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Critical text

Subject Source: Sackner Database

Found in 3318 Collections and/or Records:

Artnews. No.2/Feb / Snelson K., 1981

Identifier: CC-25027-25480
Scope and Contents

The sculpture "Forest Devil" 1977, by Kenneth Snelson is reproduced in an essay on the artist; the maquette is held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1981

Artpool: The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe / Galantai, Gyorgy, editor ; Klaniczay, Julia, editor ; A-1 Waste Paper Ltd ; Abramovic M ; Acconci V ; Adamus K ; Adlers B ; Adrian R ; Agrafiotis D ; Aguiar F ; Albert-Birot P ; Albrecht d ; Alocco M ; Altemus R ; Amirkhanian C ; And M ; Andersen E ; Anderson L ; Andolcetti F ; Andre C ; Apollinaire G ; Apolloni I ; deAraujo A ; Arcand PA ; Arts A ; Armleder J ; Artaud A ; Attalai G ; Ay-O ; Babenko D ; Backer H ; Bak I ; Baldessari J ; Balint I ; Balla G ; Banana A ; Barbot C ; Barbot F ; Barbot G ; Barbour D ; Baroni V ; Barrile P ; Barry R ; Basinski M ; Beaulieu K ; Beke L ; Bell L ; Belloli C ; Below P ; Beltrametti F ; Bennett C ; Bennett JM ; Bense M ; Bentivoglio M ; Berger M ; Bertrand D ; Beuys J ; Bidner M ; Bille P ; Biro J ; Blaine J ; Bleus G ; Bloch M ; Bochner M ; Boccioni U ; Bogdanovic N ; Bonito-Oliva A ; Borocz A ; Bory JF ; Box Of Water ; Branco J ; Brecht G ; Brett G ; Broodthaers M ; Brossa J ; Brus G ; Bruscky P ; Buchholz K ; Buczak B ; Bujdoso A ; Bulatov D ; Burch C ; Burgaud C ; Butler R ; Blurr B ; Bzdok H ; Cage J ; Calleja JM ; DeCampos A ; Cangiullo F ; Cantsin M ; Carra C ; Carrega U ; Carrion U ; Castellin P ; Cavellini GA ; Cerda J ; Chiari G ; Chiarlone B ; Chopin H ; Christo ; Ciani P ; Citizen Kafka ; Ciullini D ; Cleveland B ; Sticker Dude ; Cohen R ; Cobbing B ; Cole D ; Collins P ; Colonna G ; Conte V ; Conz F ; Cook G ; Corbett M ; Corfou M ; Corner P ; Costa Cl ; CrackerJackKid ; Creative Thing ; Crozier R ; Curmano BX ; Cutler-Shaw J ; Daligand D ; Darboven H ; DeJonge K ; deRidder W ; DeRook GJ ; DeVree P ; DeCoster M ; Deisler G ; Delaunay S ; Delaunay R ; Dellafiora D ; Depero F ; Derrida J ; Dickau M ; Diotallevi M ; DiPalma R ; Dogfish ; Dogmatic I ; Domela C ; Dreyfus C ; Drozdik O ; Drozdz S ; Duch LF ; Duchamp M ; Dudek-Durer A ; Dufrene F ; Dupuy J ; Duquette M ; Durland S ; Dutton P ; Dyar M ; Egyedi B ; Ehrenberg F ; Elsasser J ; Erdely M ; Erdely D ; Espinosa C ; Evans J ; Export V ; Fabian I ; Fallico A ; Fedi F ; Feldmann HP ; Felter J ; Fernbach-Flarscheim C ; Ferrando B ; Ferrari V ; Filko S ; Filliou R ; Finlay IH ; Fine AM ; Fish P ; Flynt H ; Fontana G ; Frangione N ; Frank J ; Frank P ; Fricker H ; Friedman K ; PLG ; Furnival J ; Gaglione B ; Gagnon JC ; Galantai G ; Gappmayr H ; Garnier I ; Garnier P ; Gerz J ; Gilbert G ; Gini G ; Ginzburg C ; Giorno J ; Glass P ; Gomez A ; Gosewitz L ; Graf H ; Greenberger D ; Grogerova B ; Groh K ; Grupo Texto Poetico ; Grunewald JL ; Gnazzo A ; Gulyas G ; Gudmundsson S ; Gut E ; Gysin B ; Hainke W ; Hansen A ; Harroff W ; Hatherly A ; Havel V ; Jones H ; Heidsieck B ; Held Jjr ; Helmes S ; Hendricks G ; Hendricks J ; Hidalgo J ; Higgins D ; Higgins EF-III ; Hirsal J ; Hoffberg J ; Hompson DD ; VanHorn E ; Hubaut J ; Huber J ; Huelsenbeck R ; Huidobro V ; Hutchins A ; Jacks R ; Jackson L ; Jacob JP ; Jandl E ; Janssen R ; Jaschke G ; Jensen KF ; Jesch B ; Joe E ; Johnson R ; Jones J ; Juhasz J ; Jupitter-Larsen G ; Kadar J ; Kamperelic D ; Kamperelic R ; Kaprow A ; Kassak L ; Kaufmann P ; Keppler R ; Kierspel J ; Kiss I ; Klaniczay J ; Klassen N ; Klauke J ; Knizak M ; Knowles A ; Kocman JC ; Kolar J ; Koller J ; Koppany M ; Kostelanetz R ; Kosuth J ; Kovacs A ; Kretschmer A ; Kulemin E ; Kustermann P ; Labelle-Rojoux A ; Ladik K ; Lakner L ; Laliberte S ; Lakner S ; Landrum D ; Lara M ; Lastname B ; Laszlo JN ; Lebel JJ ; Leftwich J ; Leigh M ; Lemieux A ; Lenoir P ; Levine L ; LeWitt S ; Lichtenauer F ; Lipinsky G ; Lisboa U ; Liuzzi O ; Lomholt N ; Dana L ; Lloyd G ; Lora-Totino A ; Luis ; Lumb M ; MacLow J ; McClure M ; Machert C ; Maciunas G ; Maggi R ; Mallander J ; Marinetti FT ; Marlowe W ; Martel R ; Marx-Vigo G ; Mau J ; Mayer HJ ; McCaffery S ; Meade R ; Melnikov W ; Mesciulam P ; Mew T ; Miccini E ; Minarelli E ; Minkoff G ; Mittendorf H ; Mon F ; Morandi E ; Musicmaster ; Nagy P ; Nakamura K ; Nannucci M ; Nations O ; Nielsen MO ; Nieslony B ; Novak L ; Obrist HU ; Ockerse T ; Olbrich JO ; Ono Y ; Orlan ; Padin C ; Paik NJ ; Papp T ; Patella L ; Pawson M ; Perfetti M ; Perkins S ; Perneczky G ; Petasz P ; Phillpot C ; Pilcher BE ; Putz C ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; Porter B ; Private World ; Rabascall J ; Rahmmings K ; Rastorfer JM ; Rehfeldt R ; Restany P ; Richard C ; Robic JF ; Rocola R ; Roncoroni F ; Rose M ; Rosenberg MR ; Rosenthal B ; Roth D ; Ruch C ; Ruch G ; Rypson P ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA ; Saito T ; Sassi F ; Satin CJ ; Scala R ; Schmit T ; Schneemann C ; Schnyder A ; Schraenen G ; Segay S ; Sevcik P ; Shimamoto S ; Shiomi M ; Simon B ; Smith St ; Sorgel H ; Souza A ; Spathi L ; Spatola A ; Spoerri D ; Staeck K ; Stake C ; State of Being ; Stetser C ; Strada G ; Stussi M ; Suel L ; Sugar J ; Summers R ; Supek J ; Sutherland WM ; Swierkiewicz R ; Szekely A ; Szkarosi E ; Szonyei T ; Sztuka Fabryka ; Tavenner P ; Four Horsemen ; Tillier T ; Tisma A ; Todorovic M ; Tot E ; Toth G ; Trasov V ; Ulrichs T ; Urban J ; Valoch J ; VanBeveren P ; Varney E ; Ben ; Vermuelen G ; Vigo EA ; Vleeskens C ; Waber D ; Vostell W ; Waldman A ; Watts B ; Weibel P ; Welch C ; Wendt L ; Williams E ; Wolf-Rehfeldt R ; Wood R ; Xerra W ; Zabala H ; Zack D ; Zielke H ; Zito R., 2013

Identifier: CC-58148-10001400
Scope and Contents

This is a chronology of the extensive activities of the Artpool Archive in Budapest. The index lists the most complete number of participants in the mail art network. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2013

Arts & Letters / Austin, Tom; Sackner RK; Sackner MA; Lemaitre M; levy da ; Lissitzky E., 1992

Identifier: CC-26482-26951
Scope and Contents

Austin writes that "by turning their home into a museum, collectors Ruth and Marvin Sackner have made concrete and visual poetry more like household words." The article and interview concisely defines and describes the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1992

Arts of the Book, The / Ed Colker, curator ; Phillpot C ; Phelan M ; Apollinaire G ; Minsky R ; Frederick H ; Frost G ; Blake W ; Alexander C ; Bigus R ; Butler F ; Carothers M ; Colby S ; Colp N ; Davids B ; Duncan H ; Ely T ; Ferris S ; Grant Sk ; Hamady W ; Haynes R ; Horvitz SR ; Johnson L ; King R ; King S ; Korf K ; Kornblum A ; Kyle H ; Lange G ; Lederman SB ; Lehrer W ; Ligorano N ; Lingen R ; Lovejoy M ; Mabe J ; Mauriello B ; McCarney S ; Nichols B ; Osborn K ; Pisano M ; Richman G ; Risseeuw J ; Smith EK ; Faust D ; Smith K ; Spector B ; Sobota J ; Tetenbaum B ; Tisdale W ; VanVleit C ; Weier D ; Zipporah Z ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA., 1988

Identifier: CC-33020-34641
Scope and Contents

Clive Phillpot contributed an essay, "Reading Artists' Books," in which he wrote that "Visual artists have explored and exploited the nature and structure of the book. both in former times and with renewed vigor more recently, with the result that the book has come to be appreciated widely as an extremely fruitful and subtle multidimensional means for the transmission of human experience. In addition, artists have come to demand of their readers that they develop their ability to utilize various forms of reading, whether retinal or tactile, whether linear, peripheral, oscillatory, or random, in order to be able to engage fully with the content embedded in each book." Books by Carothers, Ligorano, and Mabe were lent to this exhibition by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1988

Arts Review. No.2/Feb / Phillips T., 1979

Identifier: CC-25103-25556
Scope and Contents

The cover is a reproduction of Tom Phillips' "Dante in His Study." Pat Gilmour reviews Phillips' exhibition at Marlborough Fine Arts. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1979

Arts Review. No.6/Mar / Christie J., 1979

Identifier: CC-25920-26382
Scope and Contents

John Christie's "A Walk on the Shore" with text by Kenneth White, published by Circle Press, is reviewed -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1979

Arts Review. No.22/Nov / Phillips T., 1980

Identifier: CC-24757-25210
Scope and Contents

Kevin Powers reviews the trade edition of "A Humument" by Tom Phillips and reproduces page 190. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1980

Arts Review. No.23/Nov / Phillips T., 1980

Identifier: CC-25094-25547
Scope and Contents

Cover is reproduction of page 191 from "A Humument" by Tom Phillips. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1980

Aspects of Art: A Painter's Alphabet / Phillips, Tom., 1997

Identifier: CC-32329-33894
Scope and Contents Tom Phillips has created a discourse based on seventeenth and eighteenth century masterpieces in the collection at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. Desmond Shawe-Taylor writes that Phillips is "the ideal creative commentator, an artist of bewildering range and imagination and a writer of elegance and insight. His text is full of surprises; or as he puts it 'chance and risk are at the heart of the artistic enterprise.' He opens up the experience of art, exploring the overlap between creating and responding. the clarity of the writing masks the complexity of the issues. Tom Phillips's questioning leads in a daunting variety of directions, but this is an essential journey of discovery for those who believe in life beyond the label."The alphabetical structure of the book, where each letter of the alphabet is drawn with poetry from "A Humument," involves the topics of Abstraction, Beauty, Conservation, Detail, Education, Frame, Grammar etc. as related to specific paintings in the Dulwich....
Dates: 1997

Aspects of Art: A Painter's Alphabet / Phillips, Tom., 1997

Identifier: CC-27759-28882
Scope and Contents Tom Phillips has created a discourse based on seventeenth and eighteenth century masterpieces in the collection at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. Desmond Shawe-Taylor writes that Phillips is "the ideal creative commentator, an artist of bewildering range and imagination and a writer of elegance and insight. His text is full of surprises; or as he puts it 'chance and risk are at the heart of the artistic enterprise.' He opens up the experience of art, exploring the overlap between creating and responding. the clarity of the writing masks the complexity of the issues. Tom Phillips's questioning leads in a daunting variety of directions, but this is an essential journey of discovery for those who believe in life beyond the label."The alphabetical structure of the book, where each letter of the alphabet is drawn with poetry from "A Humument," involves the topics of Abstraction, Beauty, Conservation, Detail, Education, Frame, Grammar etc. as related to specific paintings in the Dulwich....
Dates: 1997

Assembling Magazines 1969-2000 / Perneczky, Geza ; Chopin H ; Cobbing B ; Carrion U ; Sackner MA ; Sackner RK ; Spatola A ; Vigo EA ; Ferrando B ; Perez D ; Calleja JM ; Kostelanetz R ; Szombathy B ; Perkins S ; Kocman JH ; Schraenen G ; Padin C ; Sampaio J ; Bruscky P ; Lisboa U ; Rehfeldt R ; Deisler G ; Jesch B ; Warnke U ; Dana L ; Fischer H ; VanBarneveld A ; Brand J ; DeJonge K ; Gaglione B ; Meade R ; Marin M ; Baroni V ; Ruch G ; Black J ; Raman E ; Herman C ; Holtz S ; Bogdanovic N ; Lenoir P ; Pignatari D ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Tarlatt U ; Kowalski J ; Berchenko G ; Zito R ; Petasz P ; Giacomucci U ; Boumans B ; Kantor I ; Zack D ; Home S ; Olbrich JO ; Hainke W ; Ciani P ; Kierspel J ; Stirnemann MV ; McLean D ; Neaderland L ; Stetser C ; And M ; Was E ; Bille P ; Alatalo S ; Gerlovina R ; Gerlovin V ; Nikonova R ; Segay S ; Konstriktor B ; Ebel G ; Ahnert C ; Cohen R ; Cardella J ; Guttierez R ; Peacock S ; Fabry A ; Resch R ; Krabbe P ; Putz C ; Tillier T ; Maggi R ; Morandi E ; Gagnon JC ; Lehmus J ; Seifert J ; Galantai G ; Toth G ; Blaine J ; spence p ; Collins P ; Delgado FG ; Gette PA., 2007

Identifier: CC-46801-49533
Scope and Contents

Perneczky provides essays on definitions and history of Assemblings as well as in depth analysis of individual publications in this heavily illustrated book. He adds personal vignettes on collecting several of these publications. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2007

Associations / Roth, Andrew ; Williams J ; Ginsberg A ; Ray M ; Ruscha E ; Cahun C., 2006

Identifier: CC-62656-48629
Scope and Contents

This book is a well annotated listing of inscribed photography books from a private collection. There is a section that reproduces the inscriptions. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2006

Asymmetric Typography / Tschichold, Jan ; Ruari McLean, translator ; Tiege K ; Lissitzky E ; Strzeminski W ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Albers J., 1967

Identifier: CC-54077-64834
Scope and Contents

Tschichold utilizes mainly books and art works by Lissitzky to demonstrate his new typography. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1967

At Home & in the World / Reichek, Elaine., 2000

Identifier: CC-42452-44462
Scope and Contents

Lynne Cooke contributes an in depth introductory essay, "Elaine Reichek: Memos for the New Millennium." Reichek has also written a personal review of her work and philosophy. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2000