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Showing Collections: 21 - 36 of 36

Maggie Tinsman papers

Identifier: IWA0348

Bettendorf Republican who served on the Scott County Board of Supervisors and the Iowa State Senate.

Dates: 1971-2015

Margaret Talcott Boedeker papers

Identifier: IWA0401

Teacher with Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1941-1963; vocational counselor and tourism advocate.

Dates: 1937-1998

Maria Cano Martinez papers

Identifier: IWA0537

Maria Cano came to Iowa from Guanajuato, Mexico, with her parents in 1928. She established a Spanish language interpreter program at the University of Iowa Hospitals in 1975.

Dates: 1975-2017

Marta Werner papers

Identifier: IWA0361

Native of Mexico who came to Fort Madison, Iowa in 1914. Her community activism centered on the Iowa State Penitentiary in Fort Madison.

Dates: 1892-1989

Muscatine Migrant Committee records

Identifier: IWA0745

Migrant agency that advocated for agricultural laborers employed temporarily on eastern Iowa farms.

Dates: 1962-2005

Patricia Herring papers

Identifier: IWA0741

Feminist, social worker, and advocate for persons with HIV/AIDS.

Dates: 1979-2008

Quota Club (Sioux City, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0342

Professional women's service club formed before 1935, which is active in community and world service, with special emphasis on hearing and speech aid.

Dates: 1960-1997

Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) records

Identifier: IWA0857

Sexual abuse response and advocacy center established in in Iowa City in 1973 to serve located the University of Iowa community and surrounding counties.

Dates: 1971-2010

Ruth Salzmann Becker papers

Identifier: IWA0123

Nurse and community activist in Iowa City who, as a young Jewish woman, fled Nazi Germany in 1939 and emigrated to the United States.

Dates: 1858-2012

Shirley M. Sandage papers

Identifier: IWA0318

Mason City, Iowa-born civil rights activist, United States field representative for the Christian Children's Fund and director of program development for the National Organization on Disability.

Dates: 1927-2012

Susan J. Norman papers

Identifier: IWA0299

Iowa City activist.

Dates: 1972-1984

The Recital Club (Garner, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0157

Organized in 1901 to promote the arts and community service.

Dates: 1901-1994

Women Aware, Inc. (Sioux City, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0727

Women Aware, Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Sioux City, Iowa, which was started in 1979. Its primary focus is on displaced homemakers and single parent homemakers, providing advocacy, education, information, counseling, referral and support.

Dates: 1985-2004

Women's Resource and Action Center (WRAC) records

Identifier: IWA0151

Women's center established in 1970 to serve the university and community.

Dates: 1960-2006

Young Women's Resource Center (Des Moines, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0048

This local organization's goal was to, educate, and empower young women in the Greater Des Moines area through counseling and other programs.

Dates: 1975-2015

YWCA of Greater Des Moines records

Identifier: IWA0167

The records are arranged in eight series: Administrative records, Financial records, Publicity, Branches and clubs, Photographs, Scrapbooks, Artifacts, and 1998 Accession.

Dates: 1885-1995

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Social service X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Photographs 30
Personal papers 25
20th century 24
Social service 22
Volunteer workers in social service 19
∨ more
2001-2010 15
Women -- Societies and clubs 13
Cultural artifacts 12
Social workers 12
Administrative records 11
Iowa City (Iowa) 11
1991-2000 10
Scrapbooks 10
1981-1990 9
African American women 9
African American women -- Iowa 9
Oral histories 9
Sound recordings 9
1971-1980 8
Video recordings 8
Women 8
Clubs 7
Community activists 7
Iowa 7
Speeches 7
Des Moines (Iowa) 6
Women -- Political activity 6
Women in public life 6
Social advocacy 5
Social participation 5
Women in nonprofit organizations 5
Women lawyers 5
Yearbooks 5
Autobiographies 4
College students 4
Community organization 4
Correspondence 4
Diaries 4
Feminism 4
Feminists 4
Hispanic American families 4
Hispanic American women 4
Memoirs 4
Racism 4
Women in community organization 4
African Americans 3
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 3
College teachers 3
Families 3
Health 3
Muscatine (Iowa) 3
Photograph albums 3
Sex crimes 3
Slides (photographs) 3
Social work with women 3
Social work with youth 3
Women and War 3
Women in agriculture 3
Women in charitable work 3
Bisexuals 2
Child care 2
China 2
Civic improvement 2
Civil rights 2
Civil rights workers 2
Community education 2
Community leadership 2
Counseling 2
Davenport (Iowa) 2
Education 2
Financial records 2
Gays 2
High school students 2
Homemakers 2
Johnson County (Iowa) 2
Lesbians 2
Mexican American women 2
Migrant labor 2
Motion pictures 2
Political activists 2
Political campaigns 2
Political participation 2
Posters 2
Prisoners 2
Rape victims 2
Retired women 2
Rural women 2
Sex instruction 2
Sexism 2
Sexual minorities 2
Sioux City (Iowa) 2
Spousal abuse 2
Teachers 2
Teaching 2
Teenage girls 2
Transgender people 2
Vietnam 2
Women -- 19th century 2
Women in social work education 2
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 6
State University of Iowa 3
General Federation of Women's Clubs 2
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 2
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
∨ more
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
Becker, Ruth Salzmann (1922-2007) 1
Beisswenger family 1
Beisswenger, Don 1
Beisswenger, Joyce, 1930-2002 1
Beisswenger, Judy 1
Boedeker family 1
Boedeker, Margaret Talcott 1
Brown, Bill 1
Brown, Harriet Connor, 1872- 1
Brown, Maria Dean Foster, 1827-1929 1
Cadena, Juan 1
Cadena, Marta 1
Campbell, Bonnie J., 1948- 1
Cano family 1
Chong, Peggy 1
Christian Children's Fund 1
Coffin, Winnie 1
Cooper, Cecile, 1900-1997 1
Cooper, Fannie Wilson 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Davis, Aldeen 1
Davis, Laura Hutchison, 1916-1993 1
Davis, Lloyd L. 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 1
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Phi Chapter (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Des Moines Child Guidance Center 1
Des Moines Suffrage Club 1
Displaced Homemakers Network 1
Door Opener (Mason City, Iowa) 1
Drake College of Pharmacy 1
Eckhardt, Lois 1
Estes, Simon 1
Farm Bureau Township Club (Iowa County, Iowa) 1
Fowler, Gwendolyn Wilson, 1907-1997 1
Frederick County Human Relations Commission (Frederick County, Iowa) 1
Garrity, Margaret 1
Garrity-Sandage Associates, Inc. 1
Glanton, Willie 1
Grace and Rubies (Restaurant : Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Greene Township Women's Club (Iowa County, Iowa) 1
Greene, Archie L., 1945- 1
Greene, Archie Lou Shipp 1
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program 1
Herring, Patricia, 1944- 1
Hoyt, Adelia M., 1865- 1
Iowa Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 1
Iowa Association of Colored Women's Clubs 1
Iowa Center for AIDS Resources and Education 1
Iowa City Free Medical Clinic 1
Iowa Community AIDS Partnership 1
Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs 1
Iowa Governor's Commission on Health Care Costs 1
Iowa Home for Sightless Women (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Iowa State Association of Counties 1
Iowa State College 1
Iowa State Teachers College 1
Iowa Women's Foundation 1
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 1
Iowa. Department of Agriculture 1
Iowa. Department of Public Health 1
Iowa. Department of Social Services 1
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 1
Jensen, Dorothy 1
Johnson County (Iowa). Department of Public Health 1
Johnson County Regional Planning Commission (Iowa) 1
Jones, Leah A., 1965- 1
Juilliard School 1
Knowler, Faith (1911-2002) 1
Kramer, Mary, (Legislator) (1935-) 1
Lloyd, Billie D., 1940-1991 1
Martínez, María Cano, 1925-1983 1
Mays, A. Louise, 1914- 1
McClintic, Amber, 1960- 1
Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.) 1
Migrant Action Program (Mason City, Iowa) 1
Miller, Karla 1
Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, N.Y.). School of Nursing 1
Muscatine Federated Women's Club 1
Muscatine Migrant Committee 1
National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (U.S.) 1
National Association of Counties 1
National Center for Human Development 1
National Committee on United States-China Relations 1
National Organization on Disability (U.S.) 1
Neal, Edith, 1916-2007 1
Newsome, Louane, 1906-2004 1
Nielsen Financial Consultants (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) 1
Nielsen family 1
Nielsen, Cindy 1
Nielsen, Eric 1
Nielsen, Joyce, 1933- 1
Nineteenth Century Club (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
+ ∧ less