Conventional non-fiction
Found in 1855 Collections and/or Records:
After the Usual Clients Have Gone Home/Mas Tarde que los Clientes Habituales / Duran, Claudio ; R. Barretto-Rivero, translator., 1982
Aftershocks / Greco, John, editor; Cranston M; Greco J; Mitchell R; Piasentin J; Thomasen M; Karklsen AM., 1995
The theme deals with adverse situations that arose in Los Angeles after the severe earthquake in June 1994. Each contributor to the anthology provided two prints based upon drawings, texts, and collages. Annie Marie Karlsen contibuted a series of distorted portraits of O.J. Simpson with satirical captions dealing with his murder trial of Nicole, in what some have called the "Murder Trial Of the Century." Matthew Thomasen employed imagery and texts dealing with the earthquake in biblical te -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Against Dreams/Sacerdotal / And, Miekal., 1984
This book can be read starting from either the front or the back. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Agricola Cornelia S.p.A. 1973-1981 / Baruchello, Gianfranco ; Henry Martin, translator., 1981
Also designated as Exit No.12. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Ah Death A Melotragedy / Heft, Caren., 1991
The theme of this book is a correspondence from a man dying with AIDS with Heft. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Ahoe 2 (Johnny Cash Writes a Letter to Santa Claus) / Hollo, Anselm., 1998
Aiemiuar / Santo, S.A., aka Altafini, Sergio., 1982
Aikido Conversations in Drawings and Words / Crane, Coryl ; Cutler-Shaw, Joyce., 1999
The line drawings of the performance of Aikido, a philosophical martial art, that were done by Cutler Shaw illustrate the texts of Crane. A conversation between the two artists prefaces the book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Air Pressure / Fujino, David., 2006
Alae / Byrum, John M.., 1987
Albert Ayler Disappeared / Nettelbeck, F.A.., 1989
Album / Elmslie, Kenward ; Brainard J., 1969
Cover and drawings were done by Joe Brainard. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Alchimia Degli Estremi / Caruso, Luciano., 1995
Published on the occasion of the exhibition "Alchimia della Scrittura" at the Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli, Naples. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Aleph, Alpha, and Alfalfa, 1993
Aleph Benoni & Zaddik / Hirschman, Jack A.., 1968
Benoni in Hebrew in the title of this book translates into 'humble son;' Zaddik signifies the rightious one. The paging of the poem is done by alphabetically ordered, calligraphically presented Hebrew letters. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Alinea. No.5 / Richard Anders., 1993
All Gods Must Learn to Kill / Blazek, Douglas ; levy, d.a. ; Nuttall J ; Crumb R., 1968
Cover and three cartoons by R. Crumb. Frontispiece drawing was done by Jeff Nuttall. Includes three photocollages by d.a. levy. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
All Gods Must Learn to Kill / Blazek, Douglas ; levy, d.a. ; Nuttall J ; Crumb R., 1968
Cover and three cartoons by R. Crumb. Frontispiece drawing by Jeff Nuttall. Includes three photocollages by d.a. levy. Stored in Blazek box. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.