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Showing Collections: 1 - 18 of 18

Catherine Lewis papers

Identifier: IWA0217

Interviews and field reports prepared by Lewis for the Smithsonian Institution's Festival of American Folklore.

Dates: 1995

Church Women United (Johnson County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0597

Johnson County, Iowa chapter of Church Women United.

Dates: 1963-2013

Des Moines Women's Club records

Identifier: IWA0858

Civic and philanthropic organization.

Dates: 1888-2012

Frances Graham papers

Identifier: IWA0862

Amateur historian and clubwoman from Fayette County, Iowa.

Dates: 1912-2010

Iowa ERA Coalition records

Identifier: IWA0011

Organization to promote passage of an Equal Rights Amendment to the Iowa and United States constitutions.

Dates: 1974-1981

Iowa League for Nursing records

Identifier: IWA0580

The Iowa League for Nursing's efforts have included active participation in community planning and action for health care, advocating changes such as home health care. The organization made efforts to assure the continuing supply of nurses by providing them with the educational opportunities to reach their maximum career potential, ability to move into management and leadership positions, and promoting a greater public appreciation of nursing as a profession.

Dates: 1952-2002

Iowa Nurses' Association records

Identifier: IWA0023

State branch of the national organization. The overall purpose of the association has been to promote and improve the professional skills and status of nurses.


Administrative Records, 1904-1989 (boxes 1-18) American Nurses Association, 1928-1989 (boxes 18-24) Committees, 1933-1989 (boxes24-34) Continuing Education, 1955-1989 (boxes 34-36) Conventions, 1904-1989 (boxes 37-44) Districts, 1920-1984 (boxes44-48) Economic Security,1946-1989(boxes 48-57) Iowa League for Nursing,1913-1980 (boxes 57-61 Iowa Organizations, 1926-1989 (boxes 61-68) Membership, 1904-1988 (boxes 68-70) Publications, 1917-1985 (box71) Sections, 1940-1984 (boxes 71-77) Student Nurses Association, 1949-1984 (boxes 77-78) Photographs, 1918-1987 (boxes 78-79) Artifacts, 1981-1988 (box 80) Audiotapes, 1974-1987 (box 81) Oversize, 1916-1987 (box 82 and container 83)

Dates: 1904-1989

Iowa Women Against the Equal Rights Amendment records

Identifier: IWA0018

Grassroots organization opposed to Iowa's ratification of the ERA to the Iowa and United States constitutions.

Dates: 1972-1980

Iowa Women's Political Caucus records

Identifier: IWA0019

Organization to promote the advancement of women in politics.

Dates: 1972-1999

League of Women Voters, Iowa records

Identifier: IWA0020
Abstract State-level branch of the national non-partisan League of Women Voters which seeks to promote political responsibility through educating and informing the public on selected governmental issues and promoting action on those issues. Arrangement 1971 Accession, 1917 to 1991 (boxes 1-61) Local leagues, 1939-1970 (boxes 1-5,19-32) Administrative, 1920-1968 (boxes 6-16) National, 1934-1966 (boxes 16-17) Iowa Voter, 1943-2001 (box 18) Topical, 1938-1972 (boxes 32-42, 45-58, 60-61) Histories, 1917-1969 (boxes 42-44, 59) Voter service, 1947-1966 (box 44) 1975 Accession, 1938-1973 (boxes 62-92) Local leagues, 1968-1971 (boxes 62-67) Administrative, 1940-1973 (boxes 67-79) Topical, 1938-1971 (boxes 79-83, 84-91) Voter service, 1948-1969 (boxes 83-84) 1981 Accession Local leagues, 1928-1979 (boxes 93-100) 1984 Accession, 1955-1980 (boxes 100-107) Topical, 1955-1980 (boxes...
Dates: 1917-2001

League of Women Voters, Johnson County records

Identifier: IWA0021

Local branch of the national non-partisan League of Women Voters which seeks to promote political responsibility through educating and informing the public on selected governmental issues and promoting action on those issues.

Dates: 1920-2009

League of Women Voters, Metropolitan Des Moines records

Identifier: IWA0243

This non-partisan group studied and acted upon the many local issues including the following: the council-manager form of city government, home rule for local and county government, reapportionment of legislative districts of the Iowa General Assembly, desegregation and integration of Des Moines public schools, and the need for affordable housing in the community.

Dates: 1936-1995

League of Women Voters, Muscatine records

Identifier: IWA0636

During the 1980s and 1990s, the LWV of Muscatine conducted a number of studies on Muscatine county issues, including the ambulance 911 system, law enforcement, county courthouse space needs, alternative forms of county government, housing, education, land use, hazardous waste, local option tax, the U.S. Highway 61 Bypass, and the Muscatine fire station.

Dates: 1943-2000

Mary Elizabeth Wood papers

Identifier: IWA0262

Social worker and the first African American woman in the United States to be named executive director of a greater metropolitan YWCA.

Dates: 1920-1998

Mary Louise Smith papers

Identifier: IWA0027

First woman to chair the Republican National Committee, serving from 1974 to 1977. Co-founder of the Louise Noun-Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women's Archives.

Dates: 1925-1997

National Organization for Women, Dubuque Chapter records

Identifier: IWA0223

The group was formed in 1973. The purpose of the group was to improve and expand the role of women in society and it supported the Equal Rights Amendment, safe and legal abortion among other issues.

Dates: 1973-1995

Quota Club (Sioux City, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0342

Professional women's service club formed before 1935, which is active in community and world service, with special emphasis on hearing and speech aid.

Dates: 1960-1997

Women's Resource and Action Center (WRAC) records

Identifier: IWA0151

Women's center established in 1970 to serve the university and community.

Dates: 1960-2006

Filtered By

  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women X
  • Subject: Women -- Societies and clubs X
  • Subject: Sound recordings X

Filter Results

Additional filters:

20th century 14
Administrative records 14
Photographs 14
Cultural artifacts 12
Women -- Political activity 9
∨ more
Women lawyers 9
Iowa 8
Scrapbooks 8
2001-2010 7
Political participation 7
Video recordings 7
1971-1980 5
1981-1990 5
Community education 5
Women's rights 5
Des Moines (Iowa) 4
Equal rights amendments 4
Local government 4
Oral histories 4
Personal papers 4
1991-2000 3
Feminism 3
Political campaigns 3
Posters 3
Women 3
Yearbooks 3
2011-2020 2
4-H clubs 2
Abortion 2
African American women -- Iowa 2
Bisexuals 2
Civic improvement 2
Clubs 2
College students 2
Community organization 2
Correspondence 2
Diaries 2
Family violence 2
Federal government 2
Gays 2
Iowa City (Iowa) 2
Johnson County (Iowa) 2
Lesbians 2
Medical education 2
Nurse administrators 2
Nurses 2
Nursing 2
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Associate degree) 2
Nursing -- Study and teaching (Graduate) 2
Nursing students 2
Politicians 2
Professional associations 2
Sex discrimination against women 2
Sexual minorities 2
Slides (photographs) 2
Social service 2
Speeches 2
Transgender people 2
Volunteers 2
Women in church work 2
Women in education 2
Women in medicine 2
1961-1970 1
Affirmative action programs 1
African American women 1
Aging 1
Art museums 1
Artists 1
Artists and community 1
Buffalo (N.Y.) 1
Campaign funds 1
Career development 1
Caucus 1
Child abuse 1
Child care 1
Christmas cards 1
Civil rights 1
Civil rights demonstrations 1
College teachers 1
Continuing education 1
Discrimination in employment 1
Divorce 1
Drawings (visual works) 1
Drug abuse 1
Dubuque (Iowa) 1
Ecumenical movement 1
Educators 1
Elections 1
Equality before the law 1
Fayette County (Iowa) 1
Feminists 1
Fund raising 1
Health 1
Historians 1
Historic preservation 1
Home economics 1
Human capital 1
+ ∧ less
Iowa ERA Coalition 2
Iowa League for Nursing 2
Teaford, Jane (1935-) 2
Ackeman, Karen 1
Adams, Janet (1937-) 1
∨ more
American Association for the United Nations 1
American Association of University Women 1
American Nurses Association 1
Anderson, Margaret, 1928- 1
Aurora Reading Club of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
Buckley, Susan C. 1
Bush, George, 1924- 1
Cadoret, Jeanne 1
Church Women United (Johnson County, Iowa) 1
Clark, M. Maeve 1
Daughters of the American Revolution 1
Des Moines Human Rights Commission 1
Des Moines Women's Club 1
Drake University 1
Eastern Iowa League for Nursing 1
Edle, Jerry 1
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 1
Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006 1
Goldsmith, Judith 1
Graham, Frances, 1921- 1
Graham, John W., -1999 1
Graham, Ona 1
Greazel, Shana 1
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 1
Hemann, Brian 1
Howe, Maureen 1
Hutchison, Sherry 1
Iowa Citizens' League for Nursing 1
Iowa Local History Museum Association 1
Iowa Nurses' Association 1
Iowa State College 1
Iowa Women Against the Equal Rights Amendment 1
Iowa Women's Caucus Research and Education Center 1
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 1
Jack, Jill, 1957- 1
Janz, Kathleen 1
Lacina, Kim 1
League of Women Voters of Iowa 1
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 1
League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Des Moines 1
League of Women Voters of Muscatine, Iowa 1
Lewis, Catherine 1
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 1
Martin, Mona Kadel (1934-) 1
Metcalf, Janet, 1935- 1
Mishler, Laura 1
Mishler, Margaret 1
Mount Ararat Baptist Church (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1
National Conference of Christians and Jews 1
National Federation of Republican Women 1
National League for Nursing 1
National Organization for Women 1
National Organization for Women. Dubuque Chapter 1
National Organization for Women. Iowa 1
National Women's Political Caucus (U.S.) 1
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 1
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 1
Pickup, Sandra 1
Planned Parenthood Federation of America 1
President's Commission for the Observance of the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations 1
Quota Club (Sioux City, Iowa) 1
Quota Club International 1
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 1
Reagan, Ronald 1
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 1
Republican National Committee (U.S.). Women's Division 1
Republican National Convention 1
Republican National Convention (31st : 1976 : Kansas City, Mo.) 1
Republican Party (Iowa) 1
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 1
Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979 1
Rogers, Opal 1
Roseman, Dennis 1
Roseman, Robin 1
Smith, Elmer M. 1
Smith, Mary Louise (1914-1997) 1
State University of Iowa 1
Taylor, Leslie 1
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 1
United Nations. Population Commission 1
United States Commission on Civil Rights 1
United States Institute of Peace 1
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 1
University of Iowa. Women's Resource and Action Center 1
Watson, Ann 1
Wood, Mary Elizabeth, 1902- 1
Woodin, Marilyn 1
Young Women's Christian Association of Buffalo (N.Y.) 1
Young Women's Christian Association of Philadelphia (Pa.) 1
Young Women's Christian Association of Pittsburgh (Pa.) 1
Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. 1
+ ∧ less