GLOUP: The Gloucestershire Group of Concrete and Visual Poets (incorporating the Gloster Ode Construction & Supply Co. Ltd.) / Moxham, Bernard, editor ; Furnival A ; Furnival J ; Cox K ; Houedard DS ; Verey C ; Clark TA., 2013
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Scope and Contents
Box is labeled Bernard Moxham. In his forward Bernard Moxham writes, "Bob Cobbing issued a folder of visual poetry in 1974 entitled GLOUP and WOUP that featrued three artists living near Nailsworth in Gloucestershire: dom Sylvester Houedard, John Furnival and Kenelm Cox. GLOUP stood for GLOUcestershire grouP and included artists/poets who had diverse styles and ideas but who nevertheless coalesced in terms of their admiration for each others work..Although GLOUP existed for only a short period of time (John Furnival isadmant that it never really existed at all), now added to the original three members for this book are Astrid Furnival, Charles Verey and Thomas A Clark." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
- Creation: 2013
- Moxham, B. J. (Person)
0 See container summary (1 hard cover book (154 pages)) ; 21 x 27.3 x 1.7 cm
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Physical Location
box shelf second bedroom alcove
Custodial History
The Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, on loan from Ruth and Marvin A. Sackner and the Sackner Family Partnership.
Published: Nailsworth, England : Openings-Closing Press. Signed by: Bernard Moxham (t.c.- colophone). Nationality of creator: British. General: About 50 total copies. About 11 number copy. General: Added by: RUTH; updated by: MARVIN.
Genre / Form
Repository Details
Part of the The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry Repository
125 W. Washington St.
Main Library
Iowa City Iowa 52242 United States