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Concerning Concrete Poetry 1st Edition / Cobbing, Bob, editor ; Mayer, Peter, editor ; Houedard DS ; Phillips T ; Furnival J ; Sharkey JJ ; Gomringer E ; DeCampos A ; Edmonds T ; Kriwet F ; Trinkewitz K ; Goeritz M ; Cox K ; Voznesensky A ; Novak L ; Bory JF ; Mayer HJ ; Chopin H ; Jandl E ; Fahlstrom O ; Porphyrii PO ; Carroll L ; Albert-Birot P ; Apollinaire G ; Severini G ; Heissenbuttel H ; Dienst KP ; Dienst RG ; Honys J ; Mon F ; Niikuni S ; Wright E ; Williams E ; Werkman HN ; Burkhardt K ; Bremer C ; Valoch J ; Riddell A ; Morgan E ; Williams J ; Carrega U ; Schwitters K ; Scheerbart P ; Greenham L ; Houedard DS ; Garnier P ; Griffiths B ; Themerson S ; Hausmann R ; Heidsieck B ; Brau JL ; McClure M ; Ball H ; Dufrene F ; Azeredo R ; Roth D ; Spatola A ; Gysin B ; Kriwet F ; Novak L ; Xisto P ; Garnier I ; Saroyan A ; Belloli C ; Nichol bp ; Blaine J ; Lax R ; DeVree P ; Bann S ; Dohl R ; Hirsal J ; Grogerova B ; Furnival J ; Kitasono K ; Moineau JC ; Gosewitz L., 1978

Identifier: CC-17694-18063

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Scope and Contents

Designated Studies in Concrete Poetry No.3. Includes sections on definitions, historical statements & manifestos, as well as chronologies of concrete and sound poetry. The book was first compiled in 1971 to coincide with the Stedelijk Museum's exhibition "?Concrete Poetry" but funding could not be obtained for publication. Additions to the book were continued until its publication in 1978. This is the first edition. The chronolgy was written by Dom Sylvester Houedard, Jeremy Adler and Dick Higgins. -- Source of annotation: Marvin or Ruth Sackner.


  • Creation: 1978



0 See container summary (1 soft cover book + pages (mimeographed) (85 pages)) : illustrations ; 29.5 x 21.5 x 1.1 cm

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Physical Location

box shelf

Custodial History

The Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, on loan from Ruth and Marvin A. Sackner and the Sackner Family Partnership.


Published: London, England : Writers Forum. Nationality of creator: British. General: Updated by: MARVIN.

Repository Details

Part of the The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry Repository

125 W. Washington St.
Main Library
Iowa City Iowa 52242 United States