Collins, Patricia (artist)
Found in 44 Collections and/or Records:
8.5 x 5.5 x 2 / Collins, Patricia; Borges J., 1995
The title refers to the dimensions of the book, War and Peace by Tolstoy. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
191 No. 3, 1999
A Short-but-Waterproof Book About Swimming / Collins, Patricia., 2000
The blue, plastic wrist strap contains a key. The collage consists of six strips of paper with texts and images that give techniques for swimming. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Altered Stanley Gibbons' Postage Stamp Catalogue] / Collins, Patricia ; State of Being ; Padin C ; Maldonado A ; Strada G., 2000
Collins altered a trade edition stamp catalogue by collaging artist stamps made by others, mostly of unidentifiable artists, to random pages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Bar Stool / Dellafiora, David, editor ; Pontes H ; Klassen L ; Jensen KF ; Collins P ; Baroni V ; Bennett JM ; Cuthberson M., 2001
The theme of this assembling deals with drinking alcoholic beverages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Bar Stool / Dellafiora, David, editor ; Pontes H ; Klassen L ; Jensen KF ; Collins P ; Baroni V ; Bennett JM ; Cuthberson M., 2001
The theme of this assembling deals with drinking alcoholic beverages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Books on Fire: the documentation of the Renegade Library / Collins P ; Bennett JM ; Nakamura K ; Cole D ; Suel L ; Bertrand D ; Sourdin B ; Ricart J ; Cohen R ; Padin C ; Mittendorf H ; Baroni V ; Porter B ; Harroff W ; Diotallevi M ; Leigh M ; Clark TA ; Crozier R ; Figueiredo C ; Leftwich J ; Segay S ; Maggi R ; A1 Waste Paper ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; DeJonge K ; Blurr B ; Jesch B ; Wood R ; Landrum D ; Dellafiora D ; Held Jjr ; Fox M ; Beach M ; Pelieu C ; Lipman J ; Stake C ; Blissett L ; Janssen R ; Breuer T ; Putz C ; Stirnemann MV ; Seifert J ; Corbett M ; Loeb L ; Babenko D ; Bulatov D ; Liuzzi O ; Olbrich JO ; Higgins EF-III ; Strada G ; Janet J ; Parentela C ; Fierens L ; Banana A ; Gagnon JC ; Lenoir P ; Andryczuk H ; Bolkart J ; Breuer A ; Nomrowski A ; Perneczky G ; Prautzsch HU ; Roth M ; Vollmer D ; Ziegler H ; Andolcetti F ; Boschi A ; Manfredi M ; Skuber B ; Petasz P ; Melnikov W ; Gomez A ; Barbot G ; Chirot D ; Fallico A ; Strangulensis F ; Gaglione B ; Schnyder A ; Klassen L., 1998
The catalogue lists the holdings of the mail art library of Lois Klassen with a classification system of this genre. The card is handwritten from Patricia Collins to Marvin Sackner who sent the book to him as an "exhibition catalogue that might be of interest." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Box of Old Mythologies, 1998
The piece consists of a small suitcase collaged with overlaid pages from a small format encyclopedia that has been printed on wood based acid paper as evidenced by the discolorations. The inside of the suitcase is also collaged with the same pages. Eight cardboard boxes are placed within the suitcase. Their labels related to their contents. For example, a box with the dictionary definition of camouflage contains a paper butterfly cut from a dictionary page that is pinned onto a dictionary page fitted to the bottom of the box. A box labeled lent contains ashes. A box labeled trinity contains an insulated electric wire with three smaller insulated electric wires against a black paper background. According to a letter from Collins, the other copy is in a Hungarian collection. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brain Cell: No.502 [Admit One] / Cohen, Ryosuke; Sonnenfeld M; Collins P; Pennachi W; Preissler I; Netmail; Groh K; Takahashi S; Stetser C; Daligand D., 2000
This broadside was addressed to Patricia Collins. This broadside in an unfolded state together with other Ryosuke Cohen's Brain Cells and cards are stored in a large green & black folder. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Brain Cell: No.519 [In Search of Wanda] / Cohen, Ryosuke; Leftwich J; Sonnenfeld M; Collins P; Pennachi W; Preissler I; Netmail; Groh K., 2002
This broadside was addressed to Patricia Collins. This broadside in an unfolded state together with other Ryosuke Cohen's Brain Cells and cards are stored in a large green & black folder. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Caja de Truenos. Fall / Collins P., 1997
File of Facts? / Collins, Patricia., 1998
Fine Art Degree Show 2004, 2004
Flotilla, 2000
The images on the clear acetate sheets are great sailing ships. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
from Condiments an Exhibition at London's Drill Hall / Collins, Patricia., 1995
Hand Book / Collins, Patricia., 1998
All the images in this book are hands captioned with text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Hieroglyphics - Writing of the Gods / Collins, Patricia., 2000
Homage to Samuel Beckett / Collins, Patricia., 2000
This is a mini-drama of dialog between two characters, Vladimir and Estragon. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Homage to Wallace Stevens / Collins, Patricia., 2001
In the Studio, 1997
This is an assortment of works that Collins used in her contributions to mail art periodicals and projects. A fair amount of the work deals with contradictions. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.