Higgins, Dick, 1938-1998
Found in 209 Collections and/or Records:
1: Kunstlerbucher, Schriften von Kunstlern / Bisson-Millet, Paule-Leon ; Higgins D ; Roth D ; MacLow J ; Mayer HJ ; Bory JF ; Gomringer E ; Williams E ; Ulrichs T ; Nannucci M ; Gette PA ; Chopin H ; Finlay IH., 1992
A Book About Love & War & Death, 1972
A Dialectic Of Centuries 2nd Edition / Higgins, Dick ; Acconci V ; Klintberg B ; Arp H ; Ashbery J ; Ay-O ; Ball H ; Barthes R ; Beckett S ; Bense M ; Brecht G ; Bremer C ; Burroughs WS ; Cage J ; Chopin H ; Corner P ; Creeley R ; cummings ee ; DeCampos A ; DeCampos H ; Duchamp M ; Elmslie K ; Ernst M ; Filliou R ; Finlay IH ; Flynt H ; Gaul W ; Gillespie AL ; Glass P ; Gomringer E ; Gysin B ; Hanson A ; Hausmann R ; Heartfeld J ; Heidsieck B ; Herman J ; Herbert G ; Higgins D ; Ionesco E ; Ives N ; Jacob M ; Jarry A ; Johnson R ; Joyce J ; Kaprow A ; Knowles A ; Klein Y ; Kosugi T ; Lamantia P ; Lax R ; levy da ; Lebel JJ ; Lichtenstein R ; LeWitt S ; Lissitzky E ; Maciunas G ; MacLow J ; Mallarme S ; Mayakovsky V ; McLuhan M ; Mayer HJ ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Mon F ; Morgenstern C ; Niikuni S ; Ono Y ; Paik NJ ; Patterson B ; Phillips MJ ; Pignatari D ; Ponge F ; Pound E ; Rauschenberg R ; Reich S ; Rimbaud A ; Roth D ; Rothenberg J ; Ruhm G ; Saroyan A ; Schmit T ; Schwitters K ; Shiomi C ; Smithson R ; Solt ME ; Spoerri D ; Stein G ; Stockhausen K ; Topor R ; Vostell W ; Warhol A ; Watts B ; Williams E ; Noel A ; Williams J ; Wittgenstein L ; Wolff C ; Yeats W ; Young L., 1978
The chapters consist of the following: 1). The post-cognitive era: looking for the sense in it all. 2). Five traditions of art history. 3). Intermedia. 4). Some poetry intermedia. 5). Games of art. 6). Exemplative works of art. 7). Intending. 8). Against movements. 9). Boredom and danger. 9). Structural researches. 10). Seen, heard and understood. 11). Towards an allusive referential. 12). Blank images. 13). Innovation. 14). Inventing our back pages. 15). Styles in cognitivism. 16). A something else manifesto. 17). On doing too much. 18). About Bern Porter and his 'I've left'. 19). Why Gertrude Stein. 20). Getting into Emmett William's poetry. 21). Conceptual forks. 22). A commentary by the poet on 'conceptual forks'. 23). An exemplativist manifesto. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
A Line From 1970-1990 / Ruch, Gunther ; Higgins D ; Nomads., 1987
A Primer of Happenings & Time/Space Art, 1965
This book was written by Hansen as a first-hand account of the Happenings of the 1960's and documents these now historic performances with photographs by Peter Moore. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Abacus: Stone unto Stones. No.103/Jan / Dick Higgins., 1997
This poem is a retelling of an old testament biblical text. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
About the Brown Paintings / Higgins, Dick., 1990
American Book Collector. No.1/Jan / Higgins D., 1987
Americans In Print / Higgins D ; Carothers M ; VanHorn E ; VanHouten K ; King S ; Kostelanetz R ; Kyle H ; McCarney S ; McGrath J ; Osborn K ; Zelevansky P ; Gomez M ; Hamady W ; Scobey P ; Tetenbaum B., 1989
An Introduction to Book of the Tumbler on Fire , 1978
Edited by Henry Martin. "This Sentence is Weightless," a multiple held by the Sackner Archive is reproduced on page 60. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Anarchy Goes Multimedia / Boker, Judith; Knizak M; Lemaitre M; Higgins D., 1980
AQ: How We Met or a Mocrodemystification. No.16 / Silke Pauli, Herve Wurz, editors ; Moore P ; Ay-O ; Ben ; Brecht G ; Filliou R ; Higgins D ; Maciunas G ; Saito T ; Spoerri D ; Watts R ; Williams E ; Shiomi M., 1977
Peter Moore's photograph appears on the cover. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art Contemporain 10-5155-20: Verbe et image: poesie visuelle. No.5 / Dick Higgins, Karl Kempton, editors ; Dencker KP ; deAraujo A ; Broudy H ; Bruscky P ; Buchwalder E ; Cross D ; curry jw ; Egyedi B ; Essary L ; Fontana G ; Helmes S ; Higgins D ; Mukai S ; Petasz P ; Wolf-Rehfeldt R ; Yamanaka R ; Yoshizawa S ; Zelevansky P., 1983
This issue depicts superb examples of visual and concrete poems drawn from around the world. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Art Without Boundaries: 1950-70 / Woods, Gerald, editor ; Thompson, Philip, editor ; Williams, John, editor ; LeWitt S ; Boyle M ; Cobbing B ; Roth D ; Higgins D ; Houedard DS ; Oldenburg C ; Gaul W ; Bass S ; Carmi E ; Folon ; Hamilton R ; Kriwet F ; Massin R ; Mayer HJ ; Rand P ; Rauschenberg R ; Themerson F ; Themerson S ; Tschichold J ; Wright E ; Cage J ; Chermayeff I ; Fletcher A ; Ionesco E ; Schmidt P., 1972
This book is reviewed by Adrian Shaughnessy in eye Vol.13 no.50, 2003. Its aim was to show that graphic design and fine art blend as one. In the review, Shaugnessy points out that in the 21st century, the disciplines are growing apart due to commercial art galleries that need to distinguish the two to maintain business. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook / Lyons, Joan, editor ; Higgins D ; Kostelanetz R ; Carrion U ; Moore B ; Hendricks J ; Phillpot C ; Davids B ; Morgan R ; Ehrenberg F ; Duchamp M ; Phillips T ; Mallarme S ; Drucker J ; Brecht G ; Porter B ; Ford CH ; Lehrer W ; Bernstein D ; Gins M ; Zweig J ; Weil S ; Vaughn-James M ; Smith K ; Zimmerman P ; King S ; Smith M ; Gilbert S ; Rutkovsky P ; Rice S ; Garnet E ; Nonas R ; Applebroog I ; Fish M ; Kirby M ; Spera S ; Horovitz S ; Holzer J ; Nonas R ; Kruger B ; Gordon B ; Zelevansky P ; Ruscha E ; Roth D ; Paolozzi E ; Warhol A ; LeWitt S ; Weiner L ; Long R ; Baldessari J ; Hompson DD ; Stokes T ; Douglas H ; Osborn K ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Marinetti FT ; Cendrars B ; Leger F ; Schwitters K ; Blake W ; Butler F ; Lara M ; Snow M ; Kaprow A ; Downsborough P ; Bakhchanyan V ; Marcus A., 1985
The Sackner Archive is listed as resource of Artists' Books Collections. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Artists' Books: A Critical Anthology and Sourcebook / Lyons, Joan, editor ; Higgins D ; Kostelanetz R ; Carrion U ; Moore B ; Hendricks J ; Phillpot C ; Davids B ; Morgan R ; Ehrenberg F ; Duchamp M ; Phillips T ; Mallarme S ; Drucker J ; Brecht G ; Porter B ; Ford CH ; Lehrer W ; Bernstein D ; Gins M ; Zweig J ; Weil S ; Vaughn-James M ; Smith K ; Zimmerman P ; King S ; Smith M ; Gilbert S ; Rutkovsky P ; Rice S ; Garnet E ; Nonas R ; Applebroog I ; Fish M ; Kirby M ; Spera S ; Horovitz S ; Holzer J ; Nonas R ; Kruger B ; Gordon B ; Zelevansky P ; Ruscha E ; Roth D ; Paolozzi E ; Warhol A ; LeWitt S ; Weiner L ; Long R ; Baldessari J ; Hompson DD ; Stokes T ; Douglas H ; Osborn K ; Moholy-Nagy L ; Marinetti FT ; Cendrars B ; Leger F ; Schwitters K ; Blake W ; Butler F ; Lara M ; Snow M ; Kaprow A ; Downsborough P ; Bakhchanyan V ; Marcus A., 1985
The Sackner Archive is listed as resource of Artists' Books Collections. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Artists Books: A Critical Survey of the Literature / Klima, Stefan ; Drucker J ; Higgins D ; Lyons J ; Phillpot C ; Lippard L ; Carrion U ; Celant G., 1998
This book consists of five essays on artists books with extensive footnotes and a detailed bibiliography. Lucy Lippard is quoted on Artist Books as "not books about art, or on artists, but books as art. They can be all words, all images, or combinations thereof. At best they are a lively hybrid of exhibition, narrative, and object." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.