Showing Collections: 321 - 340 of 3293
Brent Johnson Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop Collection
Collection of zines and other small press publications assembled by Johnson, an Iowa City native who operated the Iowa Killed Buddy Holly Small Press and Zine Shop in Iowa City. Many of the zines are authored/created by Iowa City or Iowa natives.
Brian Duffy Papers
Editorial cartoons from the Des Moines Register from 1983-2008.
Brian Glenister Papers
Brian Knapp Zines Collection
Collection of fanzines and science fiction convention materials from Connecticut-based fan Knapp, mostly dealing with Star Trek but including other media properties as well.
Bridget Smyth papers
Transcriptions and CD of scanned letters written by Bridget Smyth of Five Mile Town, Ireland, to her sister Mary Smyth who had emigrated to the United States.
Bridging the Generations Exhibit: Master Farm Homemakers Guild records
This exhibit was created by the Master Farm Homemakers Guild to publicize their history in Iowa.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Brine, Pelton and Thompson V. The University of Iowa records
Materials relate to the suit filed by 3 dental hygiene faculty members charging that the scheduled closing of the University of Iowa Dental Hygiene Program was discriminatory.
Appeal Documents, 1995-1996 (Boxes 19-20)
Background Information, 1985-1995 (Boxes 20-24, 27)
Defendant Exhibits, 1995 (Boxes 6-10)
Formal Documents, 1991-1995 (Boxes 1-3)
Letters of Support, 1991-1995 (Boxes 25-26)
Newspaper Clippings, 1991-1996 (Box 26)
Plaintiff Exhibits, 1995 (Boxes 11-19, 27)
Trial Transcripts, 1995 (Boxes 3-6)
Unidentified Exhibits, 1995 (Boxes 10-11)
Brinton Entertaining Company Papers
Materials from the Brinton Entertaining Company, the Brinton Family, and the Saving Brinton project. Includes films, projectors, glass slides, 78 rpm records, wax cylinders, memorabilia from travels, patent applications with drawings, plans for flying machines, posters, tickets.
Brooke Lambert Papers
English clergyman and social reformer. Made up of letters written to Lambert over a forty year time span dealing with issues such as women's suffrage, the welfare of the poor and orphaned, colonialism, pulpit freedom, etc.
Brooks Landon Vampire Comics
Included in this collection are four boxes of vampire-related comics.
Brown Gibson Family Papers
Letters, documents, and a booklet on Major Hugh G. Brown.
Browning Literary Club (Atlantic, Iowa) address
Speech delivered at the 9th District Convention of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Bruce Bliven Papers
Author, editor of The New Republic 1923-1953, and journalist. Typescript drafts, galleys, and page proofs for two books, Preview of Tomorrow and The World Changers.
Bruce C. Heezen Papers
Professor of geology and noted oceanographer received B.A. degree in geology from the University of Iowa in 1948. Created topographical maps of ocean floors 1957-1977.
Bruce Gould Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, Msc0869.
Bruce Levene Papers
Bruno Torres Papers
Collection of photographs by proinent photojournalist Bruno Torress. Covers civil rights, national and international political campgigns, sporting events, and local tradgedies from the mid- to late-20th Century.
Bud Kudart Collection
These are the personal papers and senate files of Iowa politician Bud Kudart.