Found in 211 Collections and/or Records:
Patria & Dio / Pannaggi, Ivo., 1971
This poem has minor Futurist connections. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Picchiata Nell'Amore / Bellanova, Piero., 1940
Poesia della Voce e del Corpo: 1st Festival Internazionale di Poesia / Matteo D'Ambrosio, curator ; Felice Piemontese, curator ; Balestrini N ; Chopin H ; Costa C ; Lora-Totino A ; Spatola A ; Villa E ; Cangiullo F ; Bisinger G ; Kemeny T ; Piemontese F., 1980
Poesia Sonora / D'Ambrosio, Matteo, editor ; Balla G ; Marinetti FT ; Cangiullo F ; Ball H ; Hausmann R ; Schwitters K ; Zdanevich I ; Kruchenykh A ; Isou I ; Lemaitre M ; Curtay JP ; DeVree P ; Jandl E ; Dufrene F ; Chopin H ; Nannucci M ; Lora-Totino A., 1979
Poetry and Revolution in Russia 1905-1930 / Koch P ; Blok A ; Larionov M ; Khlebnikov V ; Kruchenykh A ; Mayakovsky V ; Burliuk D ; Marinetti FT ; Larionov M ; Goncharova N ; Tatlin V ; Filonov P ; Rozanova O ; Malevich K ; Livshits B ; Lissitzky E ; Guro E., 1988
The catalogue was designed by Peter Koch. The exhibition illuminated the poetry of the "Silver Age" of early 20th century Russian poetry which was in total obscurity dring the 1940's and 1950's. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Politics As Art: Italian Futurism and Fascism / Bowler, Ann; Marinetti FT., 1990
This mauscript is unpublished. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Proto-filo-anti-iper-pseudo futurismo / Arengario Studio Bibliografico, L' ; Bruno A ; Buzzi P ; Carra C ; Severini G ; Volt., 2004
Quaderni di Tullio d'Albisola No.1: Lettere di Fillia (1929-1935) / Presotto, Danilo, editor ; Fillia., 1981
Reproduces correspondence from Fillia to D'Abisola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Quaderni di Tullio d'Albisola No.2: Lettere di Edoardo Alfieri, Bruno Munari... (1928-1939) / Presotto, Danilo, editor., 1981
Reproduces correspondence of several writers to d'Albisola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Quaderni di Tullio d'Albisola No.3: Lettere di Tullio Crali, Fortumato Depero, Fillipo Tommaso Marinetti, Pino Masnata, Bruno Sanzin... (1929-1939) / Presotto, Danilo, editor., 1981
Reproduces correspondence of several writers to d'Albisola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Reading Visual Poetry after Futurism: Marinetti, Apollinaire, Schwitters, Cummings / Webster, Michael ; Cendrars B ; Apollinaire G ; Schwitters K ; cummings ee ; Marinetti FT ; Bohn W ; Shattuck R ; Barthes R ; Steiner W ; Stein G ; Zurbrugg N ; Dohl R ; Mayer HJ ; Tashjian D ; Gomringer E ; DeCampos A ; Pignatari D ; DeCampos H ; Carra C ; Hausmann R ; Williams E., 1995
Webster states that the four main poets discussed in this book, that was originally a doctural thesis, were not influenced by Mallarme's Un Coup de Des. In the case of Marinetti, he points out the structural typographic differences and similarities between Un Coup de Des and Parole In Liberta. Webster uses the term, visual poetry, as synonymous with concrete poetry. An appendix depicts several poems descibed in the book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Reteadriatica / Pannaggi, Ivo., 1971
This book consists of a reprint of a 1922 poem. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Revistes / Arengario Studio Bibliografico, L'., 2008
This catalogue depicts all the magazine covers of the periodicals for sale - almost all Italian. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Scritti Sull'Arte / Baj, Enrico ; Warhol A ; Manzoni P ; Duchamp M ; Jorn A., 1996
Includes two sound poems by Baj from 1986 in the style of Parole in Liberta. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Scrittura Visuale e Poesia Sonora Futurista / Luciano Caruso, curator ; Stelio Maria Martini, curator ; Marinetti FT ; Mallarme S ; Cangiullo F ; Soffici A ; Depero F ; Munari B ; d'Albisola T ; Benedetta ; Jamar-14 ; Buzzi P ; Balla G., 1977
This exhibition catalogue dealt with published and unpublished examples of Parole In Liberta. One such poem by Jamar 14 (aka Piero Gigli), "Villa T.B.C.," had the theme of a stay in a Tuberculosis Sanatorium. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.