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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 141

Kathleen Wood Laurila papers

Identifier: IWA0458

Iowa activist involved in the peace movement as well energy conservation and environmental protection coalitions.

Dates: 1956-1999

Kathryn W. Hansen

Identifier: IWA0859

Photographer, Peace Corps volunteer, and United Nations Association leader and member.

Dates: 1959-2012

Katy Gammack papers

Identifier: IWA0749

Multi-client lobbyist, co-publisher of "Money and Politics Iowa," and an advocate for women's rights.

Dates: 1976-2007

Keyes Family papers

Identifier: IWA0039

Mount Vernon, Iowa, family whose papers include photographs, account books, correspondence and civil war diaries.

Dates: 1832-1992

Kittredge Cherry and Audrey Lockwood

Identifier: IWA0759

Life partners Kittredge Cherry (1957-), an author, journalist, and minister to the LGBT community, and Audrey Lockwood (1957- ), a financial planner, met as students at the University of Iowa in 1975 and lived and worked in Japan before settling in California.

Dates: 1970-2009

League of Women Voters, Johnson County records

Identifier: IWA0021

Local branch of the national non-partisan League of Women Voters which seeks to promote political responsibility through educating and informing the public on selected governmental issues and promoting action on those issues.

Dates: 1920-2009

League of Women Voters, Metropolitan Des Moines records

Identifier: IWA0243

This non-partisan group studied and acted upon the many local issues including the following: the council-manager form of city government, home rule for local and county government, reapportionment of legislative districts of the Iowa General Assembly, desegregation and integration of Des Moines public schools, and the need for affordable housing in the community.

Dates: 1936-1995

League of Women Voters, Muscatine records

Identifier: IWA0636

During the 1980s and 1990s, the LWV of Muscatine conducted a number of studies on Muscatine county issues, including the ambulance 911 system, law enforcement, county courthouse space needs, alternative forms of county government, housing, education, land use, hazardous waste, local option tax, the U.S. Highway 61 Bypass, and the Muscatine fire station.

Dates: 1943-2000

Lela Powers Briggs papers

Identifier: IWA0043

An artist who farmed with her husband near La Porte, Iowa.

Dates: 1892-1992

Lida Cochran papers

Identifier: IWA0581

Audiovisual educator and professor in the Education Department at the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1917-2006

Linda Kinney Neuman papers

Identifier: IWA0532

Served for over twenty years in the Iowa judiciary and was the first woman to be appointed to the Iowa Supreme Court.

Dates: 1975-2018

Lola Moeller Zook papers

Identifier: IWA0462

Newspaper editor whose papers relate to her career as a journalist and the years she spent in occupied Japan following World War II.

Dates: 1909-2004

Lonabelle Kaplan Spencer papers

Identifier: IWA0160

American Association of University Women member and advocate for women's issues including dual listings for married women in Iowa telephone directories.


1997 ACCESSION: Boxes 1-11

2007 ACCESSION: Boxes 12-41

2008 ACCESSION: Boxes 42-65

Dates: 1931-2007

Louise Goldman papers

Identifier: IWA0307

Public servant, feminist activist, and poet from Davenport, Iowa.

Dates: 1933-1997

Louise Rosenfield Noun papers

Identifier: IWA0035

Feminist and civil liberties activist from Des Moines, Iowa, who was also an art collector, author, and co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.

Dates: 1926-2018

Lucille Schlotterback Struve artifact

Identifier: IWA0457

Basketball jersey, 1927. Iowa farm girl and mother, who was a member of the 1927 Newhall girls' championship basketball team.


One box, shelved in artifacts collection.

Dates: 1927

Luella Rynerson Smith papers

Identifier: IWA0861

Home extension course, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other early twentieth century rural organization publications collected by an Iowa farm wife.

Dates: 1884-1989

Magdalen Meade papers

Identifier: IWA0648

Iowa farm woman and political organizer who was active in Roxanne Conlin's gubernatorial campaign in 1982.

Dates: 1891-1992

Maggie Tinsman papers

Identifier: IWA0348

Bettendorf Republican who served on the Scott County Board of Supervisors and the Iowa State Senate.

Dates: 1971-2015

Marcia Thayer papers

Identifier: IWA0689

Dancer, choreographer and educator who worked in Iowa, Massachussetts, Oregon and New York.

Dates: 1927 - 2013

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Cultural artifacts X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Iowa Women's Archives 140
University of Iowa Archives 1
Archives (groupings) 140
Photographs 114
20th century 110
Personal papers 104
2001-2010 64
∨ more
Scrapbooks 56
Iowa City (Iowa) 49
Sound recordings 45
Women -- Political activity 37
Correspondence 36
Iowa 34
Video recordings 33
Women lawyers 33
Administrative records 31
Oral histories 28
Speeches 28
College students 27
Diaries 26
Women -- Societies and clubs 26
1981-1990 24
1991-2000 24
Political campaigns 23
Women 22
Yearbooks 22
1971-1980 21
Des Moines (Iowa) 20
Families 20
Women's rights 18
Teachers 16
Women in education 16
College teachers 15
Photograph albums 15
Slides (photographs) 15
Teaching 14
Volunteers 14
Women in agriculture 14
Memoirs 13
Rural women 13
Sports for girls 13
Sports for women 13
Political participation 12
Autobiographies 11
Clubs 11
Women in higher education 11
Bisexuals 10
Feminism 10
Gays 10
High school students 10
Lesbians 10
Posters 10
Sexual minorities 10
Transgender people 10
Women in nonprofit organizations 10
World War, 1939-1945 10
Farm life 9
Legislators 9
Nurses 9
Pacifism 9
Peace 9
Political activists 9
Political candidates 9
Voyages and travels 9
Women in public life 9
2011-2020 8
African American women -- Iowa 8
Equal rights amendments 8
Farmers 8
Social service 8
Women and War 8
Davenport (Iowa) 7
Feminists 7
Journalists 7
Politicians 7
Sex discrimination against women 7
African American women 6
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 6
Community activists 6
Community organization 6
Homemakers 6
Johnson County (Iowa) 6
Motion pictures 6
Nursing 6
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 6
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 6
Pacifists 6
Social workers 6
Volunteer workers in social service 6
Women -- 19th century 6
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 6
College athletes 5
College sports for women 5
Drawings (visual works) 5
Hispanic American families 5
Hispanic American women 5
Home economics 5
Japan 5
Jewish women -- Iowa 5
Physical education and training 5
Postcards 5
+ ∧ less
Dutch; Flemish 1
University of Iowa 18
State University of Iowa 13
Democratic Party (Iowa) 8
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 7
Republican Party (Iowa) 7
∨ more
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 5
American Association of University Women 4
Grinnell College 4
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 4
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 4
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 3
Daughters of the American Revolution 3
Iowa State College 3
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 3
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 3
American National Red Cross 2
Camp Fire Girls. Iowana Council 2
Fox, Margaret, 1912-2010 2
Grand View College 2
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 2
Iowa Civil Liberties Union 2
Iowa Civil Rights Commission 2
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 2
Iowa Cornets (Basketball team) 2
Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs 2
Iowa League for Nursing 2
Iowa State Teachers College 2
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 2
Jew, Jean Y. 2
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 2
League of Women Voters of Iowa 2
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 2
Mason, Kären 2
Muscatine Migrant Committee 2
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League 2
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 2
O'Dea, Suzanne, 1950- 2
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2
Radcliffe College 2
Republican National Convention 2
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 2
United Nations 2
United Nations Association of the United States of America 2
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 2
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 2
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 2
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 2
White family 2
Women's Professional Basketball League 2
World Conference on Women 2
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Alan Guttmacher Institute 1
Alfred University 1
Algona High School (Algona, Iowa) 1
Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 1
American Association of Dental Schools 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Basketball League 1
American Business Women's Association. Grant Wood Chapter 1
American Dental Association 1
American Dental Hygienists' Association 1
American Nurses Association 1
Americans for Religious Liberty 1
Ankeny High School (Ankeny, Iowa) 1
Another Mother for Peace (Association) 1
Anothor Mother for Peace (Association). Northeastern Iowa Chapter 1
Arizona State University 1
Art Institute of Chicago. School 1
Artists In Action (Muscatine, Iowa) 1
Athletic and Recreation Federation of College Women 1
Atkinson, Edith Reed, 1919-2000 1
Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967 1
Attlee, Felicity 1
Attlee, Martin 1
Attlee, Violet 1
Audiovisual Education Association of Iowa 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Aurora Reading Club of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
B'nai Jeshurun Temple (Des Moines, Iowa) 1
Bacon, Evelyn Crary, 1916-1997 1
Bamford, Helen, 1902-1994 1
Barcelo family 1
Barceló, Nancy V., 1946- 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Basketball Hall of Fame (Springfield, Mass.) 1
Becker, Ruth Salzmann (1922-2007) 1
Bettendorf Public Library (Bettendorf, Iowa) 1
Birgen family 1
Birgen, Lorinda "Laura", 1898-1963 1
Birgen, Martina 1
Birkby, Evelyn, 1919 - 2021 1
Birmingham High School (Birmingham, Iowa) 1
Blackmun, Harry A. (Harry Andrew), 1908-1999 1
Bolin, Molly, 1957- 1
Branstad, Terry E. 1
+ ∧ less