Showing Collections: 2821 - 2840 of 3293
Sharron L. McElmeel Papers
Papers of the nationally-known children's and young adult literature scholar.
Her published books were removed from this collection of her papers and moved into the cataloged section of Iowa Authors.
Sheet Music Collection
Eighteen of the approximately 150 pieces of sheet music in this collection are about the American South with the balance of the collection being about America's involvement in World War I. Ranging in date from 1899 to 1917, the majority were published in 1917 and 1918. This collection is now Series I in the Sheet Music Collection
Sheila Creth papers
Librarian who directed the University of Iowa Libraries from 1987 to 1999 and published extensively in the field of library and information science.
Shelter House Records
Records of the Shelter House in Iowa City, Iowa.
Shelton Family Papers
Diaries of Mary E. Shelton and Rhode Maenad Shelton describing their nursing experience with Annie Wittenmeyer during the Civil War and at the Hospital for the Insane in Mount Pleasant, Iowa; also the Civil War diary of Orteus Carnefix Shelton, lieutenant of the 45th Regiment of Iowa Infantry.
Shenandoah Evening Sentinel Records
Journals and ledgers, cash books, subscription lists and inventories.
Sheridan Hustlers 4-H Club (Scott County, Iowa) records
Girls' 4-H club located in Sheridan Township near Eldridge, Scott County, Iowa.
The records arrived in two looseleaf notebooks. Because the notebooks were overly full, newspaper clippings and photographs filed at the end of each notebook were removed and filed in folders.
Shirley A. Briggs papers
Shirley Goldstein papers
An activist on behalf of Soviet Jewish dissidents (known as refuseniks) to help them leave the USSR for Israel and the U.S.
Shirley M. Sandage papers
Mason City, Iowa-born civil rights activist, United States field representative for the Christian Children's Fund and director of program development for the National Organization on Disability.
Shirley Rich papers
Casting director who worked for Rodgers and Hammerstein; founded Shirley Rich Casting in 1969.
Shirley Wyrick papers
Shloss and Mannheimer Families papers
Prominent Des Moines families including Irma Mannheimer, her husband Rabbi Eugene Mannheimer of Temple B'nai Jeshurun, and her parents, Rose and Max Shloss—the owners of Lederer and Strauss and Company.
Shoberg and Myers Science Fiction Convention Collection
The Shoberg and Myers convention collection is made up of a variety of materials from a multitue of science fiction conventions.
Shrauger Family Papers
Correspondence of the children of Harold and Cornelia Prentiss Shrauger of Atlantic, Iowa. Harold Shrauger operated a home and appliance store.
Shut-In Society records
A 19th-century community of invalids from across the country who kept in touch through correspondence and the Society publication. This collection includes a hand-knit afghan made by members and friends of the Shut-In Society and relatives of Miss Laura Campbell Smith.
Sidney E. Mead Papers
Sidney G. Winter Papers
Accountant. Correspondence, court documents, and clippings.
Sigma Lambda Beta records
The Sigma Lambda Beta Records include administrative documents, meeting notes and agendas from organizational events, newspapers and magazines that featured the fraternity, various documents from affiliated chapters of Sigma Lambda Beta, photographs of members, and artifacts. The majority of these records contain materials pertaining to the greater international organization of Sigma Lambda Beta and documents from affiliated organizations. Documents in the collection pertaining directly to the University of Iowa include original member certificates, news coverage of the University of Iowa chapter, various administrative documents, and photographs from the fraternity's founding in 1986 to 2011.