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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 26

Candace Packard Lambie papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0267

Officer in local and state chapters of the League of Women Voters and Daughters of the American Revolution.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1959-1991

Dale McCormick papers

Identifier: IWA0513

Carpenter and activist for women in non-traditional jobs.

Dates: 1958-1997

Denise O'Brien papers

Identifier: IWA0156

Organic farmer and political activist who served as president of National Family Farm Coalition.

Dates: 1964-2007

Dorothy Schramm papers

Identifier: IWA0183

Human rights advocate from Burlington, Iowa who was active in local and international issues, particularly UNA-USA and the League of Women Voters.

Dates: 1938-2006

Edna Griffin papers

Identifier: IWA0443

Civil rights activist, later known as the Rosa Parks of Iowa.

Dates: 1948-2004

Ernest Rodriguez papers

Identifier: IWA0784

Davenport civil rights and Chicano activist, born in the predominantly Mexican settlement of Holy City in Bettendorf, Iowa.

Dates: 1910-2014

Janet Shipton papers

Identifier: IWA0264

Political activist and Johnson County, Iowa, supervisor who was the daughter of British Prime Minister Clement Attlee.

Dates: 1936-1991

Jill Jack papers

Identifier: IWA0519

Iowa City political activist.

Dates: 1967-2006

Joyce Schulte papers

Identifier: IWA0892

Democratic candidate for Iowa's fifth congressional district in 2004 and 2006.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 2004-2010

Katherine Stroud papers

Identifier: IWA0420

Leader of the 1949 campaign to reform Des Moines city government and adopt the city manager plan.

Dates: 1940-2001

Kathleen Wood Laurila papers

Identifier: IWA0458

Iowa activist involved in the peace movement as well energy conservation and environmental protection coalitions.

Dates: 1956-1999

Linda Yanney papers

Identifier: IWA0413

Iowa City feminist and champion of LGBT rights.

Dates: 1948-2000

Lolly Eggers papers

Identifier: IWA0806

Papers related to the social activism and career of librarian Lolly Eggers.

Dates: 1963-1994

Lonabelle Kaplan Spencer papers

Identifier: IWA0160

American Association of University Women member and advocate for women's issues including dual listings for married women in Iowa telephone directories.


1997 ACCESSION: Boxes 1-11

2007 ACCESSION: Boxes 12-41

2008 ACCESSION: Boxes 42-65

Dates: 1931-2007

Lucy and Henry Vargas papers

Identifier: IWA0886

Mexican American activists from Davenport, Iowa.

Dates: 1930-2013

Magdalen Meade papers

Identifier: IWA0648

Iowa farm woman and political organizer who was active in Roxanne Conlin's gubernatorial campaign in 1982.

Dates: 1891-1992

Maria Rundquist papers

Identifier: IWA0544

Sioux City business owner and political activist who emigrated to the United States from Mexico in 1978.

Dates: 1959-2016

Marilyn O. Murphy papers

Identifier: IWA0547

Social activist from Sioux City, Iowa.

Dates: 1973-2010

Peg Mullen papers

Identifier: IWA0082

Anti-Vietnam War activist whose son, Michael, was killed by 'friendly fire' in Vietnam in 1970.


Copies of the hardcover and paperback versions of "Friendly Fire" and a hardcover copy of "Unfriendly Fire: A Mother's Memoir" are shelved in the printed works collection.

Dates: 1966-2010

Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City records

Identifier: IWA0539

The Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City (RRCIC) formed in January 1989 in response to Operation Rescue's attempt to shut down a local abortion clinic.

Dates: 1988-1991

Filtered By

  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Political activists X
  • Subject: Iowa X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Personal papers 25
20th century 19
Photographs 18
2001-2010 15
Women -- Political activity 13
∨ more
Political participation 11
Speeches 11
Iowa City (Iowa) 10
Women lawyers 10
Cultural artifacts 9
Sound recordings 9
Political campaigns 8
Women's rights 8
Iowa 7
Oral histories 7
1971-1980 6
1981-1990 6
Correspondence 5
Pacifism 5
Peace 5
Volunteers 5
1991-2000 4
Civil rights 4
Diaries 4
Feminists 4
Hispanic American families 4
Hispanic American women 4
Pacifists 4
Video recordings 4
2011-2020 3
Autobiographies 3
Bisexuals 3
Businesswomen 3
Community activists 3
Des Moines (Iowa) 3
Families 3
Feminism 3
Gays 3
Lesbians 3
Political candidates 3
Rural families 3
Sexual minorities 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Social advocacy 3
Transgender people 3
Women in public life 3
Civil rights movements 2
Civil rights workers 2
Community organization 2
Davenport (Iowa) 2
Discrimination in employment 2
Equal rights amendments 2
Equality before the law 2
Farm life 2
Farmers 2
Homemakers 2
Immigrants 2
Johnson County (Iowa) 2
Memoirs 2
Mexican American families 2
Mexican American women 2
Mexican Americans 2
Mount Pleasant (Iowa) 2
Posters 2
Rural girls 2
Rural women 2
Scrapbooks 2
Sex discrimination against women 2
Sioux City (Iowa) 2
Social justice 2
Social participation 2
Social service 2
Women -- Societies and clubs 2
Women and peace 2
Women in agriculture 2
Women in nonprofit organizations 2
Women's studies 2
Working class women 2
1961-1970 1
Abortion 1
Administrative records 1
African American women 1
African American women -- Iowa 1
African Americans 1
Agricultural laborers 1
Air quality 1
Anti-war demonstrations 1
Antinuclear movement 1
Apartment houses 1
Art, Modern 1
Atlantic (Iowa) 1
Banks and banking 1
Bettendorf (Iowa) 1
Bilingualism 1
Birth control 1
Black Hawk County (Iowa) 1
Bowling Green (Ohio) 1
Boycotts 1
+ ∧ less
League of Women Voters of Iowa 4
American Association of University Women 3
University of Iowa 3
Democratic Party (Iowa) 2
Grinnell College 2
∨ more
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 2
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 2
Older Women's League (U.S.) 2
University of Iowa. Women's Studies Program 2
Alan Guttmacher Institute 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Patients Association 1
Americans for Religious Liberty 1
Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967 1
Attlee, Felicity 1
Attlee, Martin 1
Attlee, Violet 1
Brigance, Linda 1
Catholics for a Free Choice (Organization) 1
Center for the American Woman and Politics (Eagleton Institute of Politics) 1
Chavez, Cesar, 1927-1993 1
Chicago Housing Authority 1
Chisholm, Shirley, 1924-2005 1
Christian Children's Fund 1
Coe College 1
Collins, Susan 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Displaced Homemakers Network 1
Donovan, Vergene (1924-) 1
Door Opener (Mason City, Iowa) 1
Dubuque Packing Company 1
Durham, Leona 1
Eggers, Lolly, 1929-2021 1
Emma Goldman Clinic 1
Feminist Majority (Organization) 1
Florida Women's Consortium 1
Frederick County Human Relations Commission (Frederick County, Iowa) 1
Garrity, Margaret 1
Garrity-Sandage Associates, Inc. 1
Grace and Rubies (Restaurant : Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Grefe, Mary 1
Griffin, Edna, 1909-2000 1
Griffin, Phyllis 1
Hanley, Sarah (1937-) 1
Harris, Briana 1
Harris, Larry 1
Health Planning Council of Central Iowa 1
Hoover Health Council (Iowa) 1
International Conference of Girl Scouts/Guides (1965 : Acapulco, Mexico) 1
International Women's Year, 1975 1
Iowa Church Leaders Peace Caravan 1
Iowa City Public Library (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Iowa Commission on Latino Affairs 1
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 1
Iowa Farmers Union 1
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO 1
Iowa Governor's Commission on Health Care Costs 1
Jack, Jill, 1957- 1
Jackson, Jesse, 1941- 1
Jew, Jean Y. 1
Johnson County Council on the Status of Women (Iowa) 1
Johnson County Health Council (Iowa) 1
Johnson County Women's Political Caucus (Iowa) 1
Katz Drug Store (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Lambie, Candace Packard 1
Laurila, Kathleen Wood, 1940- 1
Lawrence, Noah 1
LePort, Donna 1
League of United Latin American Citizens 1
League of Women Voters (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
League of Women Voters (U.S.) 1
Marylanders for the Right to Choose (Organization) 1
Mason, Kären 1
McCormick, Dale 1
Meade, Magdalen (1913-2005) 1
Midwest Gas (Company) 1
Migrant Action Program (Mason City, Iowa) 1
Missouri Women's Network 1
Moingona Council of Central Iowa Girl Scouts 1
Mullen family 1
Mullen, Michael Eugene, 1944-1970 1
Mullen, Peg, 1917-2009 1
Murphy, Marilyn, 1921-2012 1
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League 1
National Center for Human Development 1
National Committee on United States-China Relations 1
National Family Farm Coalition (U.S.) 1
National Farmers' Union (U.S.) 1
National Gender Balance Project 1
National Organization on Disability (U.S.) 1
National Women's Conference (1st : 1977 : Houston, Tex.) 1
New Directions for Women (Organization) 1
Norman, Susan J. 1
O'Brien, Denise, 1949- 1
O'Donovan, Joan 1
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1
Planned Parenthood of Mid-Iowa 1
Progressive Party (U.S. : 1948) 1
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Reproductive Rights Coalition of Iowa City 1
+ ∧ less