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Showing Collections: 1 - 19 of 19

Anna Cochrane Lomas papers

Identifier: IWA0053

Republican National Committeewoman in the 1950s and 1960s from Red Oak, Iowa.

Dates: 1917-1991

Charlene Conklin papers

Identifier: IWA0004

Member of the Iowa House of Representatives,1967 to 1969, and the Iowa Senate, 1969 to 1973.

Dates: 1954-1981

Donald C. Pierson Papers

Identifier: MsC0292

Chairman of the Iowa Republican State Central Committee. Reports, campaign and convention material, clippings, correspondence, photographs, and speeches.

Dates: 1937-1973; Majority of material found within 1950-1959

Gladys Nelson papers

Identifier: IWA0662

Republican Iowa legislator from 1950 to 1956 and former president of the League of Women Voters of Iowa.

Dates: 1938-1995

Janis Torrence Laughlin papers

Identifier: IWA0125

Muscatine County Supervisor from 1976 to 1982 and Representative in the Iowa Legislature from 1983 to 1985.

Dates: 1976-1990

Joan Vander Naald Egenes papers

Identifier: IWA0332

Des Moines-born clubwoman, community leader, businesswoman, and Republican Party activist.

Dates: 1966-1997

Lena Belle Bock papers

Identifier: IWA0118

Member of the Iowa House of Representatives from 1960 to 1964.

Dates: 1960-1981

Lonabelle Kaplan Spencer papers

Identifier: IWA0160

American Association of University Women member and advocate for women's issues including dual listings for married women in Iowa telephone directories.


1997 ACCESSION: Boxes 1-11

2007 ACCESSION: Boxes 12-41

2008 ACCESSION: Boxes 42-65

Dates: 1931-2007

Maggie Tinsman papers

Identifier: IWA0348

Bettendorf Republican who served on the Scott County Board of Supervisors and the Iowa State Senate.

Dates: 1971-2015

Margaret McDonald papers

Identifier: IWA0033

Active in Republican Party and vice-chairman of the Iowa Republican Central Committee in 1970.

Dates: 1964-2004

Mary Grefe papers

Identifier: IWA0186

Educator, social activist, politician and businesswoman who was inducted into the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame in 1980.

Dates: 1943-1997

Mary Louise Smith papers

Identifier: IWA0027

First woman to chair the Republican National Committee, serving from 1974 to 1977. Co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.

Dates: 1925-1997

Mona Kadel Martin papers

Identifier: IWA0835

Mona Martin (1934- ) served in the Iowa House of Representatives from Scott County from 1993-2001.

Dates: 1992-2009

Myrtilla F. Levin papers

Identifier: IWA0032

Active in the Republican Party, mayor of Newton, Iowa, and executive director of Iowa Business Council.

Dates: 1971-2010

Patricia J. Pardun papers

Identifier: IWA0024

State vice chair of the Republican Party in Iowa from 1967 to 1973.

Dates: 1956-1978

Robert Donald Blue Papers

Identifier: MsC0466

Governor of Iowa . Correspondence, subject files, photographs, scrapbooks, etc. relating to his political career.

Dates: 1934-1976; Majority of material found within 1945-1948

Sue M. Reed papers

Identifier: IWA0130

Republican Party activist and officer of Iowa and National Federations of Republican Women, 1950s-1970s.

Dates: 1934-1996

Wiley Mayne Papers

Identifier: MsC0448

U.S. Representative from Iowa, 1967-1975. Campaign and office files relating to his political career.

Dates: 1966-1974

William O. Weaver Papers

Identifier: MsC0416

Iowa attorney. Correspondence, campaign literature, clippings, and photographs relating to the Eisenhower presidential campaign of 1952.

Dates: 1951-1954

Filtered By

  • Subject: Photographs X
  • Names: Republican Party (Iowa) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Iowa Women's Archives 15
University of Iowa Special Collections 4
Archives (groupings) 15
Personal papers 15
Women -- Political activity 15
Iowa 14
Women lawyers 13
∨ more
20th century 11
Scrapbooks 9
Speeches 8
1971-1980 7
Political campaigns 7
Cultural artifacts 6
Legislators 6
Women in public life 6
1981-1990 5
Correspondence 5
Politicians 5
1991-2000 4
Des Moines (Iowa) 4
Political participation 4
Sound recordings 4
1961-1970 3
Legislation 3
Video recordings 3
2001-2010 2
Abortion 2
County officials and employees 2
Elections 2
Equal rights amendments 2
Jasper County (Iowa) 2
Local government 2
Memoirs 2
Newton (Iowa) 2
Political activists 2
Political candidates 2
Posters 2
Scott County (Iowa) 2
Supervisors (Local government) 2
Teachers 2
Yearbooks 2
1951-1960 1
Adult education 1
Aging 1
Agriculture 1
Agriculture and politics 1
Air quality 1
Algona (Iowa) 1
Banks and banking 1
Bettendorf (Iowa) 1
Black Hawk County (Iowa) 1
Boone (Iowa) 1
Businesswomen 1
Campaign funds 1
Cherokee County (Iowa) 1
Christmas cards 1
Civil rights 1
Clippings (information artifacts) 1
College teachers 1
College teaching 1
Conservation of natural resources 1
Discrimination in banking 1
Discrimination in insurance 1
Discrimination in mortgage loans 1
Drug abuse 1
Education 1
Education, Higher 1
Educational law and legislation 1
Employee fringe benefits 1
Equality before the law 1
Executives 1
Family planning 1
Federal government 1
Feminism 1
Feminists 1
Garner (Iowa) 1
Girl Scouts 1
Governors 1
Hancock County (Iowa) 1
High school teachers 1
Humboldt (Iowa) 1
Impeachments 1
Inheritance and succession 1
International Women's Decade, 1976-1985 1
Iowa City (Iowa) 1
Lawyers 1
Leadership 1
Legislative bodies 1
Mayors 1
Municipal government 1
Municipal officials and employees 1
Muscatine County (Iowa) 1
Newspaper publishing 1
Odor control 1
Older people 1
Oral histories 1
Pacifism 1
Panama 1
Peace 1
Political parties 1
Politics, Practical 1
+ ∧ less
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 9
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 4
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 4
American Association of University Women 2
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969 2
∨ more
Grefe, Mary 2
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 2
National Federation of Republican Women 2
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 2
Republican National Convention 2
American Association for the United Nations 1
Blue, Robert Donald 1
Bock, Lena Belle, 1904-2007 1
Brain family 1
Brigance, Linda 1
Bush, George, 1924- 1
Center for the American Woman and Politics (Eagleton Institute of Politics) 1
Cochrane, William, 1867-1941 1
Conklin, Charlene, 1929-2022 1
Cruikshank, Rena 1
Des Moines Human Rights Commission 1
Des Moines Metro Opera Guild 1
Drake University 1
Egenes, Joan Vander Naald, 1936- 1
Florida Women's Consortium 1
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 1
Grinnell College 1
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
International Conference of Girl Scouts/Guides (1965 : Acapulco, Mexico) 1
International Council for Adult Education 1
International Women's Year, 1975 1
Iowa Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1
Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission 1
Iowa Business Council 1
Iowa Commission on Aging 1
Iowa Council of Republican Women 1
Iowa Department of Public Safety 1
Iowa ERA Coalition 1
Iowa Highway Commission 1
Iowa Liquor Control Commission 1
Iowa Parent Teacher Association 1
Iowa Public Employees Retirement System 1
Iowa State Association of Counties 1
Iowa State Conservation Commission 1
Iowa. General Assembly 1
LePort, Donna 1
Levin, Myrtilla F., 1938- 1
Lomas, Anna Cochrane, 1896-1991 1
Martin, Mona Kadel (1934-) 1
Martin, Thomas E. (Thomas Ellsworth), 1893-1971 1
Mayne, Wiley 1
McDonald, Margaret (1925-2014) 1
Moingona Council of Central Iowa Girl Scouts 1
National Advisory Council on Adult Education (U.S.) 1
National Association of Counties 1
National Conference of Christians and Jews 1
National Conference of State Legislatures 1
National Gender Balance Project 1
National Order of Women Legislators (U.S.) 1
National Women's Conference (1st : 1977 : Houston, Tex.) 1
Nelson, Gladys, 1895-1995 1
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 1
Pardun, Patricia (1925-2022) 1
Pierson, Donald C. 1
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1
President's Commission for the Observance of the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations 1
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 1
Reagan, Ronald 1
Reed, Sue M., 1910-2006 1
Republican National Committee (U.S.). Women's Division 1
Republican National Convention (31st : 1976 : Kansas City, Mo.) 1
Republican Party (Iowa). Central Committee 1
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979 1
Scott County (Iowa). Board of Supervisors 1
Smith, Elmer M. 1
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 1
Spencer, Lonabelle Kaplan, 1925-2011 1
State Historical Society of Iowa 1
State University of Iowa 1
Terrace Hill Society 1
Tinsman, Maggie (1936-) 1
Torrence Laughlin, Janis, 1926-2014 (1926-2014) 1
Unesco Conference on Adult Education 1
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 1
United Nations. Population Commission 1
United States Commission on Civil Rights 1
United States Congress. House Committee on the Judiciary 1
United States Institute of Peace 1
United States. Department of Agriculture 1
United States. Department of Defense 1
University of Iowa 1
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 1
Wall, Joe 1
Weaver, William O. 1
White House Conference on Aging 1
White House Conference on Aging (1961 : Washington, D.C.) 1
White House Conference on Aging (1971 : Washington, D.C.) 1
Women Officials in the National Association of Counties 1
World Conference on Women (4th : 1995 : Beijing, China) 1
+ ∧ less