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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 49

Albert J. Cohen Papers

Identifier: MsC0126

American motion picture and television script writer and producer. Program scripts, department materials, memos, clippings, notes, correspondence, production budgets, and miscellaneous photographs.

Dates: 1948-1961; Majority of material found within 1951-1955

Allin Dakin Papers

Identifier: MsC0418

Administrative dean at the University of Iowa (1944-1974). Correspondence, notebooks, and speeches relating to Dakin's many civic interests and activities. Topics included are Rotary International, Boy Scouts of America, and U of I.

Dates: 1940-1981; Majority of material found within 1950-1979

American Association of University Professors Local Chapter Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG03.0003.001
Dates: -

Amos Noyes Currier Papers

Identifier: RG05.0001.005
Dates: 1885-1905

A. Craig Baird papers

Identifier: RG99.0180

University of Iowa professor of speech and communications for 45 years and the author or editor of over 30 books. Papers include articles, speeches and correspondence.

Dates: 1914 - 1972

Bean Family Papers

Identifier: MsC0452

Dr. Asa Bean was a physician with 114th Ohio Volunteers during the Civil War. Primarily correspondence between members of the Bean family during Civil War.

Dates: 1833-1962; Majority of material found within 1862-1863

Blackhawk Foundry and Machine Company Records

Identifier: MsC0135

Iron casting company in Davenport, Iowa. Includes blueprints, budgets, correspondence, publicity, and photographs.

Dates: 1945-1951

Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce Records

Identifier: MsC0138

Budgets, correspondence, clippings, photographs, and other material.

Dates: 1874 - 1973; Majority of material found within 1935 - 1946

Club Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG03.0006.001
Scope and Contents

Four journals dated 1905 to 1989

Dates: 2002-2019

Credit Union Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG03.0008.001
Dates: -

Daniel Moe Papers

Identifier: RG99.0130
Dates: -

D.C. Spriestersbach Papers

Identifier: RG99.0255

Faculty, Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Iowa, 1940. Dean, Graduate College, 1965-1987. Interim University President, 1981-1982. Reports, memoranda, appointment books, scrapbooks, and correspondence, pertaining to a variety of University-related topics, including advancement of research, anti-war protest, and federal funding for public institutions.

Dates: 1952-2000

Elmer DeGowin and the Elmer DeGowin Blood Center Papers

Identifier: RG99.0320

Founded the University of Iowa Hospital's blood bank in 1938, one of the nation's first. Co-author of the first modern text on Blood Transfusion (1949)

Dates: 1937 - 1974

Emeritus Association Records

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG03.0004.001
Dates: -

Faculty Research Club Records

Identifier: RG03.0005.001
Dates: -

Faculty Senate and Council Records

Identifier: RG03.0001.001
Scope and Contents The records of the Faculty Senate and Council are arranged into five series: Administrative, Governing Bodies, Committees, Departmental, and Ephemera. The collection relates to all areas of University of Iowa governance, including the state Board of Regents, Board in Control of Athletics, Board of Deans, and AFSCME collective bargaining. Papers include such documents as committee reports, meeting minutes, agendas, correspondence, membership lists, election records, policies, newspaper clippings, speeches and photographs. Patrons may wish to search the same dates in more than one series for completeness. For example, a topic in a 1960 report may correspond to information in the 1960 minutes. The Faculty Senate and Council papers document the central issues that have shaped administrative policy and the lives of faculty, staff and students since 1948. Examples of matters addressed by this body are: --the formation...
Dates: 1902-2003

Frank A. Wilder Papers

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG99.0090

Professor of geology and director of the Iowa Geological Survey Bureau. Correspondence, theses drafts, faculty-student information.

Dates: 1902-1906

Frank M. Slagle Papers

Identifier: RG99.0020
Dates: -

Frank Paluka Papers

Identifier: RG99.0300
Dates: -

George Edwin Starbuck Papers

Identifier: RG99.0075

University of Iowa professor of English and director, Iowa Writers

Dates: 1966 - 1971

Filtered By

  • Subject: Universities and colleges X
  • Language: English X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

University of Iowa Archives 37
University of Iowa Special Collections 9
Iowa Women's Archives 3
Universities and colleges -- Faculty -- Societies, etc. 31
Universities and colleges -- Professional staff -- Societies, etc. 30
Universities and colleges 9
Correspondence 7
Iowa 7
∨ more
Archives (groupings) 6
Budgets 5
Photographs 5
Research grants 5
Universities and colleges -- Finance 5
Wages -- College employees 5
20th century 4
Clippings (information artifacts) 4
College administrators 4
University of Iowa -- Administration 4
American literature 2
Business enterprises 2
Businessmen 2
Clergy 2
College presidents 2
College students 2
Education 2
Education, Higher 2
Educational leadership 2
English literature 2
Motion picture authorship 2
Motion pictures -- Production and direction 2
Personal papers 2
Popular culture -- Study and teaching 2
Public universities and colleges 2
Scrapbooks 2
Sound recordings 2
Speeches 2
Television -- Production and direction 2
Television authorship 2
Theater -- Study and teaching 2
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 2
Universities and colleges -- Faculty 2
Writers Archive at Iowa 2
1981-1990 1
1991-2000 1
Academic library directors 1
Administrative records 1
Albums 1
American drama 1
American prose literature 1
Ann Arbor (Mich.) 1
Ann Sothern show (Television program) 1
Annual reports 1
Art schools 1
Art, American 1
Artist colonies 1
Artists 1
Baptists 1
Because of you (Motion picture : 1952) 1
Black scorpion (Motion picture : 1957) 1
Blueprints (reprographic copies) 1
Border river (Motion picture : 1954) 1
Boy Scouts 1
Boys 1
Business records 1
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 1
Christian universities and colleges 1
Church and state 1
City beneath the sea (Motion picture) 1
College campuses 1
Community activists 1
Conferences 1
Congregational churches 1
Continuing education 1
Creative writing (Higher education) 1
Cultural artifacts 1
Debates and debating 1
Des Moines (Iowa) 1
Dramatists 1
East of Sumatra (Motion picture) 1
Educational change 1
Educators 1
Feminism 1
Financial records 1
Forensics (Public speaking) 1
Foundries 1
Girls in the night (Motion picture) 1
Glass web (Motion picture) 1
Government employees 1
Graduate students 1
Great Sioux uprising (Motion picture) 1
Hardcover books 1
Henry B. Tippie College of Business 1
Horizons west (Motion picture) 1
Indigenous peoples 1
Intaglio printing 1
Iowa City (Iowa) 1
Istanbul (Motion picture : 1957) 1
Lady pays off (Motion picture) 1
Let's live a little (Motion picture) 1
Man and the challenge (Television program) 1
Medicine 1
Medicine, Military 1
Meet me at the fair (Motion picture) 1
+ ∧ less
Iowa. State Board of Regents 2
University of Iowa 2
American Association of University Professors Local Chapter 1
Anderson, Margaret, 1928- 1
Armens, Sven 1
∨ more
Baird, A. Craig 1
Bean Family 1
Blackhawk Foundry and Machine Company 1
Blackhawk Foundry and Machine Company (Davenport, Iowa) 1
Boy Scouts of America 1
Briggs, John Ely 1
Camp Alexander Hays (Kan.) 1
Caplan, Richard M. 1
Carlsen, George Robert 1
Cedar Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce 1
Club 1
Cohen, Albert J. 1
Coleman, Mary Sue 1
Comrades In Service 1
Council on Postsecondary Accreditation 1
Credit Union 1
Currier, Amos Noyes 1
Dakin, Allin 1
DeGowin, Elmer 1
Des Moines University 1
Emeritus Association 1
Faculty Research Club 1
Faculty Senate and Council 1
First Baptist Church (Fort Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Foerster, Norman 1
Follon, Sue, 1942-1998 1
Forell, George W. 1
Foster, Ora Delmer 1
Frank, Louis 1
Geadelmann, Patricia L. 1
Iowa City Foreign Relations Council 1
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 1
Iowa Cooperative Study of Post High School Education 1
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 1
Iowa Writers' Workshop 1
Lafore, Laurence Davis 1
Lasansky, Mauricio, 1914-2012 1
McClintock, John Thomas 1
Moe, Daniel 1
Nash, John Anson 1
National Governors' Association 1
New University Conference 1
North American Board for the Study of Religion in Higher Education 1
Ojemann, Ralph H. 1
Packer, Paul C. 1
Paluka, Frank 1
Petersen, Mary Louise, 1929- 1
Reid, John Cantwell 1
Rohrbough, Malcolm J. 1
Rotary International 1
Schmidt, Frank L. (1944-04-29-2021-08-21) 1
Scott, M. Gladys 1
Slagle, Frank M. 1
Spriestersbach, D.C. 1
Staff Council 1
Starbuck, George Edwin 1
State University of Iowa. Graduate College 1
Stone City Colony and Art School (Stone City, Iowa) 1
Taylor, Jan 1
Triangle Faculty Club 1
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 1
United States Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 114th (1862- 1865 1
University of Iowa Retirees Association 1
University of Iowa. College of Liberal Arts 1
Voss, Walter K. 1
Wilder, Frank A. 1
+ ∧ less