Showing Collections: 161 - 180 of 189
Rose Stoops papers
Teacher, farm woman and nurse who later participated in many community organizations in Grinnell, Iowa.
Ruby's Pearl (Iowa City, Iowa) records
Ruby's Pearl, a feminist sex store, was a hub for feminist and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) activism.
Ruth Fatherson Taylor papers
Reminiscences and essays by Taylor and the transcript of a 1915 memoir written by Editha Phillips Fatherson.
Ruth Fuller papers
The first female pilot in Appanoose County and active in the local Democratic Party.
Ruth Hamilton papers
Teacher and world traveler who served in the New Hampshire legislature.
Ruth Salzmann Becker papers
Nurse and community activist in Iowa City who, as a young Jewish woman, fled Nazi Germany in 1939 and emigrated to the United States.
Ruth Schaefer papers
A Latin teacher who served as friend and mentor to Vietnamese refugees in the Iowa City community.
Ruth Scharnau papers
Teacher and community activist who was a founding member of the Dubuque National Organization for Women.
Ruth Wilson papers
Journalist who worked for the Stars and Stripes in postwar Europe.
Sally Wiesenfeld papers
Peace activist and member of Another Mother for Peace which was organized to protest the Vietnam War during the 1970s.
Sarah Hanley papers
University of Iowa professor of history, feminist, and political activist.
Sheila Creth papers
Librarian who directed the University of Iowa Libraries from 1987 to 1999 and published extensively in the field of library and information science.
Shirley M. Sandage papers
Mason City, Iowa-born civil rights activist, United States field representative for the Christian Children's Fund and director of program development for the National Organization on Disability.
Shirley Rich papers
Casting director who worked for Rodgers and Hammerstein; founded Shirley Rich Casting in 1969.
Sister Gwen Hennessey papers
Franciscan nun sentanced to six months in federal prison for trespassing at Fort Benning, Georgia.
Sister Joyce Blum papers
The papers consist primarily of her self-published writings, reflections, and poetry about her work at the Arizona State prison and on the Mexican border.
Sondra Smith papers
Iowa Memorial Union catering manager and women's rights activist.
Susan Boyd papers
Journalist and writer who published several articles in Mademoiselle. She also served as University of Iowa First Lady from 1969-1981.
T. Anne Cleary papers
University of Iowa Vice President of Academic Affairs, American Psychological Association president, and expert in educational testing.