Zelevansky, Paul
Found in 29 Collections and/or Records:
24 Ideas About Pictures / Zelevansky, Paul., 2008
A Great Blankness That Inspires Awe / Zelevansky, Paul., 1998
Each page contains a word or phrase that is referentially illustrated at the page center and defined at the page bottom with a tangentially related text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Afterimage. No.6/Jan / Neaderland L ; Zelevansky P., 1988
Contains reviews of ISCA Quarterly's First and Second Annual Bookworks Editions, and Zelevansky's "The Case for the Burial of Ancestors, Book Two." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
American Bookworks in Print / Zelevansky P ; Lehrer W ; Colp N ; Hompson DD ; Butler F ; Johnston A ; Lederman SB ; Davids B ; King S ; Lerner S ; Horvitz SR ; Smith K ; Zweig J ; Osborn K ; McCarney S ; DeCoster M ; Meador C ; Zimmerman P ; Denes A., 1984
This exhibition was curated by Anne-Catherine Fallen and Kevin Osborn. Sackner Archive is listed under resources and several books depicted are held by the Sackner Archive.. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Attention SPAM / Zelevansky, Paul; Ronell A; Calvino I., 1997
The primary focus of this essay is the forms of reading proposed by contemporary, commercial magazines and books, with consideration of related concepts in pop music and electronic media. It raises the question of what it means to read and interpret when the parameters of visual and verbal signs and contexts are transient and mutable. Zelevansky asks "what does scanning, sampling, hypermedia, etc. mean for the creators and consumers of books destined for the new electronic superstore? The future of the book form is entwined with the future of reading." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Common Sense at the Crossroads / Zelevansky, Paul., 1987
David Cole Papers
Papers of prominent mail artist David Cole. Includes mail art, handmade rubber stamps, artists correspondence, zines, artists books, and cassettes.
Exhibition of Recent Works & An In-gathering of Paint Stirrers / Cole, David ; Zelevansky P ; Ernst K ; Welch C ; Rosenberg MR ; Sackner RK ; Sackner MA., 2000
This was a memorial exhibition for David Cole (1939-2000). -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
[Letter to Jean-Paul Curtay] / Brown, Jean; Truck F; Cole D; Zelevansky P., 1982
Describes visit from Fred Truck, Paul Zelevansky and David Cole. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
'Lo Marvin / Cole, David; Zelevansky P; Erickson R., 1979
Cole writes "Nice to hear there is a collector of concrete and visual poetry!" -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
MC: Art, Money and Power. No.2 / David Cole, Paul Zelevansky, editors ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; Higgins EF-III ; CrackerJackKid ; Crozier R ; Rosenberg MR ; Cole D ; Saunders J ; Frank P ; Kostelanetz R ; Lebel R ; Essary L ; Korn H ; Hines K ; Curtay JP ; Spiegelman L ; Kasper M ; Gerlovin V ; Gerlovina R ; Melnicove M ; Gaglione B ; Bakhchanyan V ; Coleman AD ; Allen B ; Lebel R ; Bakhchanyan V., 1982
The page layout consists of grids of small panels containing the contributions of individual artists/poets. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
MC: News and Propaganda. No.3 / David Cole, Paul Zelevansky, editors ; Zelevansky L ; Furnival J ; Helmes S ; Essary L ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; Korn H ; Crozier R ; Lipman J ; Spector B ; Truck F ; Lyssiotis P ; Cole D ; Porter B ; Ernst KS ; Curtay JP ; Nechvatal J ; Dencker KP ; Groh K ; Kempton K ; Kasper M ; Coleman AD ; Anderson H ; Ascher S ; Straus DL ; Hendricks J ; Toche J ; Dencker KP ; Evans J ; Zelevansky L., 1982
The page layout consists of grids of small panels containing the contributions of individual artists/poets -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
MC. Proposal / David Cole ; Paul Zelevansky., 1981
MC: The Responsibility of the Artist in Contemporary Society. No.1 / David Cole, Paul Zelevansky, editors ; Saunders J ; Schneemann C ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; Cole D ; Frank P ; Helmes S ; Spiegelman L ; Crozier R ; Allen B ; Barnett P ; Dencker KP ; Porter B ; Coleman AD., 1981
Monkey & Man / Zelevansky, Paul., 1992
Offset: A Survey of Artists' Books / Gary Richman, curator ; Zelevansky P ; Truck F ; Stetser C ; Smith A ; Saffren H ; Rutkovsky P ; Padin C ; Osborn K ; Neaderland L ; Nannucci M ; Logemann J ; Lehrer W ; Lederman SB ; Higgins D ; Gerlovina R ; Finlay IH ; Bennett JM ; Carothers M ; Acker K ; Antin E ; Baldessari J ; Baroni V ; Szombathy B ; Barton CJ ; Berger P ; Beube D ; Chast R ; Colp N ; Cumming R ; Denes A ; Downsborough P ; Fekner J ; Gerlovin V ; Glier M ; Gordon B ; Haacke H ; Hendricks G ; Holzer J ; Hompson DD ; Kasper M ; Horovitz S ; Knowles A ; King S ; Kostelanetz R ; Lederman SB ; Lerner S ; Levine L ; Levy J ; LeWitt S ; Lyons J ; Metz M ; Milliken DP ; Montano L ; Pfeiffer W ; Richman G ; Rini D ; Rosen A ; Rosler M ; Rothenberg E ; Rowe W ; Rubini G ; Samaras L ; Shaw K ; Shaw J ; Smith K ; Smith M ; Spera S ; Stokes T ; Terrades S ; Weil S ; Zucker J ; Zweig J ; Adlers B ; Bakhchanyan V ; Bennett JM ; Benes BL ; Burke B ; Carruthers M ; Celender D ; Cha T ; Christmastree L ; Drescher H ; Echevarria-Myers JA ; Finlay IH ; Frangione N ; General Idea ; Haynes R ; Higgins D ; Hiller S ; Huisman H ; Lloyd G ; Maciunas G ; Molnar V ; Pittore-Eurifico C ; Rickaby T ; Ridell T ; Robson E ; Rosenberg MR ; Secunda A ; Snow M ; Weiner L ; Zweig J., 1984
The Sackner Archive is listed as a resource. Several books which were exhibited are held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Parallel Lives: Artists' Books and Photography / Rice, Shelley; Zelevansky P; Higgins D., 1985
Article is adapted from author's presentation at the Artists' Books Conference, Boston 1985. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Additional filters:
- Type
- Archival Object 28
- Collection 1
- Subject
- Artist book (citation) 6
- Visual/verbal 6
- Experimental fiction 5
- Correspondence art 4
- Artist book 3
- Critical text 3
- Stamp art 3
- Visual poetry 3
- Calligraphic text 2
- Political poetry 2
- Visual art 2
- 20th century 1
- Aphorism 1
- Artists 1
- Assembling 1
- Biography 1
- Cancelled text 1
- Concrete poetry 1
- Conventional fiction 1
- Documentation 1
- Illustrated book (limited edition) 1
- Mail art 1
- Manifesto 1
- Neo-Dada 1
- Picture poetry 1
- Reference text 1 + ∧ less