Showing Collections: 241 - 260 of 3295
Ben F. Jensen Papers
U.S. Representative from Iowa. Correspondence, subject files, legislative records, and speeches relating to his career in the Congress.
Ben Henry Papers
Labor official in Iowa. Correspondences, appointment books, clippings and local union files.
Benita Allen papers
Russian immigrant recalls her childhood in Russia during World War I and the 1917 revolution.
Benjamin H. Gavitt Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author’s Manuscript Collection, MsC0869. Half sized document box (1 sheaf).
Bergus Zine Collection
Zines collected by Nick and Laura Bergus documenting avant garde and popular music in the 1980s and 1990s.
Bern Boyle Papers
This collection is made up of correspondences and postcards of Bern Boyle.
Bernadine Solberg papers
Engineering clerk, weaver, photographer, and traveler from Boone, Iowa.
Bernard L. Kaplan Papers
Bernice Larson Boyum papers
Ellsworth, Iowa, woman who served in World War II.
Bernice Leary papers
Educator, author, collector of children's books.
Bernice Zimmer papers
Bernt Olaf Wolden Papers
Naturalist. Correspondence and notebooks of nature observations.
Bertha Hedges papers
A talented seamstress and milliner, Bertha Gotter Hedges was born in Greene County, Iowa, in 1887.
Bertha Korn Tucker papers
Writer and life-long student who was active in the Sisterhood (Jewish aid society) at the Beth El Jacob Synagogue in Des Moines and Hadassah, a national organization aiding disadvantaged Jews, primarily children.
Bess Aldrich Papers
Bess Aldrich papers
Twentieth-century writer.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Bess G. Bissell Papers
There are no contents, the information for this collection has been moved to the Iowa Author's Manuscript Collection, MsC0869.
Bess Newcomer papers
Appanoose County farmwoman, columnist, and Farm Bureau officer.
Bessie Wilkerson papers
Former seamstress and long-time resident of Fort Madison, Iowa.
One folder, shelved in SCVF.
Best Ever Club (Percival, Iowa) records
A women's study club in Percival, Iowa that was founded in 1922.