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Conventional poetry

Subject Source: Sackner Database

Found in 3980 Collections and/or Records:

Vagrant Definitions / Clark, Thomas A. ; Clark, Laurie., 1984

Identifier: CC-27971-29121
Scope and Contents

The poems, which are four lines each one to a page, are based on nature themes. The front cover depicts a drawing by Laurie Clark. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1984

Valuveula / Bok, Christian., 1999

Identifier: CC-35755-37511
Scope and Contents

Valuveula is a hymn in the Tlonese language. Bok provides a phonological pronunciation key. This publication is also designated Umlaut Machine # 5. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1999

Vanderbilt Poetry Review / Huth G ; Hollander J ; Nemerov H ; Merrill J ; Dickey J., 1982

Identifier: CC-46651-49381
Scope and Contents

This issue includes two poems by Geof Huth. There is also an interview of James Dickey. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1982

Veronicavan / Forrest, Veronica ; McCarthy, Cavan., 1967

Identifier: CC-11400-11616
Scope and Contents The concrete poems were composed solely by Cavan McCarthy in this catalogue. The 'Poem for Veronica'is one of a series based upon the names of people McCarthy had met. This poem uses the letter groups 'ver' 'on' 'a.' Veronica Forrest-Thomson (1947--1975) was a poet and a critical theorist. She grew up in Glasgow, Scotland. She studied at the Universities of Liverpool and Cambridge, and later taught at the Universities of Leicester and Birmingham. Her critical study Poetic Artifice: A Theory of Twentieth-Century Poetry was published by Manchester University Press in 1978. Her poetry collections included Identi-kit (1967), the award-winning Language-Games (1971) and the posthumous On the Periphery (1976). Subsequent gatherings of her work include Collected Poems and Translations (1990) and Selected Poems (1999). A further Collected Poems, minus the translations, was published in 2008 by Shearsman Books in association with Allardyce Book. Forrest-Thomson died tragically in April 1975...
Dates: 1967

Verrinneweerde / Boshoff, Willem Hendrik., 1984

Identifier: CC-36482-38279
Scope and Contents

This postage size bit of micrography is a column of ten Afrikaans words. The photostats are enlargements of the micrographic words. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1984

Versek, Kepversek, 1988

Identifier: CC-34024-35700
Scope and Contents

This book is an anthology of poems by Zend. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1988

Version / Hirschman, Jack A.., 1990

Identifier: CC-09022-9199
Scope and Contents

This book was written as a homage to Hirschman's friend, Sara Menefee, who will be on trial for feeding hungry people without a permit. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1990