Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 169
Elizabeth Lindsay Tatum papers
Peace activist and Quaker who lived in Southern Rhodesia from 1960 to 1964.
Elizabeth Shaw papers
Iowa state legislator from 1967 to 1977.
Topical files, arranged alphabetically, boxes 1-22; correspondence, boxes 23-30.
Elizabeth Wherry papers
Ellen Mowrer Miller papers
Correspondence of 19th century Iowa woman includes letters from brother in medical school and Civil War and from sister who raised a family and maintained a farm.
Elvira Gaston Platt papers
Teacher and abolitionist who assisted fleeing slaves on the Underground Railroad while living in Fremont County, Iowa. Taught school to Pawnee children in Pennsylvania and Nebraska.
Esther J. Walls papers
Mason City, Iowa native and librarian who was the first African-American female student at University of Iowa elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Esther Treptow Clark papers
Daughter of German immigrants whose scrapbook documents her life in the early 20th century.
Esther Ver Meer papers
Farmwoman and member of the Porkettes, the women's auxiliary of the Iowa Pork Producers Council.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Florinda Wakefield More papers
Correspondence from friends, family and her husband, the itinerant minister Thomas More.
Floy Eugenia Whitehead papers
Nutrition scholar and chair of the University of Iowa's Home Economics Department for sixteen years.
Frances Graham papers
Amateur historian and clubwoman from Fayette County, Iowa.
Gertrude Taft papers
Humboldt, Iowa, native who taught high school in Iowa and worked for the Unitarian Church in Cleveland and Boston.
Gladys Homan papers
Extensive correspondence of Corning, Iowa farm wife and club woman.
Gladys Nelson papers
Republican Iowa legislator from 1950 to 1956 and former president of the League of Women Voters of Iowa.
Hazel E. Brown Papers
Writer and friend of both Grant Wood and Marvin Cone. The collection contains research notes and manuscripts for the book, as well as clippings about Brown herself. Iowa Author Mss.
Hazelle Keir Schmuecker papers
Autobiographical essays and family history of six generations by rural schoolteacher, homemaker, and artist.
Hedy Hustedde papers
A librarian who worked at the Bettendorf Public Library in Bettendorf, Iowa for over thirty years.
Helen Baird Branyan papers
Letters From Egypt by Helen Baird Branyan consists primarily of Clarice Bloomfield's letters, written between 1920 and 1938. The letters describe the life of an Albia, Iowa, girl who became a missionary in Egypt.
Helen Lee Hensleigh Wenger papers
University of Iowa graduate and teacher whose papers include correspondence and scrapbook files relating to her work on a variety of social issues.
Helene Scriabine papers
Author and Professor Emeritus of Russian at the University of Iowa, who emmigrated to the United States after surviving the siege of Leningrad in 1941.