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Showing Collections: 2821 - 2840 of 3293

Sharron L. McElmeel Papers

Identifier: MsC0991

Papers of the nationally-known children's and young adult literature scholar.


Her published books were removed from this collection of her papers and moved into the cataloged section of Iowa Authors.

Dates: 1970-1999

Sheet Music Collection

Identifier: MsC0873

Eighteen of the approximately 150 pieces of sheet music in this collection are about the American South with the balance of the collection being about America's involvement in World War I. Ranging in date from 1899 to 1917, the majority were published in 1917 and 1918. This collection is now Series I in the Sheet Music Collection

Dates: 1840-1968

Sheila Creth papers

Identifier: IWA0463

Librarian who directed the University of Iowa Libraries from 1987 to 1999 and published extensively in the field of library and information science.

Dates: 1957-2008

Shelter House Records

Identifier: MsC1011

Records of the Shelter House in Iowa City, Iowa.

Dates: 1983-2015

Shelton Family Papers

Identifier: MsC0007

Diaries of Mary E. Shelton and Rhode Maenad Shelton describing their nursing experience with Annie Wittenmeyer during the Civil War and at the Hospital for the Insane in Mount Pleasant, Iowa; also the Civil War diary of Orteus Carnefix Shelton, lieutenant of the 45th Regiment of Iowa Infantry.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1864 - 1866; 1936

Shenandoah Evening Sentinel Records

Identifier: MsC0247

Journals and ledgers, cash books, subscription lists and inventories.

Dates: 1888-1946

Sheridan Hustlers 4-H Club (Scott County, Iowa) records

Identifier: IWA0799

Girls' 4-H club located in Sheridan Township near Eldridge, Scott County, Iowa.


The records arrived in two looseleaf notebooks. Because the notebooks were overly full, newspaper clippings and photographs filed at the end of each notebook were removed and filed in folders.

Dates: 1921-1954

Sherman Paul papers

Identifier: RG99.0067
Dates: -

Shirley A. Briggs papers

Identifier: IWA0197

Artist, editor, and naturalist.

Dates: 1840-2008

Shirley Goldstein papers

 Collection — Folder: 1
Identifier: IWA1145

An activist on behalf of Soviet Jewish dissidents (known as refuseniks) to help them leave the USSR for Israel and the U.S.

Dates: 2006

Shirley M. Sandage papers

Identifier: IWA0318

Mason City, Iowa-born civil rights activist, United States field representative for the Christian Children's Fund and director of program development for the National Organization on Disability.

Dates: 1927-2012

Shirley Rich papers

Identifier: IWA0055

Casting director who worked for Rodgers and Hammerstein; founded Shirley Rich Casting in 1969.

Dates: 1929-2010

Shirley Wyrick papers

Identifier: IWA0911
Scope and Contents The Shirley Wyrick Papers date from 1974 to 2009 and measure 10.8 linear feet. The papers are arranged in nine series: Biographical, Writings, Conferences and Workshops, Exhibitions, Artwork, Professional, Community, Greater Iowa City Area Cultural Alliance (GICACA), and CenterSpace.The Biographical series includes Wyrick’s resume, profile articles from the Iowa Arts Council and Eastern Iowa’s The Gazette, and details about the Englert Theater Art Gallery lobby that was donated and named by Mryon and Jacqueline Blank in Wyrick’s honor.The Writings series (1976-1988) consists of academic research papers and presentation outlines, written and drawn documentation for Wyrick’s Master of Fine Arts thesis, and the written component of Wyrick’s Master of Art thesis.The Conferences and Workshops series (1988-2009) includes programs and hand-outs from various conferences and workshops Wyrick attended, mostly related to public art.The...
Dates: 1974-1999

Shloss and Mannheimer Families papers

Identifier: IWA0334

Prominent Des Moines families including Irma Mannheimer, her husband Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer of Temple B'nai Jeshurun, and her parents, Rose and Max Shloss—the owners of Lederer and Strauss and Company.

Dates: 1896-1986

Shoberg and Myers Science Fiction Convention Collection

Identifier: MsC1056

The Shoberg and Myers convention collection is made up of a variety of materials from a multitue of science fiction conventions.

Dates: 1980-2006

Shrauger Family Papers

Identifier: IWA0059

Correspondence of the children of Harold and Cornelia Prentiss Shrauger of Atlantic, Iowa. Harold Shrauger operated a home and appliance store.

Dates: 1934-2005

Shut-In Society records

Identifier: IWA0965

A 19th-century community of invalids from across the country who kept in touch through correspondence and the Society publication. This collection includes a hand-knit afghan made by members and friends of the Shut-In Society and relatives of Miss Laura Campbell Smith.

Dates: 1884-1897

Sidney E. Mead Papers

Identifier: RG99.0167
Dates: -

Sidney G. Winter Papers

Identifier: MsC0415

Accountant. Correspondence, court documents, and clippings.

Dates: 1929-1961

Sigma Lambda Beta records

Identifier: RG02.0003.044
Scope and Contents

The Sigma Lambda Beta Records include administrative documents, meeting notes and agendas from organizational events, newspapers and magazines that featured the fraternity, various documents from affiliated chapters of Sigma Lambda Beta, photographs of members, and artifacts. The majority of these records contain materials pertaining to the greater international organization of Sigma Lambda Beta and documents from affiliated organizations. Documents in the collection pertaining directly to the University of Iowa include original member certificates, news coverage of the University of Iowa chapter, various administrative documents, and photographs from the fraternity's founding in 1986 to 2011.

Dates: 1986 - 2011

Filter Results

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Iowa Women's Archives 1256
University of Iowa Special Collections 1172
University of Iowa Archives 855
/repositories/5 10
Archives (groupings) 996
Photographs 674
20th century 646
Personal papers 605
Iowa 439
∨ more
Correspondence 335
2001-2010 281
Scrapbooks 275
Iowa City (Iowa) 240
American literature 220
Diaries 218
English literature 218
Writers Archive at Iowa 211
Oral histories 199
1991-2000 197
Rural women 196
Administrative records 186
Women in agriculture 185
Speeches 183
Families 170
Cultural artifacts 158
1981-1990 157
Memoirs 156
Women -- Societies and clubs 156
Sound recordings 139
University of Iowa -- Students 136
Autobiographies 132
Women -- Political activity 131
Teachers 130
College students 125
Clippings (information artifacts) 121
1971-1980 119
University of Iowa -- Administration 118
Video recordings 117
Farm life 114
Des Moines (Iowa) 113
Women lawyers 112
Women 111
Homemakers 104
Teaching 103
Farmers 98
Legislators 89
Poets 89
Political campaigns 82
Authors 81
Women -- 19th century 77
Clubs 75
Novelists 75
World War, 1939-1945 75
Rural families 74
Fiction -- Authorship 73
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 71
College teachers 70
Women in education 70
Journalists 67
Yearbooks 65
Authors, American 64
African American women -- Iowa 63
Drafts (documents) 63
Social participation 61
African American women 60
Photograph albums 60
Women and War 60
Women in public life 60
University of Iowa, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 56
Soldiers 52
Women in higher education 52
Television authorship 51
Motion picture authorship 50
Rural girls 50
Agriculture 49
Political participation 49
Publishers and publishing 49
Community activists 48
Slides (photographs) 48
Theater -- Study and teaching 48
Popular culture -- Study and teaching 47
Twentieth century 47
Women's rights 47
American prose literature 46
Volunteers 44
Voyages and travels 44
Cedar Rapids (Iowa) 42
Davenport (Iowa) 41
Motion pictures -- Production and direction 41
Television -- Production and direction 41
Family papers 40
Artists 38
High school students 38
Newspaper editors 38
Community organization 37
Businessmen 36
Feminism 36
Clergy 35
Nurses 35
Personal narratives 35
University of Iowa -- History 35
World War, 1914-1918 35
Politicians 34
1941-1950 33
+ ∧ less
English 3279
Spanish; Castilian 12
German 10
French 5
Chinese 4
∨ more  
University of Iowa 86
State University of Iowa 70
Republican Party (Iowa) 53
Democratic Party (Iowa) 37
University of Iowa. Hospitals and Clinics 28
∨ more
Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ) 25
Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives 21
Iowa. General Assembly. Senate 12
American Association of University Women 10
Iowa Commission on the Status of Women 10
Iowa State Teachers College 10
Democratic Party (U.S.) 9
League of Women Voters of Iowa 9
American National Red Cross 8
Lloyd-Jones, Jean (1929-) 8
United States. Department of Agriculture 8
University of Iowa. Department of English 8
University of Iowa. Libraries. Iowa Women's Archives 8
Department of English 7
Drake University 7
Grinnell College 7
Iowa State College 7
Iowa Women's Hall of Fame 7
Mason, Kären 7
Office of the President 7
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Iowa Division 7
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation 6
Iowa State University 6
Iowa Women's Political Caucus 6
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 6
Progressive Party (U.S. : 1948) 6
United Nations 6
United States. Navy 6
University of Iowa. Women's Resource and Action Center 6
University of Northern Iowa 6
Emma Goldman Clinic 5
Engle, Paul, 1908-1991 5
General Federation of Women's Clubs 5
Iowa. State Board of Regents 5
League of United Latin American Citizens. Council 10 (Davenport, Iowa) 5
National Farmers' Union (U.S.) 5
Republican National Committee (U.S.) 5
Shrauger, Cornelia Prentiss, 1896-1985 5
State University of Iowa. Department of Home Economics 5
University of Iowa. College of Law 5
University of Iowa. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 5
University of Iowa. College of Nursing 5
University of Iowa. Department of History 5
White family 5
American Legion 4
City High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
Coe College 4
Darling, Jay N. (Jay Norwood), 1876-1962 4
Daughters of the American Revolution 4
Hammond, Johnie (1932-) 4
Horvat, Martin M. (Mike) 4
Iowa Geological Survey 4
Iowa Mother of the Year 4
Iowa State Bar Association 4
Iowa Writers' Workshop 4
Iowa. General Assembly 4
Iowa. Supreme Court 4
League of Women Voters of Johnson County, Iowa 4
Meade, Marion 4
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 4
Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994 4
Noun, Louise R. (1908-2002) 4
O'Dea, Suzanne, 1950- 4
Prairie Press 4
Ray, Robert D. (1928-2018) 4
Republican National Convention 4
State University of Iowa. School of Nursing 4
Teaford, Jane (1935-) 4
United States Postal Service 4
United States. Naval Reserve. Women's Reserve 4
University High School (Iowa City, Iowa) 4
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education and Dance 4
University of Iowa. Department of Physical Education for Women 4
University of Iowa. Department of Physics and Astronomy 4
University of Minnesota 4
Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965 4
Adams, Janet (1937-) 3
American Bar Association 3
Anderson, Margaret, 1928- 3
Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women 3
Athletics Department 3
Baxter, Elaine (1933-2021) 3
Branstad, Terry E. 3
Coggeshall, Mary Jane Whitely, 1836-1911 3
Conlin, Roxanne Barton, 1944- 3
Cornell College (Mount Vernon, Iowa) 3
Cummins, Albert Baird, 1850-1926 3
Des Moines Art Center 3
Des Moines Women's Club 3
Ellsworth Community College (Iowa Falls, Iowa) 3
Everett, Beverly, 1926-2001 3
Friedman, Ken, 1949- 3
Gerber, John C. 3
Girl Scouts of the United States of America 3
Hancher, Virgil M. 3
+ ∧ less