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Showing Collections: 1 - 20 of 132

Albert J. Cohen Papers

Identifier: MsC0126

American motion picture and television script writer and producer. Program scripts, department materials, memos, clippings, notes, correspondence, production budgets, and miscellaneous photographs.

Dates: 1948-1961; Majority of material found within 1951-1955

Alberta Metcalf Kelly papers

Identifier: IWA0176

High school English teacher who was active in state and national Democratic Party politics during the 1950s and 1960s.

Dates: 1899-1994

Alma Marie Kouba Kress papers

Identifier: IWA0405

Buchanan County elementary school teacher and clubwoman.

Dates: 1925-2006

Alpha Evans papers

Identifier: IWA0605

Rural middle school teacher who chaired the Iowa committee to revise teacher standards in the 1970s.

Dates: 1977-2001

Arlene Jens papers

Identifier: IWA0499

Nurse, abortion rights activist and educator from Fairfield, Iowa.

Dates: 1962-2006

Barbara Fassbinder papers

Identifier: IWA0410

Rural nurse who contracted AIDS on the job and became a national spokeswoman for occupational safety.

Dates: 1958-1998

Barbara M. Calderon papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0247

Nursing administrator and first African-American public health nurse in Iowa.


Two folders, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1945-1968

Bernice Leary papers

Identifier: IWA0030

Educator, author, collector of children's books.

Dates: 1878-1977

Betty Jean Furgerson papers

Identifier: IWA0111

Teacher, social worker, human rights commission director, and university regent from Waterloo.

Dates: 1921-2010

Beverly Barnes Fix papers

Identifier: IWA0609

Television and radio broadcaster, producer and writer who worked in Iowa and Hollywood in the 1940s.

Dates: 1974-2001

Bowersox and Osborn Family papers

Identifier: IWA0500

The Bowersox family settled in Johnson County, Iowa in approximately 1855. The papers include a family account book, school exams and teaching certificates.

Dates: 1861-2002

Browning Literary Club (Atlantic, Iowa) address

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0459

Speech delivered at the 9th District Convention of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1901

C. Pauline Spencer papers

Identifier: IWA0627

An outstanding athlete and the first woman to receive an athletic letter at the University of Iowa. She graduated in 1923.

Dates: 1920 -1985

Cassie Thompson Ford papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0245

Homemaker who farmed with her husband near Central City, Iowa.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1937-1996

Charlene "Mac" Eblen papers

Identifier: IWA0515

Homemaker from Wichita, Kansas whose papers consist primarily of journals.

Dates: 1965-2003

Charlotte Faxon papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA0086

Teacher who traveled widely during the Civil War period.


One folder, shelved in SCVF.

Dates: 1864-1867

Cheryl Britton papers

Identifier: IWA0873

Career nurse and avid traveler who grew up in Dedham, Iowa and Des Moines.

Dates: 1890-2003

Christine Anderson papers

Identifier: IWA0585

Appanoose County 4-H leader, farmer, and teacher.

Dates: 1945

Christine Dutson papers

Identifier: IWA0249

Multi-volume memoir of a Mormon woman who was an educator, poet and advocate for the mentally ill.

Dates: 1954 - 2002

Clara Steen Skott papers

Identifier: IWA0216

Free-lance writer, home economics teacher, and civic leader who wrote articles and diaries concerning life in Iowa, China, and Wisconsin.

Dates: 1899-1994

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Teaching X

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Iowa Women's Archives 130
University of Iowa Special Collections 1
University of Iowa Archives 1
Archives (groupings) 118
Personal papers 111
Teachers 99
Teaching 99
20th century 96
∨ more
Photographs 96
Women in education 51
Rural women 40
Women in agriculture 40
Iowa City (Iowa) 37
2001-2010 36
Diaries 34
Memoirs 33
Scrapbooks 33
Families 29
Nurses 29
Oral histories 29
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 28
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 28
Farm life 26
Autobiographies 23
Correspondence 23
Cultural artifacts 23
College teachers 22
Women in higher education 21
College students 20
1991-2000 19
Rural schools 19
Rural families 17
Women in medicine 17
Iowa 16
Photograph albums 16
Sound recordings 16
Speeches 16
Video recordings 16
1981-1990 15
Farmers 15
Nursing 15
Homemakers 12
Voyages and travels 12
African American women -- Iowa 11
Nursing students 11
Rural girls 11
Slides (photographs) 11
Women -- Political activity 11
Authors 10
Twentieth century 10
Women and War 10
1971-1980 9
African American women 9
College teaching 9
Des Moines (Iowa) 9
Elementary school teachers 9
Yearbooks 9
1941-1950 8
High school students 8
High school teachers 8
Women 8
Women -- 19th century 8
Nurse administrators 7
1921-1930 6
Administrative records 6
Artists 6
English teachers 6
Home economics 6
Women in public life 6
Women lawyers 6
World War, 1939-1945 6
1911-1920 5
1931-1940 5
4-H clubs 5
Davenport (Iowa) 5
Depressions -- 1929 5
Education 5
Rural conditions 5
Stock Market Crash, 1929 5
Volunteers 5
Women -- Societies and clubs 5
1901-1910 4
1961-1970 4
Agriculture 4
Community activists 4
Europe 4
Frontier and pioneer life 4
Journalists 4
Military nursing 4
Motion pictures 4
Pioneers 4
Political participation 4
Social participation 4
Sports for girls 4
Sports for women 4
Women in the performing arts 4
World War, 1939-1945 -- Women 4
1951-1960 3
Actresses 3
Art teachers 3
Autograph albums 3
Cedar Falls (Iowa) 3
Civic leaders 3
+ ∧ less
State University of Iowa 8
University of Iowa 8
Iowa State Teachers College 6
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 5
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 4
∨ more
State University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 3
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 2
Iowa League for Nursing 2
Iowa Nurses' Association 2
Iowa State College 2
Moore, Mary Ellen, 1919-1998 2
Republican Party (Iowa) 2
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 2
United States. Army Nurse Corps 2
United States. Cadet Nurse Corps 2
University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 2
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 2
University of Northern Iowa 2
Veterans Administration Hospital (Iowa City, Iowa) 2
White family 2
Albaugh, Eileen Ferreter, 1915-1952 1
American Association of Dental Schools 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Dental Association 1
American Dental Hygienists' Association 1
American Home Economics Association 1
American Mission Upper Nile 1
American National Red Cross. Nursing Service 1
American Nurses Association 1
Anderson, Christine Hanson, 1912- 1
Andrews, Neta (1895-1981) 1
Anneberg, Dorothy Spencer 1
Antioch Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 1
Aydelotte, Myrtle Kitchell (1917-2010) 1
Bacon, Evelyn Crary, 1916-1997 1
Baker, Carl (poet) 1
Barclay, Winston 1
Barnes, Lea Boyce 1
Bartlett family 1
Basgall, Carol 1
Becker, Ruth Salzmann (1922-2007) 1
Benjamin Franklin High School (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) 1
Bernanos, Georges, 1888-1948 1
Bethel College (North Newton, Kan.) 1
Bethel Evangelical Secondary School 1
Birmingham High School (Birmingham, Iowa) 1
Black Hills Playhouse (Theater group) 1
Blake, Germaine Mayer 1
Block, Marjorie Bertalot, 1923-2007 1
Boedeker family 1
Boedeker, Margaret Talcott 1
Bondurant, Dorothy, 1908-2002 1
Bowersox family 1
Bowersox, Dorothy LeVier 1
Bowersox, Edna 1
Bowersox, Elizabeth C. 1
Bowersox, Fred 1
Bowersox, Jan Erkert 1
Bowersox, Lizzie E. 1
Bowersox, Mary Margaret Shuey 1
Bowersox, Thomas L. 1
Boyd, June Lundy, 1922- 1
Britton family 1
Britton, Cheryl, 1910-2003 1
Britton, Chester, 1904 - 1968 1
Browning Literary Club (Atlantic, Iowa) 1
Buckley, Irene Coleman, 1904-2006 1
Burr Oak Farm Press 1
Bushnell-Hamlin, Ella 1
Calderon, Barbara McDonald (1915-1999) 1
Camp Shows, Inc. 1
Carter, Lucille Ketchum (1913-2009) 1
Catholic Visitation School 1
Central College (Pella, Iowa) 1
Century of Progress International Exposition (1933-1934 : Chicago, Ill.) 1
Cheek, Eugene Lloyd, 1953-1990 1
Childress, Elizabeth 1
Christen, Inez, 1906-1999 1
Christy, Teresa E. 1
Churchill, Isabella Van Osdall 1
Club Les Dames (Waterloo, Iowa) 1
Coe College 1
Cohen, Albert J. 1
Congressional Club (Washington, D.C.) 1
Cook, Jeanne Jones, 1927-1993 1
Corey, Elizabeth 1
Cousin, Ruth Hager, 1895-1994 1
Crary, Julia 1
Cronkhite, Vera Shepard, 1906-2003 1
Cruikshank, Rena 1
Cuplin, Millicent Mary, 1866-1950 1
Curtis High School (Staten Island, New York, N.Y.) 1
Dallner family 1
Dallner, Pauline Levendahl, 1918- 1
Dancers in Company 1
Democratic Party (Iowa) 1
Depot Museum (Fayette County, Iowa) 1
Des Moines City Federation of Colored Women 1
+ ∧ less