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Showing Collections: 21 - 40 of 67

E. Marie Hawkins papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0333

Iowa City elementary school teacher.


One folder, shelved in SCVF; one videocassette [V133] shelved in videocassette collection.

Dates: 1991-1997

Edith Reed Atkinson papers

Identifier: IWA0251

Singer and radio-script editor from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Atkinson performed in a song-and-dance act with her brothers Wallace and Cecil Reed from 1935 to 1944.

Dates: 1935-1997

Edna Griffin papers

Identifier: IWA0443

Civil rights activist, later known as the Rosa Parks of Iowa.

Dates: 1948-2004

Elizabeth "Bettye" Crawford Tate papers

Identifier: IWA0266

Owner and operator of the Tate Arms, a boarding house for African American male students at the University of Iowa during the 1940s and 1950s.

Dates: 1932-1999

Esther J. Walls papers

Identifier: IWA0288

Mason City, Iowa native and librarian who was the first African-American female student at University of Iowa elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

Dates: 1860-1996

Frances Hawthorne papers

Identifier: IWA0473

Des Moines educator whose materials include You Can't Go Back to Buxton and African Americans in Iowa: a Chronicle of Contributions, 1830-1992.

Dates: 1906-2000

Geneva Southall papers

Identifier: IWA0380

Professor Emeritus of Afro-American Studies and Music at the University of Minnesota; University of Iowa alumna.

Dates: 1960-2004

Geraldene Felton papers

Identifier: IWA0330

Professor and former dean of the University of Iowa College of Nursing.


Two books that mention Felton and her achievements in nursing are filed in the printed work collection of the Iowa Women's Archives: Complete in All Its Parts: Nursing Education at the University of Iowa, 1898-1998 by Lee Anderson and Kathy Penningroth (1998) and The Path We Tread: Blacks in Nursing Worldwide, 1864-1994 by M. Elizabeth Carnegie (1995).

Dates: 1951-2004

Giving Voice to their Memories: Oral Histories of African American Women in Iowa

Identifier: IWA0331

Oral history project of the Iowa Women's Archives.

Dates: 1997-1998

Grace Morris Allen Jones papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0277

Burlington, Iowa born educator and wife of Dr. Laurence C. Jones, founder of Piney Woods Country Life School in Piney Woods, Mississippi.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1927-1975

Gwendolyn Fowler papers

Identifier: IWA0365

The first African American woman pharmacist licensed in Iowa and presidential appointee to the United States Foreign Service in the 1950s.

Dates: 1905-1996

Helen Lemme Reading Club records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: IWA0399

African American reading club formed in 1984 by University of Iowa graduate students.

Dates: 1984-1998

Iowa Nurses' Association records

Identifier: IWA0023

State branch of the national organization. The overall purpose of the association has been to promote and improve the professional skills and status of nurses.


Administrative Records, 1904-1989 (boxes 1-18) American Nurses Association, 1928-1989 (boxes 18-24) Committees, 1933-1989 (boxes24-34) Continuing Education, 1955-1989 (boxes 34-36) Conventions, 1904-1989 (boxes 37-44) Districts, 1920-1984 (boxes44-48) Economic Security,1946-1989(boxes 48-57) Iowa League for Nursing,1913-1980 (boxes 57-61 Iowa Organizations, 1926-1989 (boxes 61-68) Membership, 1904-1988 (boxes 68-70) Publications, 1917-1985 (box71) Sections, 1940-1984 (boxes 71-77) Student Nurses Association, 1949-1984 (boxes 77-78) Photographs, 1918-1987 (boxes 78-79) Artifacts, 1981-1988 (box 80) Audiotapes, 1974-1987 (box 81) Oversize, 1916-1987 (box 82 and container 83)

Dates: 1904-1989

Iowa Women's Hall of Fame records

Identifier: IWA0174

Established by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women in 1975 to recognize the contributions of Iowa women.

Dates: 1975-2010

Ivory Winston papers

Identifier: IWA0883

Concert vocalist and Ottumwa housewife.

Dates: 1936-2010

Jacqueline Scott papers

Identifier: IWA0295

Elementary schoolteacher in Keokuk, Iowa.

Dates: 1988-1997

Jane Burleson papers

Identifier: IWA0340

Teacher's aide, packinghouse worker, and union activist, Burleson was the first woman and first African American elected to the Fort Dodge City Council.

Dates: 1931-1998

Janice A. Beran papers

Identifier: IWA0149

Professor in the College of Education at Iowa State University until her retirement in 1994. Materials relate to the history of sports and particularly the participation of women and African-Americans in Iowa sports.

Dates: 1944-1998

Jean Berry papers

Identifier: IWA0297

Des Moines-based artist.

Dates: 1989-2000

Jean Shoots papers

Identifier: IWA0308

Writer, performer, volunteer, and nurse in Iowa City.

Dates: 1990-1998

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: African American women X
  • Subject: Women X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Iowa Women's Archives 63
University of Iowa Special Collections 2
University of Iowa Archives 2
African American women -- Iowa 63
African American women 60
Archives (groupings) 59
Personal papers 50
Photographs 44
∨ more
20th century 37
1991-2000 24
Des Moines (Iowa) 18
1981-1990 16
Iowa City (Iowa) 16
African Americans 14
Iowa 13
Oral histories 13
Sound recordings 13
Video recordings 13
2001-2010 10
Speeches 10
Women in public life 10
Community activists 9
Correspondence 9
Women 9
Women -- Political activity 9
Women lawyers 9
Cultural artifacts 8
Teachers 8
Women -- Societies and clubs 8
Administrative records 7
College students 7
Race discrimination 7
Race relations 7
Scrapbooks 7
Teaching 7
Volunteers 7
Waterloo (Iowa) 7
Women in education 7
College teachers 6
Families 6
Social workers 6
Women in community organization 6
1971-1980 5
Authors 5
Civic leaders 5
Civil rights workers 5
Clubs 5
Fort Madison (Iowa) 5
Volunteer workers in social service 5
African American students 4
Awards 4
Black people 4
Community organization 4
Diaries 4
Educators 4
Minority women 4
Nurses 4
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 4
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 4
Racism 4
Singers 4
Social service 4
Sports for girls 4
Sports for women 4
Twentieth century 4
1961-1970 3
African American graduate students 3
African American men 3
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 3
Civil rights 3
Davenport (Iowa) 3
Holly Springs (Miss.) 3
Homemakers 3
Leadership 3
Pharmacists 3
Posters 3
Retired women 3
Women in charitable work 3
Women in higher education 3
Women in medicine 3
Women in pharmacy 3
Women, Black 3
Yearbooks 3
1941-1950 2
1951-1960 2
African American children 2
African American college students 2
Ames (Iowa) 2
Artists 2
Autobiographies 2
Basketball for girls 2
Basketball for women 2
Black Hawk County (Iowa) 2
Burlington (Iowa) 2
Civil rights movements 2
College students, Black 2
Conservatorships 2
Dancers 2
Education 2
Elementary school teachers 2
Equality before the law 2
Family papers 2
Girls 2
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 11
State University of Iowa 5
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 3
Drake University 2
Felton, Geraldene, 1926- 2
∨ more
Furgerson, Betty Jean, 1927- 2
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 2
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 2
Lemme, Helen 2
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 2
Marsh, Marjorie, 1913- 2
Morris, Arlene Roberts (1926-2016) 2
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 2
Neal, Kathryn M. 2
Southall, Geneva H. 2
Veterans Administration Hospital (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Wing, Adrien Katherine 2
Wood, Mary Elizabeth, 1902- 2
YWCA of Greater Des Moines 2
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 2
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Basketball League 1
American Nurses Association 1
Anderson, Helen 1
Anderson, Ruth Bluford, 1921-2013 1
Antioch Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women's (Dubuque, Iowa) 1
Atkinson, Edith Reed, 1919-2000 1
Aurora Reading Club of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
Baxter, Elaine (1933-2021) 1
Beatty, Linda, 1942- 1
Beran family 1
Beran, Janice A. 1
Berry, Dora Martin, 1937- 1
Berry, Jean, 1938- 1
Berry, Venise T. 1
Black Student Union 1
Blind Tom, 1849-1908 1
Bloom, Amy 1
Bolden, Louise, 1922- 1
Booster Women's Club (Fort Madison, Iowa) 1
Boyd, Nancy Shimanek, 1947- 1
Brandt, Diane, 1938- 1
Branstad, Terry E. 1
Brewton, Frances 1
Bridgeport Central High School (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1
Brown, Geraldine 1
Buhr, Florence, 1933- 1
Burleson, Jane, 1928- 1
Calderon, Barbara McDonald (1915-1999) 1
Carl, Janet (1948-) 1
Carson, Frances 1
Chapman, Kathleen "Kay" Halloran (1937-) 1
Clark, Betty Jean, 1920-2005 1
Club Les Dames (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Coffin, Winnie 1
Cohen, Gertrude (1913-2016) 1
Community Pharmacy (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Conklin, Charlene, 1929-2022 1
Cooper, Cecile, 1900-1997 1
Cooper, Fannie Wilson 1
Corning, Joy (1932-2017) 1
Cothorn, Marguerite, 1909-1998 1
Crabb, Helen M., 1916- 1
Davis, Aldeen 1
Davis, June, 1940- 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Phi Chapter (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Des Moines Area Community College 1
Des Moines City Federation of Colored Women 1
Des Moines Suffrage Club 1
Des Moines Tutoring Center 1
Dickens, Mary, 1925-2014 1
Doderer, Minnette, 1923-2005 1
Domond, Nadine, 1975- 1
Drake College of Pharmacy 1
Duitscher, Lucille Dreier, 1922- 1
Dungy, Madgetta, 1942- 1
Eichacker, Lois H. (1932-2018) 1
Estes, Simon 1
Fowler, Gwendolyn Wilson, 1907-1997 1
Franklin Book Programs, inc. 1
Furgerson, Penny, 1936- 1
Garman, Teresa, 1937- 1
Gateway Dance Theatre 1
Gentleman, Julia (1931-) 1
Governor Ray's Commission on the Status Of Women (Iowa) 1
Greene, Archie L., 1945- 1
Greene, Archie Lou Shipp 1
Gregerson, Mary Pat, 1938- 1
Griffin, Edna, 1909-2000 1
Griffin, Phyllis 1
Gruhn, Josephine, 1927-2015 1
Hamilton, John J. 1
Hannon, Beverly A., 1932- 1
Haralovich, Mary Beth 1
Harper family 1
Harper, Mattie 1
Harper, Patricia (1932-) 1
+ ∧ less