Isou, Isidore, 1925-2007
- Existence: 19250131 - 20070728
Romanian (born), French (based)
Found in 254 Collections and/or Records:
Lettrisme: Les Bases De La Culture Scolaire Ou Intgrduction A La Kladologie. No.6/Jun / Isidore Isou., 1972
Lettrisme: Les Creations du Lettrisme. No.1?/Jan / Isidore Isou., 1972
This work concludes with the statement "Naturally, the lettristes are always at the avant-garde of the avant-garde." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lettrisme: Les Debuts 1944/1966 / Isou I ; Pomerand G ; Lemaitre M ; Sabatier R ; Satie A., 1987
The cover of this catalogue depicts a lettrist drawing by Isou dated 1944. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lettrisme: Les Veritables Createurs Et Les Falsifacateurs De Dada Du Surrealisme Et Du Lettrisme 1965-1973 [Deluxe Edition]. No.16-19/Apr-Jul / Isidore Isou ; Maurice Lemaitre., 1973
The drawing by Lemaitre is located on a blank page near the title page and is not called for in the colophon. his deluxe copy with a tirage of 25 was printed on velin d'Arches paper. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lettrisme: Les Veritables Createurs Et Les Falsificateurs De Dada Du Surrealisms Et Du Lettrisme (1965-1973). No.16-19/Apr-Jul / Isidore Isou., 1973
Lettrisme: Les Veritables Createurs et les Falsifications de Dada, du Surrealisme et du Lettrisme (1965-1973). No.16-19/Apr-Jul / Isidore Isou ; Maurice Lemaitre ; Lemaitre M ; Khlebnikov V ; Ball H ; Albert-Birot P ; Artaud A ; Schwitters K ; Hausmann R ; Hugnet G ; Richter H., 1973
The front cover of this periodical with uncut pages has a collaged green arrow with "dessin lettriste" written in white paint signed "lemaitre 73." This issue includes Isou's bibliography of works in poetry, music, discs, hypergraphology (painting, prose, novels science and mechanics of the methods of communication), psychopathologie and psychotherapy, philosophy, mathematics, linguistics, erotology. The critical essays are densely footnoted and contain personal references and opinions. Isou concludes that Dada was created by Tristan Tzara and Lettrisme by Isidore Isou! This deluxe copy with a tirage of 25 was printed on velin d'Arches paper. Stored in box labeled Lettrisme 1967-1973 Selective. Another 25 copies deluxe copies included a ceramic tablet carved by Lemaitre that is also held by the Sackner Archive. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lettrisme: Lettre sur la vie/Notes polyautomataique / A propos d'un spectacle. No.10/Jun / Isidore Isou ; Maurice Lemaitre., 1970
Lettrisme: Manifeste pour un nouvelle psychopathologie et une nouvelle psychotherapie. No.18-22/Feb-Jun / Isidore Isou., 1971
Lettrisme: Modeste Commentaire Sur L'Activite De M. J.- J. Gautier / Le Critique Fou. No.6/Feb / Isidore Isou ; Maurice Lemaitre., 1970
Two different issues are denoted No.6. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lettrisme No.2 / Guilde, La ; Lemaitre M ; Isou I ; Dupont A ; Sabatier R ; Satie A., 1991
Lettrisme No.3 / Guilde, La ; Lemaitre M ; Isou I., 1992
Lettrisme. No.4-6/Apr-Jun / Maurice Lemaitre ; Isidore Isou ; Lemaitre M ; Isou I., 1982
Lettrisme: Sommaire :. No.21/Sep / Maurice Lemaitre ; Isou I., 1973
Lettrisme: The Ancient Origins of an Avant-garde Movement / David Seaman, curator ; Satie A ; Roehmer W ; Isou I ; Sabatier R ; Poyet F ; Broutin GP ; Apollinaire G ; Lemaitre M ; Seaman D., 2000
David Seaman curated this exhibition and writes in his essay, "Lettrisme is a cultural school, similar to Romanticism and Surrealism, seeking to bring about an evolution of universal values through its own characteristic creations. It continues even today...We do not read these works in the literal sense, but we gather the diffuse meanings that are suggested by semantic elements such as letters, symbols, and icons." The exhibition included Lettriste sound poetry, film and hypergraphic novels. Alain Satie and Woodie Roehmer participated, the latter recreating a floating sculpture, "Aquatic Dance." -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.
Lettriste No.1 / Guilde, La ; Lemaitre M ; Russolo L ; Isou I., 1991
L'Exoordisme Plastique / Broutin, Gerard-Philippe ; Sabatier, Roland ; Isou I ; Sabatier R ; Satie A ; Hachette M ; Poyet F ; Broutin GP ; Roehmer W ; Devaux F ; Amarger M ; Caraven V ; Gillard JP ; Pourtales M ; Bouchkhachekh L., 1995
L'Exposition Lettriste, Hypergraphique, Imaginaire et Excoordiste / Isou, Isidore ; Pomerand, Gabriel ; Sabatier, Roland ; Hachette, Micheline ; Satie, Alain ; Poyet, Francois ; Broutin, Gerard-Philippe ; Roehmer, Woodie., 1995
Ligne Creatrice: Deluxe Edition: 9 films polythanasiques esthapeiristes et supertemporels (1980 - 1972). No.15/May-Jun / Isidore Isou., 1973
Print was done by Curtay. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.