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Showing Collections: 61 - 80 of 195

Gretchen Harshbarger papers

Identifier: IWA0122

Landscape architect, author and photographer.

Dates: 1900-1991

Harriet Adeline Stevens papers

Identifier: IWA0707

Teacher of nutrition education and dietetics; U. S. Army Second Lieutenant who served as a medical hospital dietician at Camp Gordon, Georgia during World War II.

Dates: 1928-1994

Harriet E. Johnson Palmer papers

Identifier: IWA0839

Scrapbook featuring the professional and social life of an Iowa nurse in the 1920's.

Dates: 1912-1926

Helen Andrews Brown scrapbook

Identifier: IWA0507

The scrapbook and memory book describe her years as a Latin student at the State University of Iowa (now the University of Iowa).

Dates: 1924-1927

Helen Larson papers

Identifier: IWA0347

Anamosa and Iowa City resident who worked for the The University of Iowa Hospital.

Dates: 1884-1996

Helen Lee Hensleigh Wenger papers

Identifier: IWA0142

University of Iowa graduate and teacher whose papers include correspondence and scrapbook files relating to her work on a variety of social issues.

Dates: 1922-2006

Helen Lemme Reading Club records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: IWA0399

African American reading club formed in 1984 by University of Iowa graduate students.

Dates: 1984-1998

Helene Scriabine papers

Identifier: IWA0080

Author and Professor Emeritus of Russian at the University of Iowa, who emmigrated to the United States after surviving the siege of Leningrad in 1941.

Dates: 1940-1996

Ina Loewenberg papers

Identifier: IWA0735

Research materials for her book, The View From 70: Women's Recollections and Reflections, published in 2004.

Dates: 1999-2007

International Women's Club records

Identifier: IWA0798

Iowa City group promoting friendship and understanding among women from around the world and the United States of America.

Dates: 1959-2000

Ione Mulnix papers

Identifier: IWA0438

A student of zoology at the University of Iowa from 1904-1909 who wrote home frequently to her parents in Dows, IA.

Dates: 1904-1909

Iowa Authors Manuscripts Collection

Identifier: MsC0869

Includes manuscripts, galley proofs, page proofs, dust jackets, and other miscellany associated with publications of many Iowa Authors.

Dates: 1888-1990

Iowa Byington Reed papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0555

The diaries of an Iowa City woman who supported herself as a seamstress prior to her marriage in 1896.

Dates: 1872-1936

Iowa City Area Christian Women's Club records

Identifier: IWA0538

The Iowa City Area Christian Women's Club holds Friendship Bible Coffees and monthly luncheons. The ICCW formed in 1967 as an offshoot of Stonecroft Ministries.

Dates: 1967-2006

Iowa City Women's Press records

Identifier: IWA0220

Iowa City publisher and printer of lesbian and feminist books that existed from 1973 to 1985.

Dates: 1973-1985

Jane Alison Weiss papers

Identifier: IWA0129

Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa, 1978-1981.

Dates: 1967-1981

Janet Shipton papers

Identifier: IWA0264

Political activist and Johnson County, Iowa, supervisor who was the daughter of British Prime Minister Clement Attlee.

Dates: 1936-1991

Janie Yates-Glandorf papers

Identifier: IWA0337

Iowa City high school drama and English teacher.

Dates: 1943-2005

Jean Cutler Prior papers

Identifier: IWA0786
Abstract Geologist who worked with the Iowa Geological Survey in Iowa City for 38 years. Arrangement The Orestes St. John oversized series consists of 2 oversized boxes with two folders each in them. The first box (box 32) is titled Milligan Sketches and contains reproductions of the 6 Orestes St. John drawings in folder one and 11 mounted originals and Milligan reproductions in folder 2. The 11 mounted originals and Milligan reproductions include:1) Clamont Farm, Manhattan, Kansas, Valley of Cedar Creek, Autumn, 18682) View of the Valley of the Missouri, looking up the stream to the Northwestward, from bluff on south side of Thompson's Creek (Floyd Bluff), Woodbury Co. Iowa, 13 Aug 18683) View of the Valley of the Missouri, looking up the stream to the Northwestward, from bluff on south side of Thompson's Creek (Floyd Bluff) Woodbury Co. Iowa, March 19784) Gypsum Quarry in ravine 3 miles...
Dates: 1857-2003

Jean Jew Justice Committee records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: IWA0444

The committee organized in 1990 to support Jean Jew in her sexual harassment lawsuit against the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1982-1999

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Iowa City (Iowa) X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

Iowa Women's Archives 191
University of Iowa Special Collections 2
University of Iowa Archives 2
Archives (groupings) 182
Personal papers 142
Photographs 131
20th century 124
2001-2010 79
∨ more
College students 55
Cultural artifacts 49
1991-2000 48
College teachers 45
Scrapbooks 45
Correspondence 41
Women in higher education 41
1981-1990 40
Speeches 36
Administrative records 33
Video recordings 33
Teachers 32
1971-1980 31
Oral histories 31
Sound recordings 31
Women 31
Memoirs 26
Teaching 26
Diaries 24
Women -- Societies and clubs 23
Families 21
Women in education 20
Authors 17
Women -- Political activity 17
African American women -- Iowa 16
African American women 15
Volunteers 15
Women's rights 15
Bisexuals 14
Feminists 14
Gays 14
High school students 14
Iowa 14
Lesbians 14
Sexual minorities 14
Transgender people 14
Women lawyers 14
Women and War 13
Women in public life 13
World War, 1939-1945 13
Yearbooks 13
Autobiographies 12
Feminism 12
Sex discrimination against women 12
Slides (photographs) 12
Clubs 11
Nurses 11
Artists 10
Community activists 10
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 10
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 10
Political participation 10
Posters 10
Working class women 10
Photograph albums 9
Political activists 9
Sports for girls 9
Sports for women 9
Voyages and travels 9
Women in medicine 9
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 9
Des Moines (Iowa) 8
Journalists 8
Political campaigns 8
Social participation 8
Women in journalism 8
1961-1970 7
College sports for women 7
Equal rights amendments 7
Home economics 7
Homemakers 7
Johnson County (Iowa) 7
Social service 7
Social workers 7
Twentieth century 7
Women -- 19th century 7
Women and literature 7
Women in charitable work 7
African Americans 6
Art 6
College administrators 6
Drawings (visual works) 6
Librarians 6
Nursing 6
Rural women 6
Volunteer workers in social service 6
Women in church work 6
Women's studies 6
1911-1920 5
1921-1930 5
1951-1960 5
2011-2020 5
Abortion 5
Businesswomen 5
+ ∧ less
Finnish 1
French 1
Icelandic 1
Japanese 1
Norwegian 1
∨ more
Swedish 1
+ ∧ less
University of Iowa 50
State University of Iowa 37
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 6
State University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 5
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
∨ more
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 4
University High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 4
University of Iowa. Women's Resource and Action Center 4
American Association of University Women 3
Emma Goldman Clinic 3
Grinnell College 3
League of Women Voters of Iowa 3
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 3
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 3
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 3
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 3
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education and Dance 3
University of Iowa. Women's Studies Program 3
University of Minnesota 3
American National Red Cross 2
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 2
Coe College 2
Democratic Party (Iowa) 2
Drake University 2
Englert, Edna Rummelhart, 1902-2005 2
Fox, Margaret, 1912-2010 2
Glandorf, Gil 2
Hemm, Joan, 1957- 2
International Wives Club (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Iowa City Public Library (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Iowa City Women's Press 2
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 2
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 2
Jew, Jean Y. 2
Keene, Carolyn 2
Keyes, Margaret N., 1918-2015 2
League of Women Voters of Iowa City, Iowa 2
Lemme, Helen 2
Moore, Mary Ellen, 1919-1998 2
Pennsylvania State University 2
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 2
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 2
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 2
United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve 2
University of Iowa. Action Studies Program 2
University of Iowa. College of Dentistry 2
University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 2
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 2
University of Iowa. Museum of Art 2
University of Iowa. School of Art and Art History 2
University of Iowa. School of Journalism 2
University of Wisconsin 2
Veterans Administration Hospital (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Weiss, Jane Alison 2
Whitehead, Floy Eugenia, 1913-1998 2
Wirt, Mildred A. (Mildred Augustine), 1905-2002 2
Women's Coffeehouse (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Womens International League for Peace and Freedom 2
Yates-Glandorf, Janie B. 2
Young Women's Christian Association (State University of Iowa) 2
AIDS Coalition of Johnson County (Iowa) 1
Alan Guttmacher Institute 1
Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1
American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 1
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 1
American Association of Dental Schools 1
American Association of University Professors 1
American Association of University Women. Iowa City Branch 1
American Basketball League 1
American Business Women's Association. Grant Wood Chapter 1
American Dental Association 1
American Dental Hygienists' Association 1
American Educational Research Association 1
American Home Economics Association 1
American Psychological Association 1
Americans for Religious Liberty 1
Anderson, Delvena, 1887-1973 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Art Institute of Chicago 1
Atalig, Angelica Lynn Rose 1
Athens History Circle (Iowa City, Iowa) 1
Athletic and Recreation Federation of College Women 1
Atlantic High School (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Attlee, C. R. (Clement Richard), 1883-1967 1
Attlee, Felicity 1
Attlee, Martin 1
Attlee, Violet 1
Atwood, Roy Alden 1
Audiovisual Education Association of Iowa 1
Audubon Naturalist Society of the Central Atlantic States 1
Aydelotte, Myrtle Kitchell (1917-2010) 1
Bacon, Evelyn Crary, 1916-1997 1
Barcelo family 1
Barceló, Nancy V., 1946- 1
Barclay, Winston 1
Barnes, Irston R. 1
Bartlett family 1
+ ∧ less