowa , best known for his short story Pigs is Pigs. The papers consist of correspondence to and from Butler about his writing and the Author's League of America . His wife's correspondence is also included.

Dates: 1913-1937

Elswyth Thane Papers

Identifier: MsC0707

Playwright, biographer and novelist. Holograph notebooks containing first drafts of several historical novels, printer's copies, and correspondence are included. There are audiotapes of her research for Potomac Squire, a book about George Washington.

Dates: 1943-1963

Emerson Hough Papers

Identifier: MsC0628

Journalist, editor of Forest and Stream, and novelist of the West. Includes letterpress book, 1902-1912 and 34 letters 1912-1923 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bigelow.

Dates: 1902-1975

Filtered By

  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Poets X

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University of Iowa Special Collections 75
Iowa Women's Archives 15
University of Iowa Archives 1
Poets 89
American literature 74
English literature 74
Writers Archive at Iowa 74
Fiction -- Authorship 73
∨ more
Novelists 73
Authors, American 27
Archives (groupings) 26
Drafts (documents) 25
Iowa 22
20th century 21
Personal papers 14
Photographs 14
Clippings (information artifacts) 10
Authors 9
Correspondence 9
American poetry 8
Women and literature 7
Women authors 7
Middle West 6
Poetry 6
Poets, American 6
Typescripts 6
1991-2000 5
American fiction 5
Journalists 5
Manuscripts (documents) 5
Scrapbooks 5
Women authors, American 5
Artists 4
Diaries 4
Iowa City (Iowa) 4
Memoirs 4
1981-1990 3
2001-2010 3
Autobiographies 3
Children's literature 3
Families 3
Fiction 3
Novels 3
Oral histories 3
Poems 3
Proofs (printed matter) 3
Regionalism in literature 3
Sound recordings 3
Teachers 3
Women 3
Administrative records 2
American prose literature 2
Biographies 2
Broadsides (notices) 2
Burlington (Iowa) 2
College teachers 2
Community activists 2
Creative writing 2
Creative writing (Higher education) 2
Cultural artifacts 2
Davenport (Iowa) 2
Dramatists 2
Editors 2
Historical fiction 2
Holographs (autographs) 2
Journalism 2
Microfilms 2
Motion picture authorship 2
Photocopies 2
Press releases 2
Research (documents) 2
Short stories 2
Songs 2
Speeches 2
Teaching 2
Television authorship 2
Video recordings 2
West (U.S.) 2
West (U.S.) -- In literature 2
Women in education 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
Writers' workshops 2
1971-1980 1
Acoustical engineering 1
Adolescence 1
African American women 1
African American women -- Iowa 1
Alumni and alumnae 1
Amalie's story 1
Anamosa (Iowa) 1
Andersonville 1
Animal behavior 1
Animal rights activists 1
Annual reports 1
Apple is eaten 1
Art 1
Articles 1
Artists and community 1
Audiotapes 1
Author's choice 1
Autograph albums 1
Ballads 1
Ballads, English 1
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 3
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 2
Iowa Writers' Workshop 2
Saunders, William Irving 2
State University of Iowa 2
∨ more
Art Institute of Chicago 1
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 1
Authors' League of America 1
Berry, Vern, 1906-2004 1
Bissell, Bess G., 1908-1970 1
Bissell, Richard Pike 1
Bock, Frederick Stern 1
Bourjaily, Vance 1
Bourjaily, Vance, 1922-2010 1
Brown, Lewis H. (Lewis Herold), 1894- 1
Burdick, Eugene 1
Burdick, Eugene L. 1
Butler, Ellis Parker 1
Carlson, Esther 1
Carlson, Esther Elizabeth 1
Cassill, R. V. (Ronald Verlin), 1919-2002 1
Cassill, R. Verlin 1
Cheek, Eugene Lloyd, 1953-1990 1
Clampitt, Amy 1
Clark, Glenn, 1882-1956 1
Colby, Anthony Owen 1
Collins, Max Allan 1
Corey, Paul 1
Crary, Margaret 1
Cripliver, Ella 1
Dickens, Mary, 1925-2014 1
Donoso, Jose 1
Downing, J. Hyatt 1
Drake University 1
Dubie, Norman 1
Duncan, Thomas W. 1
Dutson, Christine, 1954- 1
Eastman, Harold Lloyd 1
Elston, Hattie Phinnette, 1900- 1
Engle family 1
Engle, Paul 1
Evanston Art Center 1
Federal Writers' Project 1
Felsen, Henry Gregor 1
Ficke, Arthur Davison 1
Filipowska, Patricia, 1924-1993 1
Filipowski family 1
Filipowski, Richard 1
Frederick, John Towner 1
French, Alice 1
Garland, Hamlin 1
Garlock, Dorothy 1
Gatten, Tom 1
Gearhart, Susan 1
Glick, Carl 1
Goldman, Louise, 1924-1998 1
Gorman, Edward 1
Gould, Chester 1
Gunderson, Helen, 1945- 1
Haines, William Wister 1
Hall, James Norman 1
Harnack, Curtis 1
Harrington, Helen 1
Harter, Evelyn 1
Heggen, Thomas, 1919-1949 1
Herbst, Josephine Frey 1
Holmes, Marjorie 1
Hough, Emerson 1
Howard, Guy 1
Hunn, L.E. "Jack" 1
Hunting, Ema S. (Ema Suckow) 1
Iowa Author's 1
Iowa Summer Writing Festival 1
Johns-Manville, Incorporated 1
Johnson, Dorothy M. 1
Kantor, MacKinlay 1
Kantor, MacKinlay, 1904-1977 1
Kelm, Karlton 1
Kelm, Karlton, 1908-1987 1
Kelm, William Eulberg 1
Kentfield, Calvin 1
Krim, Seymour 1
Lafferty, Raphael Aloysius 1
Laird, Charlton 1
Lechlitner, Ruth 1
Lee, Alfred M. 1
Leggett, John 1
Leggett, John, 1917- 1
Lemberger, LeAnn 1
Loeser, Katinka 1
Margolin, Phillip 1
Mason family 1
Mason, Marjorie, 1913- 1
McDonald, Julie 1
McDonald, Julie, 1929- 1
McMurry, Alice, 1908- 1
Midwest Federation of Chaparral Poets 1
Midwest Federation of Chaparral Poets. Iowa Chapter 1
Miller, Merle 1
Miller, Merle, 1919-1986 1
+ ∧ less