Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 209
A. Louise Mays papers
Adrien Wing papers
Black attorney, faculty and Associate Dean at the University of Iowa College of Law.
Alberta Metcalf Kelly papers
High school English teacher who was active in state and national Democratic Party politics during the 1950s and 1960s.
Alice McMurry papers
Promise City, Iowa elementary school teacher and poet.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Alma Marie Kouba Kress papers
Buchanan County elementary school teacher and clubwoman.
Alpha Evans papers
Rural middle school teacher who chaired the Iowa committee to revise teacher standards in the 1970s.
Bernice Leary papers
Educator, author, collector of children's books.
Betty Jean Furgerson papers
Teacher, social worker, human rights commission director, and university regent from Waterloo.
Beulah Wiederrecht papers
Correspondence between Wapello farm woman and two Polish families after World War II.
Bowersox and Osborn Family papers
The Bowersox family settled in Johnson County, Iowa in approximately 1855. The papers include a family account book, school exams and teaching certificates.
Brian Glenister Papers
Brine, Pelton and Thompson V. The University of Iowa records
Materials relate to the suit filed by 3 dental hygiene faculty members charging that the scheduled closing of the University of Iowa Dental Hygiene Program was discriminatory.
Appeal Documents, 1995-1996 (Boxes 19-20)
Background Information, 1985-1995 (Boxes 20-24, 27)
Defendant Exhibits, 1995 (Boxes 6-10)
Formal Documents, 1991-1995 (Boxes 1-3)
Letters of Support, 1991-1995 (Boxes 25-26)
Newspaper Clippings, 1991-1996 (Box 26)
Plaintiff Exhibits, 1995 (Boxes 11-19, 27)
Trial Transcripts, 1995 (Boxes 3-6)
Unidentified Exhibits, 1995 (Boxes 10-11)
Browning Literary Club (Atlantic, Iowa) address
Speech delivered at the 9th District Convention of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
C. Pauline Spencer papers
An outstanding athlete and the first woman to receive an athletic letter at the University of Iowa. She graduated in 1923.
Carolyn Dyer papers
Professor Emeritus of Journalism at the University of Iowa and Nancy Drew scholar.
Cassie Thompson Ford papers
Homemaker who farmed with her husband near Central City, Iowa.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Charlene "Mac" Eblen papers
Homemaker from Wichita, Kansas whose papers consist primarily of journals.
Charles B. Righter Papers
University of Iowa associate professor of music, 1930-1997. Director of University Bands, 1937-1954.
Charles H. McCloy Papers
University of Iowa professor of physical education, 1930 to retirement. Research specialty in anthropometry, or the analysis of motor skills.
Cherry Muhanji papers
Writer, lesbian activist, and University of Iowa alumna.