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Experimental fiction

Subject Source: Sackner Database

Found in 564 Collections and/or Records:

J: An Apparition of the Late J. Suppl.1 / Jack Spicer., 1960

Identifier: CC-32111-33649
Scope and Contents

The cover design is a made-up map. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1960

Julia Oder Der Gemalde / Schmidt, Arno., 1983

Identifier: CC-43045-45091
Scope and Contents

This book is printed in the form of the writer's corrected typewritten manuscript. The three unbound photocopied pages within the insert depict handwritten pages by Schmidt for this book. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1983

Karen Rhymer writing as Eve Rhymer: Legendary, Lexical, Loquacious Love / Alatalo, Sally., 1996

Identifier: CC-29868-31255
Scope and Contents

The author is Sally Alatolo who is not identified as the author. Each chapter, in alphabetical order, contains repetitive lists of words beginning with the chapter letter that might be found in a pulp romance novel. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1996

La disparition, 1983

Identifier: CC-58914-51772
Scope and Contents

It should be noted that Ernest Vincent Wright in the novel "Gadsby" also wrote a novel without the letter 'e' in 1939. This copy is a reprint of the original novel first printed in 1969. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1983

La Prairie des Eveils, 1986

Identifier: CC-22384-22807
Scope and Contents

The text of this book was written by Butor and the etchings made by Qotbi. This deluxe edition includes additional suite of five etchings by Qotbi on Japon paper, each signed and numbered 5/10. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1986

La Vie Mode d'Imploi / Perec, Georges., 1978

Identifier: CC-31965-33493
Scope and Contents

This is a second printing of the first edition of the novel, "Life: A User's Manual," as translated into English by David Bellos, a version also held by the Sackner Archive. The novel was the winner of the Medicis Prize (1978). It was printed on November 27, 1978 whereas the first printing took place August 25, 1978. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1978

Lanark: A Life in 4 Books, 1985

Identifier: CC-31798-33316
Scope and Contents This is the first American edition of the novel originally published by Canongate Publishing in England in 1981. The visionary drawings reproduced in this book were made by Gray. Andrew Crumey WEB 1999 wrote the following. "Alasdair Gray was born on 28 December 1934 in Glasgow, and trained as a painter at the Glasgow School Of Art. He worked as an art teacher, muralist and theatrical scene painter (experiences which are reflected in novels such as "Lanark" and "1982, Janine"), and his illustrations for his own books (as well as his bold use of typography) form a crucial part of their unique appeal. In the early seventies, Gray attended an informal writers' group run by Philip Hobsbaum, along with James Kelman, Tom Leonard, Liz Lochhead, Agnes Owens and others. Work would be photocopied and distributed in advance for the group to discuss and criticise. Gray had already been working on "Lanark" since the fifties, and found Kelman's advice particularly helpful. The novel was finished...
Dates: 1985

Larva: Midsummer Night's Babel / Rios, Julian ; Richard Alan Francis, translator ; Suzanne Jill Levine, translator., 1990

Identifier: CC-46342-49066
Scope and Contents This great novel of language "demonstrates, through its faultless rigor and prodigious capacity for linguistic invention, that the routes of Sterne and Joyce, Rabelais ad Celine, Cabrera Infante and Sarduy are in fact perfectly usable." Severo Sarduy writes,"the myth of Don Juan could be the background o Larva in a swirl of eloquent masks.First published in Spain in 1983 and proclaimed "an instant postmodern classic, without a doubt the most disturbingly original Spanish prose of the century" (Encyclopedia Britannica 1985 Book of the Year), Larva is a rollicking account of a masquerade party in an abandoned mansion in London. Milalias (disguised as Don Juan) searches for Babelle (as Sleeping Beauty) though a linguistic fun house of polylingual puns and wordplay recalling Joyce's "Finnegans Wake." A mock-scholarly commentary reveals the backgrounds of the masked revelers, while Ríos's punning and allusive language shows that words too wear masks, hiding an astonishing range of...
Dates: 1990

Le Dernier Roman du Monde / Chopin, Henri; Hausmann R; Bertini G; Albert-Birot P., 1970

Identifier: CC-18966-19345
Scope and Contents

This is the deluxe edition of the book printed on Holland paper. The pamphlets are subscription forms. The novel is illustrated with a large number of typewriter poems. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1970

Le Train de Nulle Part / Thaler, Michel ; Breton A ; Aragon L., 2004

Identifier: CC-42677-44695
Scope and Contents

This book written without any verbs relies heavily on exclamation points, dashes and question marks. Michel Thaler is the non de plume for Michel Dansel. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 2004

Lens / Kuenstler, Frank., 1964

Identifier: CC-45934-48636
Scope and Contents Frank Kuenstler 1928-1996 a beat poet whose obituary was wrtten by Charles Bernstein: Poet and film maker Frank Kuenstler died on August 11, 1996. A short obituary appeared in The New York Times on August 31. "...Frank Kuenster's first book Lens. Lens's brilliantly iconoclastic and cosmic compression of syntax and lexicon ranks Kuenstler with such pioneers of Zaum (Khlebnikov's word for pervasively neologistic poetry) as Gillespie, Melnick, and Inman. LENS remains, for me, Kuenstler's great work. It is composed, basically, of two-word pairs joined by a period (though a period follows every word pair as well); though sometimes phrases stand in for single words. It is flush right, with hyphens noting split words. It runs 92 pages and is dated at the end: 1952-1964. Here is the opening of LENS: mm.Pris. metier.AAA. prime.Airies. numbers.Racquet. comma.Dei. rr.1919. peru.Ruse. glen.A. ggg.Ire. leapfrog.Mick. creme.Nail. game.Ble. flame- Bouyant. f.Rose. not.Ice. door.I. nigh.Eve....
Dates: 1964

Les Espaces Glissants / Gendron, Marc., 1982

Identifier: CC-42760-44799
Scope and Contents

The first section of this novel (36 pages) is composed without punctuation marks - only exaggerated spaces. The next section (42 pages) is written with no capital letters and only periods. The third section (39 pages) is presented with various marks, /, +,*- but no periods or commas. In the fourth section (40 pages), astericks, run on words, commas and lists are present but no periods. The final section (47 pages) has + % and other signs wothout periods and commas. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.

Dates: 1982

Les Yeux CIII CXXV, 1976

Identifier: CC-62392-47524
Scope and Contents The silkscreen print was done by Jean Dubuffet and the aquatints by Parant. The latter consist of two prints side by side on folded paper. The Parant prints are composed with small handdrawn 'o's equivalent to eyes. A critique of this book translated from French to English was found on the internet. "And this text enjoys without end, the words are tightened there as the hands are tightened to cherish and embrace the night: the signs are coupled with the collectable one to press the curves of the ground as the touching members link themselves with the reliefs of the darkness to dig the matter and to enjoy in its centre. It is the joy of the closed eyes, the deployment of the fingers in love with the invisible one. The words are tightened there as the eyes are tightened to link one the other and to be linked with the light: the signs are coupled between them and are projected in the fire of the sun as the members indicators amalgamate with the source of the glance so that is born the...
Dates: 1976