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Showing Collections: 41 - 60 of 130

Iowa ERA Coalition records

Identifier: IWA0011

Organization to promote passage of an Equal Rights Amendment to the Iowa and United States constitutions.

Dates: 1974-1981

Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs records

Identifier: IWA0565

Nondenominational and nonpartisan organization bringing Iowa women's clubs together.

Dates: 1853-2006

Iowa League for Nursing records

Identifier: IWA0580

The Iowa League for Nursing's efforts have included active participation in community planning and action for health care, advocating changes such as home health care. The organization made efforts to assure the continuing supply of nurses by providing them with the educational opportunities to reach their maximum career potential, ability to move into management and leadership positions, and promoting a greater public appreciation of nursing as a profession.

Dates: 1952-2002

Iowa Medical Society Auxiliary records

Identifier: IWA0871

Organization of physicians' spouses that worked to advance health and health education and to support medical families

Dates: 1929-1998

Iowa Nurses Association, Fifth District records

Identifier: IWA0015

Local chapter of the Iowa Nurses Association.

Dates: 1922-2001

Iowa Nurses' Association records

Identifier: IWA0023

State branch of the national organization. The overall purpose of the association has been to promote and improve the professional skills and status of nurses.


Administrative Records, 1904-1989 (boxes 1-18) American Nurses Association, 1928-1989 (boxes 18-24) Committees, 1933-1989 (boxes24-34) Continuing Education, 1955-1989 (boxes 34-36) Conventions, 1904-1989 (boxes 37-44) Districts, 1920-1984 (boxes44-48) Economic Security,1946-1989(boxes 48-57) Iowa League for Nursing,1913-1980 (boxes 57-61 Iowa Organizations, 1926-1989 (boxes 61-68) Membership, 1904-1988 (boxes 68-70) Publications, 1917-1985 (box71) Sections, 1940-1984 (boxes 71-77) Student Nurses Association, 1949-1984 (boxes 77-78) Photographs, 1918-1987 (boxes 78-79) Artifacts, 1981-1988 (box 80) Audiotapes, 1974-1987 (box 81) Oversize, 1916-1987 (box 82 and container 83)

Dates: 1904-1989

Iowa Peace Links records

Identifier: IWA0625

Newsletters of pacifist group Peace Links, based in the Northwest Iowa towns of Paullina and Primghar.

Dates: 1985-2001

Iowa Porkettes records

Identifier: IWA0626

Women's auxiliary of the Iowa Pork Producer's Association, founded in 1964. Merged with the men's organization in 1992.

Dates: 1964-1996

Iowa Press Women records

Identifier: IWA0016

Local affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women.

Dates: 1933-2001

Iowa Suffrage Memorial Commission records

Identifier: IWA0398

Commemorated the efforts of pioneer suffragists and the enfranchisement of women.

Dates: 1906-1941

Iowa Women Against the Equal Rights Amendment records

Identifier: IWA0018

Grassroots organization opposed to Iowa's ratification of the ERA to the Iowa and United States constitutions.

Dates: 1972-1980

Iowa Women in Educational Leadership records

Identifier: IWA0370

An organization to promote the upward mobility of women in educational management.

Dates: 1981-1997

Iowa Women in Natural Resources records

Identifier: IWA0222

Iowa chapter of the national organization.

Dates: 1987-2007

Iowa Women's Foundation records

Identifier: IWA0269

Women's organization to fund and assist programs that create opportunities for women and girls in Iowa.

Dates: 1990-2003

Iowa Women's Hall of Fame records

Identifier: IWA0174

Established by the Iowa Commission on the Status of Women in 1975 to recognize the contributions of Iowa women.

Dates: 1975-2010

Iowa Women's Political Caucus records

Identifier: IWA0019

Organization to promote the advancement of women in politics.

Dates: 1972-1999

Johnson County ERA Coalition records

Identifier: IWA0138

Organized in Iowa City to promote the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the constitution of the state of Iowa.


"New Strategies, Old Obstacles in the Fight for Equality: An Analysis of the 1992 Iowa ERA Referendum Campaign," is shelved in the Iowa Women's Archives printed works collection (fHQ.1236.5.U6 F45 1993).

Dates: 1984-1993

Know Your Neighbor Club (Williams, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0291

Farm women's club organized in 1926.

Dates: 1926-1996

League of Women Voters, Cedar Rapids-Marion records

Identifier: IWA0635

The Cedar Rapids-Marion League of Women Voters (LWV) played an active part in the civic life of the greater Cedar Rapids area. During the period covered by this collection, the Cedar Rapids-Marion League of Women Voters focused on the problems of high school dropouts in the Cedar Rapids school system and the lack of affordable housing in the area.

Dates: 1937 - 2010

League of Women Voters, Iowa records

Identifier: IWA0020
Abstract State-level branch of the national non-partisan League of Women Voters which seeks to promote political responsibility through educating and informing the public on selected governmental issues and promoting action on those issues. Arrangement 1971 Accession, 1917 to 1991 (boxes 1-61) Local leagues, 1939-1970 (boxes 1-5,19-32) Administrative, 1920-1968 (boxes 6-16) National, 1934-1966 (boxes 16-17) Iowa Voter, 1943-2001 (box 18) Topical, 1938-1972 (boxes 32-42, 45-58, 60-61) Histories, 1917-1969 (boxes 42-44, 59) Voter service, 1947-1966 (box 44) 1975 Accession, 1938-1973 (boxes 62-92) Local leagues, 1968-1971 (boxes 62-67) Administrative, 1940-1973 (boxes 67-79) Topical, 1938-1971 (boxes 79-83, 84-91) Voter service, 1948-1969 (boxes 83-84) 1981 Accession Local leagues, 1928-1979 (boxes 93-100) 1984 Accession, 1955-1980 (boxes 100-107) Topical, 1955-1980 (boxes...
Dates: 1917-2001

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Administrative records X
  • Subject: Women -- Societies and clubs X
  • Subject: Iowa X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Photographs 78
20th century 77
Clubs 53
Scrapbooks 52
1981-1990 40
∨ more
1991-2000 40
2001-2010 40
Iowa 34
1971-1980 32
Rural women 27
Social participation 27
Women in agriculture 26
Women -- Political activity 24
Women lawyers 23
Community organization 20
Cultural artifacts 20
Yearbooks 19
Women 18
Political participation 17
Iowa City (Iowa) 16
Des Moines (Iowa) 15
Women's rights 15
Sound recordings 14
Video recordings 14
Feminism 12
Gardening 12
Community education 11
Intellectual life 11
Equal rights amendments 10
Women in charitable work 10
Cooking 8
Feminists 8
Marion (Iowa) 8
Professional associations 8
Sewing 8
Farm life 7
Johnson County (Iowa) 7
Social service 7
Women in community organization 7
Women in nonprofit organizations 7
African American women -- Iowa 6
Books and reading 6
Equality before the law 6
Farmers 6
Financial records 6
Homemakers 6
Women in public life 6
Career development 5
Civic improvement 5
Families 5
Local government 5
Manchester (Iowa) 5
Political campaigns 5
Sex discrimination against women 5
Slides (photographs) 5
Women -- 19th century 5
1961-1970 4
African American women 4
Agriculture 4
Awards 4
Correspondence 4
Health 4
Muscatine (Iowa) 4
O'Brien County (Iowa) 4
Posters 4
Racism 4
Sioux City (Iowa) 4
Twentieth century 4
Women and War 4
Women and literature 4
Women in education 4
1941-1950 3
1951-1960 3
4-H clubs 3
Abortion 3
Anniversaries 3
Authors 3
Child care 3
Community life 3
Country life 3
Discrimination in employment 3
Fund raising 3
Girls 3
Housing 3
Mothers 3
Newsletters 3
Nurses 3
Nursing 3
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 3
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 3
Pacifism 3
Percival (Iowa) 3
Quilting 3
Race relations 3
Sex crimes 3
Sex instruction 3
Sexism 3
+ ∧ less
General Federation of Women's Clubs 5
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 3
National Organization for Women. Iowa 3
University of Iowa 3
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 2
∨ more
Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs 2
Iowa League for Nursing 2
Iowa Nurses' Association 2
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 2
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 2
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League 2
National Organization for Women. Johnson County-Iowa City Chapter 2
National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.) 2
Teaford, Jane (1935-) 2
University of Iowa. Women's Resource and Action Center 2
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
Alan Guttmacher Institute 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Business Women's Association. Grant Wood Chapter 1
American Nurses Association 1
Americans for Religious Liberty 1
Anderson, Margaret, 1928- 1
Anton, Judy 1
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 1
Athens History Circle (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Audubon Society of Manchester (Iowa) 1
Benedict Home (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Best Ever Club (Percival, Iowa) 1
Blackmun, Harry A. (Harry Andrew), 1908-1999 1
Bob's Creek Neighbors (Club : Allamakee County, Iowa) 1
Book Review Club (Manchester, Iowa) 1
Boone Township Women Club (Wright County, Iowa) 1
Burlington Clubwomen's Time Capsule (Burlington, Iowa) 1
Burlington Federation of Women's Clubs (Burlington, Iowa) 1
Camp Courageous of Iowa 1
Campbell, Bonnie J., 1948- 1
Cary Club of Marion, Iowa 1
Cary, Alice, 1820-1871 1
Cary, Phoebe, 1824-1871 1
Catholics for a Free Choice (Organization) 1
Cedar Valley Community Club (Muscatine County, Iowa) 1
Child Development Club (Manchester, Iowa) 1
Church Women United (Johnson County, Iowa) 1
Church Women United in Iowa 1
City Union of Mothers' Clubs (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Clionian Club (Davenport, Iowa) 1
Daughters of Ceres. Walnut Chapter (Walnut, Iowa) 1
Daughters of Ceres. Webster Chapter (Webster, Iowa) 1
Davis, Aldeen 1
Des Moines Women's Club 1
ERA Iowa 1992 1
Eastern Iowa League for Nursing 1
Eaton, Linda 1
Eckhardt, Lois 1
Eisinger, Mary 1
Embroiderers' Guild of America. Plum Grove Chapter (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Emerson Study Club (Sioux City, Iowa) 1
Emma Goldman Clinic 1
Entre Nous (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Ever Ready Club (Baxter, Iowa) 1
Farm Bureau Township Club (Iowa County, Iowa) 1
Farm Safety 4 Just Kids 1
Federated Garden Clubs of Iowa 1
Feminist Majority (Organization) 1
Flora Garden Club (Manchester, Iowa) 1
Flynn, Martin 1
Fort Madison Women's Club 1
Four Cs of Johnson County 1
Four Seasons Garden Club (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Franklin Township Farm Bureau Women (O'Brien County, Iowa) 1
Freedom Township Women's Club (Palo Alto County, Iowa) 1
Friendly Neighbors Club (Deep River, Iowa) 1
Friendly Neighbors Club (Percival, Iowa) 1
Glanton, Willie 1
Goldsmith, Judith 1
Grand Meadow Women's Club (Allamakee County, Iowa) 1
Greene Township Women's Club (Iowa County, Iowa) 1
Griffin, Edna, 1909-2000 1
Harrison County Farm Bureau (Iowa). Women's Committee 1
Hartupee Social Club (West Liberty, Iowa) 1
Helen Lemme Reading Club (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Henry, Gloria 1
Hickok, Kathleen 1
Highland Do-Better Club (O'Brien County, Iowa) 1
Hutchison, Sherry 1
Ingleside Club (Mount Vernon, Iowa) 1
International Wives Club (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
International Women's Club (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Iowa Citizens' League for Nursing 1
Iowa City Area Christian Women's Club 1
Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault 1
Iowa Crime Victim Assistance Division 1
Iowa ERA Coalition 1
Iowa Federation of Garden Clubs 1
Iowa Medical Society Alliance 1
Iowa Medical Society Auxiliary 1
Iowa Medical Society. Woman's Auxiliary 1
Iowa Nurses' Association. Fifth District 1
Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys 1
Iowa Peace Links 1
+ ∧ less