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Illustrated book (mass produced)

Subject Source: Sackner Database

Found in 55 Collections and/or Records:

Dante's Inferno / Phillips, Tom., 1985

Identifier: CC-37693-39567
Scope and Contents This is the first edition of Dante's Inferno in which both the translation and the illustrations were done by the same person. Two representive illustrations are depicted in this record. In the image illustrating Canto III, Phillips describes the changes in his notes to the book. "Not satisfied with any of the colour trials I made in the first version of this, which depicted the dreary waters of the Styx, I cut the various proofs into strips and brought different versions into conjunction, hence the appropriate half repetition of the short text which, together with the recapitulations of the same stretch of the sombre steam, suggests the monotony of Charon's task as Ferryman. The words 'bitter boating' seemed also to echo his mocking speech."In the image that illustrates Canto V from the initial proof copy, Phillips eliminated the calligraphic text of the poem, changed the background from black to gray and pink, painted a giant phallus with balls entering the vagina, printed the...
Dates: 1985

Dante's Purgatorio / Birk, Sandow ; Sanders, Marcus., 2004

Identifier: CC-45838-48526
Scope and Contents

Following the acclaim for their innovative edition of Dante's Inferno, Sandow Birk and Marcus Sanders guide us to the next level of the afterlife in Dante's Purgatorio. The second book of Dante Alighieri's classic poem The Divine Comedy, this version of Purgatorio couples a clever literary adaptation incorporating modern urban speech and contemporary references with powerful illustrations inspired by Gustave Dore's famous engravings. Whereas Inferno was primarily situated in a city that bears a curious resemblance to modern Los Angeles, Purgatorio is set in a surreal San Francisco Bay Area, an outlandish and hopeful milieu for those who have a chance to wash their sins away. Together, the sardonic yet playful combination of text and images comprise a vivid retelling of this masterpiece. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2004

If Walls Could Speak/Si las Paredes Hablaran / Munoz, Celia Alvarez., 1991

Identifier: CC-06181-6295
Scope and Contents

It is mentioned on page 31 that the artist's works are held by the Sackner Collection. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1991

Julia Jurenita / Hoffmeister, Adolf ; Erenburg, Ilya., 1966

Identifier: CC-31847-33367
Scope and Contents

Hoffmeister composedmade the illustrations, designed the dust jacket and end papers. The text hints at experimental typography with varied size bold face letters and inserted tables. This is Ehrenburg's first novel, written in twenty-eight days in Belgium in 1921, during his forced tour of Europe after his expulsion from Russia and then France. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1966

Kryad Poems / Abdell, Douglas ; Manfredi V., 1978

Identifier: CC-24292-24744
Scope and Contents

The Kryads are cast bronze [sculptures] and are pictured opposite the poems described by the artist as the result of his "trying to remember what was happening when I made these particular sculptures and speaking about it in a language and rhythm that wants to approach their nature." The introductory essay was written by Victor Manfredi. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1978

La Cerimonia delle Cose (The Ceremony of Things) / Cucchi, Enzo ; Diacono M., 1985

Identifier: CC-18901-19279
Scope and Contents

Cucchi's text is illustrated by 16 small bound-in drawings. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1985

La Definizione del Prezzo, 1991

Identifier: CC-02600-2643
Scope and Contents

The drawings by Della Casa that are reproduced in this book depict images of Spatola. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1991

Le reve de la huppe / Koraichi, Rachid ; Rothschild, Anne., 2005

Identifier: CC-44760-46926
Scope and Contents This book includes reprodutions of 27 drawings by Koraichi. On the publishers WEB site, a critique is provided in French. Un chant d'espoir pour la paix à venir entre Palestine et Israel [A song of hope for peace to come between Palistine and Israel.]. La huppe, messagere de l'Invisible pour les mystiques musulmans, serait à l'origine de la rencontre entre le roi Salomon et la Sulamite, venue du royaume de l'encens. De cette etreinte, dit-on, naquit le plus beau des chants d'amour"¦ Aujourd'hui, l'oiseau s'est refugie dans le sommeil. Dans un espace trop charge de memoire, deux peuples hantes par leurs mirages et enfermes par leurs peurs, se massacrent. Les generations se succedent et semblent avoir oublie jusqu'à la signification du mot paix. Parfois un reve traverse la huppe, l'emportant dans un flux d'images. Le present reveille le passe, les siecles se bousculent. On peut alors peut entendre les voix de la mysterieuse Sulamite, de l'amant et du chÅ“ur de Jerusalem se...
Dates: 2005

Moderne Gladiatoren / Putz, Claudia ; Busch B., 1993

Identifier: CC-04901-4998
Scope and Contents

Sixteen reproduced line drawings in the book were done by Barbel Busch. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1993

November Twenty Six Nineteen Hundred Sixty Three / Shahn, Ben ; Berry, Wendell., 1964

Identifier: CC-33600-35253
Scope and Contents

The poem by Wendell Berry was written as a memorial to the death of John F. Kennedy. The illustrations and lettering were done by Ben Shahn. The poem was first published in the magazine, The Nation. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1964

Oda a Joan Miro / Brossa, Joan ; Miro, Joan., 1973

Identifier: CC-23377-23819
Scope and Contents

Lithographs by Joan Miro. One collage of cut papers by Brossa. Published as an homage by Brossa on the occasion of Miro's eightieth birthday. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1973

Omar Khayyam: Ne Blame Pas Ceux Qui S'Eniuvrent / Lalou, Frank., 1990

Identifier: CC-07600-7745
Scope and Contents

This a reprint of a unique book in an unknown edition size and carries the designation as an artist proof. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1990

Quines besties! 3rd Ed. / Albalat, Antoni ; Zukofsky L ; Basho., 2002

Identifier: CC-40079-42048
Scope and Contents

This book was first published in 1998. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2002

Rough Ride / Tremlett, David., 1985

Identifier: CC-01263-1294
Scope and Contents

Published on the occasion of an exhibition by the artist at Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1985

Schwester Emilie / Vicomte de Varause, Maurice Guy ; Schindehutte, Albert., 1980

Identifier: CC-35596-37340
Scope and Contents

The author of this erotic novel published in the 17th century is unknown. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1980