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RG02. Student Life

 Record Group
Identifier: RG02
<span class="style1">Includes: student government, clubs and organizations, Phi Beta Kappa, newspapers, and yearbooks</span>

Found in 62 Collections and/or Records:

Sophomore Cotillion Records

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: RG02.0008.005
Dates: -

Collegiate Associations Council Records

Identifier: RG02.0007.002
Dates: -

Associated Residence Halls Records

Identifier: RG02.0007.003
Dates: -

Freshman Party Committee Records

Identifier: RG02.0008.001
Dates: -

Military Ball Committee Records

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: RG02.0008.003
Dates: -

Mary Ingram dance card collection

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: RG02.0004.002
Scope and Contents

Over 70 dance cards and other items, 1922-1934

Dates: 1922 - 1934

Refocus Records

Identifier: RG02.0003.026
Scope and Contents

Refocus was founded in 1965 as a joint student-faculty-staff project coordinated initially by the Iowa Memorial Union Board Films Area and, later, funded by UI Student Government.

The Refocus collection in the Archives (RG02.0003.026) includes 6.0 lin. ft. of material from 1965 to 1979, mainly correspondence, programs, and sample posters. The collection is not processed but is open for research. We also have two folders, mostly of newspaper clippings, in our student clubs and organizations vertical file (RG01.0015.004). There is no evidence of any Refocus activity after 1979.

Dates: 1965-1979

Billy Mitchell Squadron Angel Flight, UI Chapter

Identifier: RG02.0002.009
Scope and Contents

The chapter was founded in 1962 as a women's military support organization. The collection consists of one scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, photographs, newsletters and other material.

Dates: -

Iowa Medical Partners

Identifier: RG02.0002.010
Dates: 1945-2003

Sigma Lambda Beta records

Identifier: RG02.0003.044
Scope and Contents

The Sigma Lambda Beta Records include administrative documents, meeting notes and agendas from organizational events, newspapers and magazines that featured the fraternity, various documents from affiliated chapters of Sigma Lambda Beta, photographs of members, and artifacts. The majority of these records contain materials pertaining to the greater international organization of Sigma Lambda Beta and documents from affiliated organizations. Documents in the collection pertaining directly to the University of Iowa include original member certificates, news coverage of the University of Iowa chapter, various administrative documents, and photographs from the fraternity's founding in 1986 to 2011.

Dates: 1986 - 2011

Students Against Sweatshops Records

 Collection — Box 1
Identifier: RG02.0006.006
Dates: -

Stephen Lynn Smith Papers

Identifier: RG02.0009.032

State University of Iowa alumnus and activist.

Dates: 1964-2016

Dr. Anthony Ferguson National Pan-Hellenic Council Records

Identifier: RG02.0003.056
Scope and Contents

This collection is comprised of materials related to the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Fraternities and Sororities on the University of Iowa campus. This collection is growing to represent our six active Black fraternities and sororities.

Dates: 2010 - 2022

Phi Gamma Nu, Delta chapter, scrapbooks

 Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG02.0003.047
Dates: 1951 - 1972

Janet Pease papers

Identifier: RG02.0009.037

SUI freshman history honor student living in Burge Hall in 1962. Photographs of typical dorm life and clippings, as well as course notes and correspondence to a friend during graduate student years and while teaching history at the high school level in Colorado.

Dates: 1962 - 1973

Bijou Theater Records

Identifier: RG02.0002.007
Scope and Contents

The Records of the Bijou Theater span 1972 to the present and consist of three series: Film Titles, Film Festivals and Compilations, and Calendars and Posters. The Film Titles series, the largest series in the collection, includes promotional fliers, press releases, photographs, scheduling information and other data about the respective film and is arranged alphabetically by film title. The Film Festivals and Compilations series includes similar information pertaining to special events featuring multiple titles. The Calendars and Posters series is arranged chronologically by year.

Dates: 1972-

Student Produced Directories Collection

Identifier: RG02.0013.001
Scope and Contents

The Student-Produced Directories Collection consists of specialized directories produced by student organizations that were intended to supplement the University-sponsored directories, or herd books. The official university directories are maintained in a separate collection in RG 01.

Dates: 1900-1970

University of Iowa fraternities and sororities collection

Identifier: RG02.0003.017
Scope and Contents

General records of fraternities and sororities.

Dates: -

Athletics Film Collection

Identifier: RG30.0005.002
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of film reels of different University of Iowa sports throughout the 1900s. The sports covered in this collection consist of football, basketball, and wrestling, with football making up the majority of the collection. The films cover overviews of many of the sports games, game highlights, and a few of the films highlight students and coaches who were prominent at the University of Iowa.

Dates: 1938 - 1982

Antiwar petitions collection

Identifier: RG02.0006.002
Scope and Contents

Antiwar petitions; many signed in blood. The material is undated but likely from sometime during the 1967-68 academic year, as the addresses of two signers match that year's staff/student directory. Likely during fall 1967 when Dow Chemical was target of protest over manufacture of napalm used in the war in Vietnam.

Dates: approximately Fall 1967