Graphic design
Found in 483 Collections and/or Records:
Emigre: Broadcast. No.28/Fall / Rudy VanderLans, editor., 1993
Emigre: Cranbrook Academy/Dutch Design Special Issue. No.10 / Rudy VanderLans, editor., 1988
This issue was edited and designed by graduate students at Cranbrook Academy of Art during the early years of Katherine McCoy's tenure. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: David Carson. No.27/Sum / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; Carson D., 1993
The theme of this issue is documentation of the design and layout of the alternative rock magazine," Ray Gun" through an interview with its graphic designer, David Carson. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Economy of Means. No.59/Sum / Fake I.D., editor ; Licka S ; Poynor R., 2001
Chris Riley contributes an in depth essay 'Sustainable Consumerism" in which he analyzes the brand as a business idea and the notion of cultural influence in advertising. Rick Poyner writes about reaction to the design manifesto of 1999 in his essay "First Things First." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Everyone Is a Designer! Manifest for the Design Economy. No.58/Spr / Geert Lovink, Mieka Gerritzen, editors., 2001
This issue is sub-titled "100 Tips for a Design Economy" and is a collection of slogans, comments, maxims and glossaries. There are several negative comments about current design and WEB site design practices expressed in bold colored poster-like pages. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Graphic Design Incl.. No.53/Win / Rudy VanderLans, editor., 2000
The theme of this issue is advertising. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Heritage. No.14 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R ; Greiman A., 1990
For this issue Emigre travelled to Switzerland to discuss graphic design, culture and tradition with the old and new garde of Swiss design. Featuring an introduction by Wolfgang Weingart, and interviews with Richard Feurer (Eclat), Hans-Rudolf Lutz, Polly Bertram, Daniel Volkart, Hamish Muir (8vo) and others. Includes 24 page insert designed and produced in Zurich, Switzerland. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Joint Venture. No.37 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R., 1996
According to its editors, this issue is devoted to "collaboration, writing, intellectual property, entrepreneurialism, poetry, authorship, self-publication, reading and everything else that design is made of." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre Music Sampler. No.2., 1993
This consists of thirteen records of rock and new age music released to coincide with Emigre's tenth anniversary. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Neo-Mania. No.24 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R., 1992
Documents the concept behind the alternative rock magazine, Ray Gun, through an interview with its editorial director, Neil Feineman. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: Raising Voices. No.31 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R., 1994
This issue is devoted to graphic design education. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: The Authentic Issue. No.38 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R., 1996
Emigre: The Designer's Republic. No.29/Win / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R., 1994
This issue according to Emigre "features an overview of the work of Sheffield - based The Designers Republic, and a lengthy interview with founder Ian Anderson. This is perhaps Emigre's most sought after issue. Includes a special 12 page insert (calendar) specially designed by TDR for this issue of Emigre." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: The Emigre Legacy: 16 Years of Graphic Design Production. No.56/Fall / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R., 2000
Emigre: The Next Phase: Where Design and Music Intersect; Honey Barbara's I-10 & W Ave. No.60/Fall / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; McCoy K ; Nakamura R ; VanderLans R ; Kalman T ; Kisman M., 2001
This issue includes the lyrics of the included CD by Honey Barbara. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Emigre: thinkinkkinkink. No.50 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; Crisp DG., 1999
Emigre: Various Travel Accounts. No.7 / Rudy VanderLans, editor ; VanderLans R ; King S ; Iger A ; Kerouac J ; Stein G., 1987
Everything Reverberates: Thoughts on Design / Chronicle Books, editor ; Ball H ; Bass S ; Brody N ; Butler F ; Carson D ; Chermayeff I ; Glaser M ; Greiman A ; Heller S ; Kruger B ; Licko Z ; Lissitzky E ; Lupton E ; Lustig A ; Malevich K ; McCoy K ; Michals D ; Rand P ; Schwitters K ; VanderLans R ; Zwart P ; Henri, Robert ; Fletcher A ; Mok C ; Tschichold J ; Lutz HR., 1998
Insight, inspiration, and wit from over one hundred designers, artists, and other relevant thinkers about the art, craft, process, business, and controversy of design. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Eye. No.13/Sum / Sutnar L., 1994
Includes a critical essay on the American work of Ladislav Sutnar, the Czech graphic designer. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Eye. No.17/Sum / Saville P ; Heller S ; Cohen EL., 1995
Includes interview of Peter Saville, a graphic designer specializing in record covers. Heller contributes an essay dealing with "Advertising: Mother of Graphic Design." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.