Box 2
Contains 83 Results:
Stone, Graham, comp. Australian Science Fiction Index 1925-1967. Canberra City: Australian Science Fiction Association, circa 1968
Item — Box: 2
Other: circa 1968
Viggiano, Michael & Donald Franson. Science Fiction Title Changes, a guide to the changing titles of science fiction and fantasy stories in magazines and books. [Seattle]: National Fantasy Fan Federation. Two copies., 1965
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1965
Watts, Eric L., ed. The 1989 New Moon Directory. Atlanta: Eric L. Watts. Number Two. List of APA groups and zines., 1989
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1989
Watts, Eric L., ed. The 1990 New Moon Directory. Atlanta: Eric L. Watts. Number Three, 1990
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1990
Watts, Eric L., ed. The 1991 New Moon Directory. Atlanta: Eric L. Watts. Number Four, 1991
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1991
Booksellers Catalogs
Sub-Series — Box: 2
Scope and Contents
From the Collection:
This collection contains many thousands of individual fanzines and pieces of fanzines, amassed by Horvat over the decades. The fanzines in the collection deal mostly with science fiction and related subjects, although there are zines on other genre topics, such as mysteries. The collection chronicles the evolution, growth and development of science fiction fandom from its early organization in the 1920s through the various iterations of fandom that occurred over the subsequent decades. Together the materials in the Horvat collection document the history of SF fandom over the course of its first century of life.
In physical terms, the number of individual items represented here is on the order of 15,000-20000 pieces.
Information is generally entered: Title (Place of Publication) editor(s). Issue number (date of publication).
ALS = autograph letter signed; TLS = typed letter signed.
Bibliographies, lists, booksellers catalogs, and similar...
Crabapple Bookshop. Science Fiction Pulps. #6. Tangent, OR, 1972 July
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1972 July
Dorn Island Books. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Detective, and Other Oddments as Strike My Fancy. Seattle, WA, undated
Item — Box: 2
Other: undated
Dunn & Powell Books. Catalogue Forty-two. Bar Harbor, ME, undated
Item — Box: 2
Other: undated
Dunn & Powell Books. Catalogue Forty-three. Bar Harbor, ME, undated
Item — Box: 2
Other: undated
Paul Maita, Bookseller. Science Fiction / Fantasy / Horror. #3. Elk Grove Village, IL, 1991
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1991
Ralph Spurrier Post Mortem Books. #63. Hassocks, England., undated
Item — Box: 2
Other: undated
Ted Fraser’s Book bin Limited. 1972-1973 Catalogue. Vancouver, BC, 1973 April
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1973 April
Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore. Mail-order Catalog. Minneapolis, MN, 1975 July
Item — Box: 2
Other: 1975 July