Pre-Mallarme work
Found in 237 Collections and/or Records:
The Spheres Pages 174 & 163 / Macia, Carlos., 1993
This drawing was made on pages 174 & 163 of a book on astronomy by Joannis de Sacro Bosco, Sphaera, Lyon France, 1564. The original pages were perforated by termite holes that were filled with gold leaf. The pages themselves have engravings that Macia incorporated into the new image. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
The Story of Samson, 1750
The Translated Latrine Inscriptions of the Palazzo Davanzati / Cutts, Simon., 1993
Three Classics of Italian Calligraphy / Ogg, Oscar, editor ; Arrighi L ; Tagliente G ; Palatino G., 1953
This is a reprinting of the writing books of three classic Italian calligraphers. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Tom Phillips / Russell, John., 1993
Reviews Phillips' Dante's Inferno exhibition at the Center for Book Arts. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Una Selva Oscura: Tom Phillips's Inferno / Phillips, Tom ; Phillips T ; Ray K., 1997
Una Selva Oscura: Tom Phillips's Inferno / Phillips, Tom ; Ray K ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA ; Traister D ; Blake W ; Rauschenberg R., 1997
[Untitled] / Arion Press., 1988
[Untitled] / Librairie Jean-Claud Vrain ; Apollinaire G ; Aragon L ; Beckett S ; Breton A ; Cendrars B ; Char R ; Eluard P ; Jarry A ; Mallarme S ; Michaux H ; Perec G ; Queneau R ; Reverdy P ; Tzara T ; Gonet J ; Bertini G ; Ernst M ; Valery P ; Albert-Birot P., 1997
[Untitled] / Sims Reed ; Iliazd ; Hausmann R., 1993
Utopies / Lecointre, Didier ; Drouet, Dominique ; Espagnon, J. ; Le Bret, P. ; Isou I ; Lemaitre M ; Soleri P ; Debord G ; Jorn A ; Vostell W ; Higgins D., 2001
Venantius Fortunatus Opera Poetica II:5 / Cook, Geoffrey., 1979
Signed photocopy of original -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Verso Reverso Controverso, 1978
Visible Language: The Origin of Visible Language in the New World. No.1/Win / Denise Schmandt ; Besserat., 1991
The theme of this issue is concerned with the decipherment of early Central American scripts and pre-literate symbolic systems, including those of the Olmecs, late formative cultures, Mayas, and Mixtecs. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Visual Explanations / Tufte, Edward R. ; Bragdon C ; Cornell J ; Danto A ; Friedman M ; Ives N ; Klucis G ; Lichtenstein R ; Lissitzky E ; Malevich K ; Marcus A ; Morison S ; Poggi C ; Rushdie S ; Shattuck R ; Tansey M ; Wilmarth C., 1997
In the introduction, Tufte characterizes his three books on information design as follows. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information is about pictures of numbers, i.e., depicting data and statistics. Envisioning Information is about pictures of nouns and visual strategies for design. Visual Explanations is about pictures of verbs, the representation of mechanism and motion, of process and dynamics, of causes and effects, of explanation and narrative. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.