Correspondence art
Found in 1834 Collections and/or Records:
Art For Um: What me worry. No.2., 1998
The recto image is a portrait of Buster Cleveland with his dates January 29, 1943 - May 6, 1998. The verso is a reprint of his obituary published in the New York Times which describes him as a "Dada Artist Known for Collages and Mail Art." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art For Um: Why Cy Twombly. No.4., 1995
Art For Um: Y'a know what I'm saying. No.10., 1997
The recto image is a profile of a green head. The verso contains three stamps, one U.S. Postal, the other two by Buster Cleveland. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art In The Mail / Rehfeldt, Robert., 1988
This copy is printed on light tan paper. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art In The Mail / Rehfeldt, Robert., 1988
This copy is printed on brown paper. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art Is When You Look Away / Gaglione, Bill., 1980
Art Issue 1991: With Artists From the Magazines / Olbrich, Jurgen O., editor; Baroni V; Hainke W; Resch R; Meade R; Warnke U; Gunther T; Luh W; Monro N; Deisler G; Noel A; Williams E; Olbrich JO; Krabbe P; Creative Thing; Norros H; Ebel G; Kowalski J., 1991
This assembling was made to commemorate the exhibition of works from small artists' magazines, Arte Postale!, Art/Life, Collective Copy, Commonpress, Entwerter/Oder, UNI/vers (;), Data File, Eins von Hundert, and Tiegel und Tumult. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art = MC2 / Perneczky, Geza., 1987
Several of the images on the cards and prints incorporate the equation, Art=MC2, others deal with correspondence art. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art = MC2 / Perneczky, Geza., 1985
Art - Not Art / Helmes, Scott., 2001
Art Now Is The Mirror Of Your Society / Rehfeldt, Robert., 1983
Art One/One , 1979
ART R AGE / Hornor, Dave., 2007
ART RRRRR...AGE / Hornor, Dave., 2007
Art Saves Lives, 1975
The postcards are arranged and pasted in the style of Jiri Kolar collages. On the verso, there is a cryptic rubberstamped message, "just what is it that makes hamilton so different, so appealing." Hamilton might refer to a small town and the image on the recto is of three children in front of a large country house.The collage is addressed to ulises carrion. *WEB comments: Peter van Beveren 2001: I just wanted to inform you that the stamped text 'Just what is it that makes Hamilton so different', etc. does NOT refer to a small town, but is a paraphrase of the title given by the British Pop artist Richard Hamilton to his first collage, the beginning of the POP ART:' Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing'. I used this stamp from 1971 till 1975 in my correspondence with Richard Hamilton and now and than I stamped it on other cards, as the copy to Ulises Carrion, now in the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art Strike. No.1 / Perneczky G., 1990
Edited by Geza Perneczky. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art Strike. No.2 / Perneczky G., 1990
Edited by Geza Perneczky. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art Vermouth , 1980
Art Zines / Agius, Juan J. ; Beltrami F ; Chiarlone B ; Perneczky G ; Reese M ; Bleus G ; Groh K ; Loeffler M ; Kempton K ; Milliken DP ; Finch P ; Todorovic M ; Spatola A ; McCarthy C ; Olson R ; Branco J ; Uecker G., 2002
Artaud / Private World., 1984
Submitted as entry for the Homage To The Mad Diarist exhibition. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.