Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989
- Existence: 1906-04-13 - 1989-12-22
Found in 1 Collection or Record:
Reading the Illegible / Dworkin, Craig ; Acconci V ; Dante ; Altieri C ; Andrews B ; Ashbery J ; Baldessari J ; Beckett S ; Bernstein C ; Blake W ; Bok C ; Bowlt J ; Breton A ; Broodthaers M ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; Campbell K ; Carrega U ; Caruso L ; Bunting B ; Cobbing B ; Coolidge C ; Davenport G ; Debord G ; Deguy M ; Derrida J ; Desnos R ; Dewdney C ; Dotremont C ; Drucker J ; Finlay IH ; Duchamp M ; Fraenkel E ; Gappmayr H ; Gill E ; Grenier R ; Gysin B ; Hejinian L ; Home S ; Howe S ; Inman P ; Isgro E ; Jacob M ; Johnson R ; Johnston A ; Joris P ; Jorn A ; Joyce J ; Klee P ; Kosuth J ; Kristeva J ; Kruchenykh A ; Lyotard JF ; MacLow J ; Mallarme S ; Mallock WH ; Ray M ; Marcus G ; Mayakovsky V ; McCaffery S ; McLuhan M ; Mekas J ; Michaux H ; Morgenstern C ; Nash J ; Nichol bp ; Paschal H ; Perloff M ; Phillips T ; Piombino N ; Ponge F ; Pound E ; Quartermain P ; Rasula J ; Retallack J ; Roth D ; Russolo L ; Roussel R ; Saroyan A ; Schwerner A ; Schwitters K ; Sharits P ; Silliman R ; Stein G ; Tinguely J ; Tschichold J ; Tzara T ; Waldrop R ; Warde B ; Williams J ; Wittgenstein L ; Wolman G ; Khlebnikov V ; Yates WB ; Zdanevich I ; Zukofsky L ; Zurn U ; Apollinaire G., 2003
Identifier: CC-42091-44092
Scope and Contents
Dworkin selects and critiques in detail several high spots of Illegible Texts to support the title of this book, e.g., text over text, cancelled texts, neologisms. These include Guy Debord's 'Fin de Copenhague' & 'Memoires,' Susan Howe's poetic works, Charles Bernstein's 'Veils,' of which five originals are held by the Sackner Archive, Rosemary 'Waldrop's 'Camp Printing,' John Cage's mesostics, Ezra Pound's 'Cantos,' Tom Phillips' 'A Humument,' Ronald Johnson's 'Radi Os,' Ken Campbell's 'Father's Garden,' and Fraenkel's version of Mallarme's 'Coup de Des' (held by the Sackner Archive). The book is accompanied by a large section of notes to the text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.